NPR PodcastTHE INDICATE PLANET MONEY Are both rents AND interest rates too dang high? When inflation is high, the Federal Reserve raises interest rates to cool down the economy and get prices under control.I started to mumble about this in my sleep, like, tossing and turning.*upend (위아래를) 거꾸로 하다[뒤집다] But there is one part of the economy, a really important part, that is upending what we know abo..
NPR Podcast INDICATE PLANET MONEYHow much do presidents ACTUALLY influence the economy? The vibes are just off. 분위기가 이상하다.*what's more 한술 더떠서, 게다가+) What's more important than your kid? 당신의 아이보다 중요한 게 뭘까요?What's more, many voters blame President Biden for this.*bleak outlook 암울한 전망People have a fairly bleak outlook.*ding (실수나 잘못에 대해) 비판하다, 비난하다, 해를 끼치다*under one's watch ~가 맡고 있는 동안(은), ~가 ..
NPR Podcast HOW TO THRIVE AS YOU AGEMore Americans are living longer. Here’s a place that helps people thrive You can't help getting older, but you don't have to get old.Her vision of aging was shaped by some observations that she just couldn't let go.*cut off from ~로부터 차단/단절시키다, 고립시키다Too many older people seemed cut off from society.*pliable 유연한, 잘 휘어지는The floors are pliable, to make it easy on..
NPR podcast businessThey put a very diplomatic public face on it.*ironclad 철갑선, 밀봉된, 강력한, 견고한No matter who's in the White House, alliances with Washington will remain ironclad.*say something under one’s breath 작은 소리로[소곤소곤] …을 말하다 in terms of either saying out loud or saying under their breaths*reservation 의구심, 꺼리낌You will change your mind if you have any reservations.President Zelenskyy's govern..
NPR PodscstLife KitTo prevent digital eye strain, give those pepper a little love Blinking is a lot more important than you think it is.People don’t come in saying, I have dry eyes. They come in oftentimes saying, my eyes hurt, or my vision is blurred. I stand corrected. 제가 잘못 알았네요. *artificial tears 인공 눈물You could keep artificial tears handy.I sleep in my contacts all the time.*replicate 모사하다,..
NPR PodcastTHE INDICATOR FROM PLANET MONEY *tick up 오르다, 상승하다The unemployment rate ticked up a tenth of a percent to 3.9%.*bird's eye point of view 전반적인 상황과 다양한 측면을 보는 시각This may be a positive sign for the overall economy.That was good for those workers but may have also prolonged inflation.*soft landing 연착륙 ((경기 후퇴, 실업 증가 등을 일으키지 않고 서서히 경제 성장률을 내리는 일)) *obsess over …에 대해 강박 관념을 갖다Soft landing...
NPR PodcastSHORT WAVEMost animals don’t go through menopause. So why do these whales? *roundup (특히 뉴스의) 종합[요약]I've got two of our favorites for our regular roundup of science news. *dish up 음식을 담아주다Thanks for letting me dish up some science knowledge with you.What calls to you the most? 가장 마음에 드는 것은 무엇인가요?*partial ~을 매우 좋아하는, (~을) 편애하는, (~에 대한 지지가) 편파적인*be partial to 무엇을 몹시 좋아하다I am partial to t..
NPR PodcastAnimalScientists study the mysteries of bird migration in the mountains of Los Angeles *wee hours 꼭두새벽 (12am-3am)She has been showing up at this parking lot in the wee hours of the morning to count birds.Whooshing by your face.Have you ever been whacked by a low-flying bird?*a bad rap 누명Birds get a bad rap from that, but no.Bear Divide is like a passageway through this wall of mountai..
NPR PodcastNATIONALMost doxxing campaigns only last a few days. But the effects can be felt for months *doxxing 신상털기Doxxing means publishing somebody's private information for revenge or to punish them.*vulgar 저속한, 천박한, 상스러운This story contains some vulgar language.*spring up 훅 나타나다The posters had sprung up all over Olivia Lynch's Brooklyn neighborhood.*twinge 찌르는 통증And my first reaction was that..
NPR PodcastLIFE KIT What is the new etiquette for tipping? *two-tier wage system 이중임금제도 People don't understand this two-tier wage system. *courtesy [ |kɜːrtəsi ] 예의상 하는 말이나 행동Tipping is presented like an option or a courtesy.In some cases, your tip is vital to the income of that worker.*put something on something ~에게 부담을 주다, (돈·세금을) 덧붙이다[부과하다]It puts way too much on the customer as far as knowi..
NPR Podcast SHORT WAVE Experiencing racism may physically change your brain There's no such thing as a free lunch when it comes to the brain.*weathering 풍화(작용)*downstream (먼저 일어난 일의) 후속의, 하류의*myriad [ˈmɪriəd] 무수함, 무수히 많음; 무수한Alzheimer’s disease is twice as prevalent in Black people as compared to white.*down the line 미래에, 나중에 (=in the future)*play something out ~을 유발하다[발생시키다] (=enact)Are there ..
NPR Podcast CONSIDER THIS FROM NPR For Millions Of People In Conflict Zones, Famine Is A Man-Made Disaster But the intensity of suffering is something that is really without precedent in modern times. *consign 맡기다 위임하다; (어떤 상황, 처지에, 보통 불유쾌한)처하게 만들다, 인도하다, 넘기다 돌리다 *consign to the past/ put something behind one/ stop thinking about 과거로 돌리다, 잊어버리다 Famines have been consigned to the past. *op-ed 사설,..
TED Radio Hour The human body is made for movement! My energy went way up. I feel so much better, can focus better, and I'm happier. *dissipate 소멸되다, 사라지다, 허투루 쓰다 I felt the strain, the mental exhaustion dissipate. *parse 분석하다, 해석하다 Keith and his team are still parsing all the data +) Now, let's parse why he said that. 이제, 그가 그런 말을 한 이유를 분석해봅시다. *preliminary 예비의 *preliminary finding 예비조사 The pre..
TED Radio Hour The human body is made for movement! *primate 영장류, 대주교 *sustained 지속된, 한결같은, 일관된 We could hunt for much longer, much more sustained periods of time. *outrun ~보다 더 빨리/멀리 달리다, 넘어서다 We could basically outrun any animal on the planet. *hunter-gatherer 수렵·채집인 We have approximately 49% of the bone density than that of hunter-gatherers. No amount of time at the gym is going to bring th..
NPR Podcast AUTHOR INTERVIEWS The consequences of a smartphone-centered childhood *be susceptible to -에 영향을 받기 쉽다 Young minds are susceptible to potentially damaging content. *walk back (이전에 한 말, 입장을)번복하다, 철회하다 Parents walk back what they allow their kids to access on their phones. *contend 주장하다, ~을 얻으려고 다투다 I'm sure someone would contend it. +) He's gonna contend with all of us. 그는 우리랑 싸우려고 할거야..
NPR HOW TO THRIVE AS YOU AGE Millions of women are 'under-muscled.' These foods help build strength *sarcopenia (노화로 인한) 근육감소증 *prevalence [ prévələns(i) 널리 퍼짐, 유행(commonness) U.S. health officials have launched an awareness campaign to highlight the prevalence. How to thrive as you age? Loss of muscle I might have. Tell us more about what this is exactly. *muscle mass 근육량 It really peaks in our..
NPR EDUCATION One reason school cyberattacks are on the rise? Schools are easy targets for hackers *be on the rise 증가하고 있다 One reason school cyberattacks are on the rise? Cyber snow days are becoming increasingly common at schools. That's when classes get canceled after a ransomware attack. *compromise (명성·신용 등을) 위태롭게 하다(endanger); (의혹·불신 등을) 받게 하다.명성을 더럽히다, 손상시키다 ; 타협 절충 These attacks can compr..
NPR CONSIDER THIS FROM NPR De-influencers Ring the Alarm on the Environmental Impacts of Overconsumption A lot of these products end up in landfills or end up being burned. All of that has an effect on the climate. How exactly do deinfluencers address these kinds of issues? I put all of these questions and more to sustainability experts. I know that nobody else is perfect on this. My business an..
NPR CONSIDER THIS FROM NPR De-influencers Ring the Alarm on the Environmental Impacts of Overconsumption Their goal is to get you to buy. *relatable 공감대를 형성하는 They do it kind of more in the guise of being your friend or being relatable. It is a lure that is hard to escape. More garbage that's going to be out of style in, like, a year. I am here to deinfluence you. *hyperbolic 과장된, 과장법을 쓴 hyperbo..
NPR ASIA The North Korean forced labor program supplying seafood around the world She has spent the past several years gutting fish at a plant in China. She was being made to work late into the night, getting sores in her mouth from exhaustion. They are often in conditions of captivity. *of one's own free will 자진하여, 자발적으로, 자유의지로 Do they leave North Korea and go to China of their own free will? *..