NPR Podcast 영어공부 단어정리 tribal 부족[종족]의 일원, 부족의, 종족의 clique 파벌, 패거리 come along 나타나다, 생기다, 도착하다,(원하는대로) 되어가다[나아지다] feel stuck 막다른 골목에 몰리다, 막힌 기분이 들다 stuck 꼼짝못하는, 갇힌[빠져나갈 수 없는] be taken over 탈취당하다, 점령당하다 cult 광신적[사이비] 종교 집단 wild story 엉뚱한 이야기, 공상적인 이야기 +) It’s a wild story. 그건 말도 안되는 소리야. take hold (…을) 장악하다[사로잡다], 대단히 강력해지다 reassurance 안심시키기, 안심시키는 말이나 행동 hinge on/upon something 전적으로 ~에 달려 있다 Iverme..
NPR Podcast CONSIDER THIS How COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories Led To A FAmily Matriachls Preventable Death matriarch (한 가문·사회 집단의) 여자 가장 -a woman who is the head of a family or tribe go through 겪다, 거쳐가다, 밟다, 뚫다 draw into ...에 끌어들이다, ...에 들어오다 paranoia 편집증, 피해망상 hoax 거짓말[장난질] farfetched 황당한, 믿기지 않는 contain (무엇의 안에 또는 그 일부로) ...이 들어[함유되어] 있다, (감정을) 억누르다[참다], 방지하다[억제하다] implant 이식하다 fall ill 병에 걸리다, 병..
NPR 팟캐스트 영어회화 NPR Podcast Life Kit North American birds are in decline. Here are 8 simple ways you can help looking out for ~을 찾으려 애쓰다 real time 실시간 patch (특히 주변과는 다른 조그만) 부분, 작은 땅, 헝겊 조각, 반창고, 헝겊을 대고 깁다 +) a patch of green 초원 steward 관리자, 행사를 돕는 간사 avid 열심인 stoked 신이난, 기쁜 be stoked 신이 난, 기쁜 reach out ~에 접촉하려 하다 bird-friendly initiative 조류 친화적 계획 initiative (특정한 문제 해결 목적 달성을 위한 새로운) 계획, 진취성, 주도권..
NPR 팟캐스트 영어회화 NPR Podcast Life Kit North American birds are in decline. Here are 8 simple ways you can help 팟캐스트 영어단어 정리 start out (특히 사업·일을) 시작하다, (특정한 의도를 가지고) 시작하다 put up ~을 (높이) 올리다 vegetation (특히 특정 지역·환경의) 초목[식물] 초목, 식물 pane 판유리 Venetian 베니스의, 베네치아의, 베네치아풍의 Venetian blind 베니션 블라인드 ready-made 이미 만들어져 나오는, 기성품의 stoop 현관 입구의 계단 median strip (고속도로의) 중앙 분리대 predator 포식자, 포식동물, 약탈자 미국영어발음꿀팁 64강-..
NPR 팟캐스트 영어회화 NPR Podcast Life Kit North American birds are in decline. Here are 8 simple ways you can help ornithology 조류학 neck of the wood 가까운 곳; 근처, 지역, 일대 migration (철새,사람등의) 이주 breed 새끼를 낳다, 번식하다.사육하다, 재배하다, 품종, 유형 breeding ground 번식지 poultry 가금류 on the spot 즉석에서, 현장에서 on the reg = regularly 정기적으로, 자주 coop 닭장, (짐승) 우리 entry point to ~에의 진입점 dire 대단히 심각한, 엄청난, 지독한 resilient 회복력이 강한 tie up 단단..
시간을 도둑맞은 기분! 데이라잇 세이빙 써머타임 시작 시간을 도둑맞은 기분! 데이라잇 세이빙 써머타임 시작 Daylight Saving? No, Daylight Stealing!!! 데이라잇 세이빙 타임 - DST(Daylight Saving Time)이 돌아왔습니다. Spring forward, Fall back! 봄에는 한 시간 잃고, 가을에는 한 시간 벌고... 시간 계산이 헷갈.. NPR Podcast Short Wave collide 충돌하다, 부딪치다 deprive 물건을 빼앗다, 권리를 허용하지 않다, 파면하다 sleep deprived 수면 부족의, 잠이 부족한 circadian (24시간을 주기로 변하는 생물체의) 생물학적 주기의 pl..
NPR Podcast Short Wave To Be DST, Or Not To Be. That Is The Question. To Be DST, Or Not To Be. That Is The Question. : Short Wave This month, the U.S. Senate unanimously approved a bill to make daylight saving time permanent. Now sleep scientists are weighing in and are suggesting the opposite — that standard time might be a better choice. Correspondent Allison Aubrey talks to host T..
It's the epic story of a family through four generations across the 20th century, all about their lives as Zainichi Koreans in Japan. In this chat, Hugh talks about what it was like to bring the beloved book to screen, what she's is doing to support Asian American creators coming up behind her, and why this story resonates with people of all backgrounds. novel by Min Jin Lee Culture Clash, Survi..
It's the epic story of a family through four generations across the 20th century, all about their lives as Zainichi Koreans in Japan. In this chat, Hugh talks about what it was like to bring the beloved book to screen, what she's is doing to support Asian American creators coming up behind her, and why this story resonates with people of all backgrounds. NPR Podcast It's been a minute Bringing "..
파친코 -이민진 장편소설과 드라마 When the novel "Pachinko" came out in 2017, my guest today didn't want to read it despite all the buzz. NPR Podcast It's been a minute Bringing "Pachinko' from page to the screen Bringing 'Pachinko' from page to the screen : It's Been a Minute Elise Hu chats with Soo Hugh, writer and showrunner of the much anticipated series Pachinko, based on the 2017 novel by Min Jin Lee. It..
NPR 팟캐스트 영어단어정리 팟캐스트 영어회화 NPR Life Kit keep ∼ at bay ~을 가까이 못 오게 하다, 저지하다 manifest (특히 감정·태도·특질을 분명히) 나타내다[드러내 보이다] =demonstrate look after oneself 자신을 돌보다 quiet down 진정시키다, 평정을 되찾다 dyad 한쌍, 이수, 두부분으로 이뤄진 것 spiral 급증하다, 급등하다, 나선형으로 움직이다 seamlessly 이음매가 없는, 균일하게 marvelous 놀라운, 믿기 어려운, 신기한, 기묘한, 훌륭한, 우수한 in a way 어느 정도는, 어떤 면에서는 prefrontal 전두엽 전부 prefrontal cortex 전액골 피질 explicit 분명한, 명백한, 터놓고 말하는..
NPR 팟캐스트 영어단어정리 팟캐스트 영어회화 NPR Life Kit disruption 분열, 중단, 붕괴, 혼란 pick up on things 알아차리다, 눈치가 있다 embed (단단히) 박다[끼워 넣다] set in one’s way (특히 노인이) 자기 방식에 굳어진 psychopathology 정신병리학 strive 분투하다 luck out 운이 좋다 in the long run (앞으로 길게 보았을 때) 결국에는, 장기적으로 +) in the short run 단기적적으로(는) decipher 판독하다 ao much so that 매우 그러하므로…하다 to say the least 과장하지 않고 resort 의지하다 lash out at 맹렬히 비난하다 preemptively 우선적으로, ..
NPR 팟캐스트 영어단어정리 attachment style 애착유형 make a leap 도약하다 sustenance 자양물, 생명을 건강하게 유지시켜 주는 것, 지속, 유지 avoidant 회피성의, 피하는 temperament 기질 dynamics 역학관계, 원동력 innate 선천적인 significant other 중요한 다른 한 사람(남편·아내·애인을 가리킴) +) You can bring your significant other. 배우자나 연인을 데려오셔도 됩니다. +) plus-one 행사, 파티, 모임 등에 같이데려가는 데이트 상대나 친구 +) He’s my plus-one. 제 파트너에요. distress 정신적 고통, 괴로움 crave 갈망[열망]하다 long for awareness ..
NPR 팟캐스트 영어단어정리 팟캐스트 영어회화 NPR The Indicator from Planet Money play out 승부를짓다, 유발하다, 끝내다 -to happen or occur in usually a gradual way commodity 물품, 원자재 turmoil 혼란, 소란=confusion haven 안식처, 피난처 safe havens 안전한 곳, 피난처 What on earth is~? 도대체 뭐지~? 뭘까 이게? +) What on earth is going on here? 도대체 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는거죠? +) What on earth is your role? 도대체 당신의 역할이 무엇입니까? volatile 변동성있는, 불안한, 휘발성의 speculative 가늠하려는..
팟캐스트 영어회화 NPR The Indicator from Planet Money The blunt weapons of Russia's central bank Heavy sanctions on Russia have forced Central Bank of Russia Governor, Elvira Nabiullina, to get creative. What steps is she taking to keep Russia's economy afloat? Since taking over as Governor of the Central Bank of Russia in 2013, Elvira Nabiullina has been a colorful symbol of Russia's economic trajector..
NPR 팟캐스트 Business The world's largest companies continue to abandon Russia after it invaded Ukraine Most multinational companies have cut ties with Russia. An era of economic openness that started when McDonald's opened its first restaurant in Moscow in 1990, is coming to a close. BUSINESS Business Find the latest business news with reports on Wall Street, interest rates, banking, companies, and..
NPR 팟캐스트 Planet Money How bad is inflation? How bad is inflation? : Planet Money Two stories about the effects of inflation on the economy. We meet a gig worker who's seen an increase in wages, but because of inflation, how much of that increase in earnings is an illusion? Then, we break down how the Federal Reserve is planning to figh Two stories about the effects of inflation on th..
NPR 팟캐스트 Planet Money How bad is inflation? How bad is inflation? : Planet Money Two stories about the effects of inflation on the economy. We meet a gig worker who's seen an increase in wages, but because of inflation, how much of that increase in earnings is an illusion? Then, we break down how the Federal Reserve is planning to figh Two stories about the effects of inflation on th..
NPR 팟캐스트 Planet Money How bad is inflation? How bad is inflation? : Planet Money Two stories about the effects of inflation on the economy. We meet a gig worker who's seen an increase in wages, but because of inflation, how much of that increase in earnings is an illusion? Then, we break down how the Federal Reserve is planning to figh Two stories about the effects of inflation on th..
NPR HEALTH Not everyone is ready to take the leap and stop wearing face masks While many people have stopped wearing masks and resumed pre-pandemic activities, anxiety persists about dropping COVID precautions, even among people who aren't at high risk for serious illness. Health Health NPR 팟캐스트 영어단어구문 정리 reluctant to ~ 마지못해 하는, ~하는 것을 꺼리는 wary 경계하는, 조심하는 let[put] down one's guard 경계..