Two stories about the effects of inflation on the economy. We meet a gig worker who's seen an increase in wages, but because of inflation, how much of that increase in earnings is an illusion? Then, we break down how the Federal Reserve is planning to fight inflation.
gig (임시로 하는) 일
gig worker 계약직, 임시직 노동자
FYI: for your information 좀더 말하자면
parlance[pɑ:rləns] 말투, 어법
profitable 수익성이있는
somehow 왜 그런지(모르겠지만), 왠지, 어떻게든
so to speak (so to say) 말하지면
coin (새로운 낱말어구를) 만들다, (주화를) 주조하다
nominal wages 명목임금
true buying power 실질구매력
She loves feeling helpful, and that's kind of part of why food delivery and ride share really suited her during the pandemic.
I mean, for the past couple of years, where a lot of us were inside almost all the time, Kristal was outside almost all the time, driving all over Hendo in her 2010 black Honda Civic which is very good on gas.
She says her services are more and more in demand, and her pay has gone up as a result of that.
The profit is lower. In other words, the extra money she was taking home was somehow not showing up in her savings account.
At least she thought she was; this is where things get kind of weird.
And those rising prices started taking bigger and bigger bites out of Kristal's earnings and outpacing the rise in tips and pay she was getting, and she realized she had less money.
Wages are rising all over the country right now, but prices are rising, too.
It was the perfect fit for her, to be honest. Her work was in great demand, and she liked feeling like she was helping people.
You know, I love doing that because they can't. They're either worried to go out with the COVID, or they're just not able to drive anymore for themselves.
And, of course, that sounds good until you factor in the gas. Prices have gone up on just about everything, food, gas, of course,
Pay is going up, people are getting raises, getting new jobs with higher pay, but that higher pay is not translating into actual wealth. It's the money illusion.
Nominal is the actual dollar amount, the number on our paychecks.
She was getting more money from her deliveries, but she wasn't feeling a lot richer.
It depends on a lot of factors, like where you live, what you do and what your personal expenses are.
She has to buy gas for her work, and gas prices are up a lot more than 7.5%. They're up more like 40%.