
NPR 팟캐스트 영어단어정리

attachment style 애착유형

make a leap 도약하다

sustenance 자양물, 생명을 건강하게 유지시켜 주는 것, 지속, 유지

avoidant 회피성의, 피하는

temperament 기질

dynamics 역학관계, 원동력

innate 선천적인

significant other 중요한 다른 한 사람(남편·아내·애인을 가리킴)
+) You can bring your significant other.

배우자나 연인을 데려오셔도 됩니다.

+) plus-one 행사, 파티, 모임 등에 같이데려가는 데이트 상대나 친구

+) He’s my plus-one. 제 파트너에요. 

distress 정신적 고통, 괴로움

crave 갈망[열망]하다 long for

awareness (무엇의 중요성에 대한)인식


팟캐스트 영어회화

NPR Life Kit

What's your attaachment style? Take this quiz to find out 1


What's your attachment style? Take this quiz to find out : Life Kit

According to the field of attachment theory, each person has a unique attachment style that informs how that person relates to intimacy: secure, anxious or avoidant. We talk with Amir Levine, a neuroscientist and co-author of the book Attached, about how y


According to the field of attachment theory, each person has a unique attachment style that informs how that person relates to intimacy: secure, anxious or avoidant. We talk with Amir Levine, a neuroscientist and co-author of the book Attached, about how your attachment style can impact your relationships.


How do you feel when your partner doesn't respond to your text right away? Is it easy for you to express your feelings to friends or loved ones, or do you struggle? Do you stay in touch with exes? Worry your current partner will leave you?

How you answered those questions can offer some insight into your attachment style. According to the field of attachment theory, each person has a unique attachment style that informs how you relate to intimacy: secure, anxious, avoidant and a small subset who are anxious-avoidant. 

This quiz, adapted from Amir Levine and Rachel Heller's bestselling book, Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help You Find — and Keep Love, will help you figure out your own attachment style.


Research has shown that even just knowing about the four attachment styles can positively influence your relationships. "It helps people become more secure," says Levine, who is a psychiatrist and neuroscientist at Columbia University. 

And though you may not have a choice in which attachment style you have, it's not just up to you to address it — other people have a role to play too. "It's something that happens in the space between two people. They think, 'Oh, I have this attachment style, so I have to fix it by fixing myself.' But it's a relational thing," says Levine.

He recommends creating a "secure village"— surrounding yourself with secure people as a way to make yourself more secure.

Curious about your partner's attachment style? This quiz can help.


팟캐스트 스크립트

What's your attachment style? Take this quiz to find out.docx


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