
NPR 팟캐스트 영어단어정리

팟캐스트 영어회화

NPR The Indicator from Planet Money

play out 승부를짓다, 유발하다, 끝내다

-to happen or occur in usually a gradual way

commodity 물품, 원자재

turmoil 혼란, 소란=confusion

haven 안식처, 피난처

safe havens 안전한 곳, 피난처

What on earth is~? 도대체 뭐지~? 뭘까 이게? 

+) What on earth is going on here? 도대체 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는거죠?

+) What on earth is your role? 도대체 당신의 역할이 무엇입니까?

volatile 변동성있는, 불안한, 휘발성의

speculative 가늠하려는 듯한, 투기적인

downside 단점, 불리한[덜 긍정적인] 면

upside 상승세, 장점, (전반적으로 나쁜 상황의 비교적) 괜찮은[긍정적인] 면

retain 유지하다

decentralize (중앙 정부의 권력을) 분권화하다

peer-to-peer 인터넷에서 개인과 개인이 직접 연결되어 파일을 공유하는 방식

drawback 결점

authoritarian 권위주의적인, 독재적인

price swing 가격 변동

state-backed 정부 통제하에 있는

+) state-backed currencies 기존통화

marginal 주변부의, 주변적인, 미미한, 중요하지 않은

undermine 기반을 약화시키다

in the unlikely event 만약

well-versed 꿰고 있는

regime 정권, 제도, 체제

scrutinize 세심히 살피다, 면밀히 조사[검토]하다

interference 간섭, 참견, 개입, 방해

meddle in(with) 간섭하다, 참견하다

analogy 비유, 유사점, 유추

run something by/past somebody (남의 의중·반응을 알아보기 위해) ~을 ~에게 보여주다[말하다]

reminiscent 연상시키는, 추억에 잠긴듯한

scrutiny 정밀조사, 철저한 검토



Cryptocurrency, a safe haven? 


Cryptocurrency, a safe haven? : The Indicator from Planet Money

Safe-haven assets like U.S. government bonds and gold are seeing heightened interest from investors due to the uncertainty caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. So why are volatile cryptocurrencies also attracting attention?


Cryptocurrency, a safe haven? 

The allure of cryptocurrency is that it's decentralized and detached from the greater financial system. It's also extremely volatile. But because of the heavy sanctions placed on Russia, the ruble, the country's currency, has collapsed and people can't as easily access foreign currencies, leading some Russians to look at crypto. Something similar has been happening in Ukraine. 

Today, we talk about the appeal of cryptocurrencies during the Russia - Ukraine War and why the volatility isn't scaring people away from acquiring more.


Safe-haven assets like U.S. government bonds and gold are seeing heightened interest from investors due to the uncertainty caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. So why are volatile cryptocurrencies also attracting attention?




NPR 팟캐스트 대본 

Cryptocurrency, a safe haven?.docx


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