
NPR Podcast 


How COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories Led To A FAmily Matriachls Preventable Death


matriarch (한 가문·사회 집단의) 여자 가장

-a woman who is the head of a family or tribe

go through 겪다, 거쳐가다, 밟다, 뚫다 

draw into ...에 끌어들이다, ...에 들어오다

paranoia 편집증, 피해망상

hoax 거짓말[장난질]

farfetched 황당한, 믿기지 않는 

contain (무엇의 안에 또는 그 일부로) ...이 들어[함유되어] 있다, (감정을) 억누르다[참다], 방지하다[억제하다]

implant 이식하다

fall ill 병에 걸리다, 병나다 be taken ill = get sick

+) fall ill from overwork 과로로 병나다

rife = widespread 

be rife with ~로 가득차 있다
rig 조작하다 =fix

be rigged 조작되다

deep state 민주주의 제도 밖의 숨은 권력집단

cabal (정권 쟁탈 음모에 연루된) 도당

mail-in ballots 우편 투표

a self-enclosed worldview 자기 인식의 세계관
inundate = overwhelm, swamp 잠식하다, 감담못할 정도로 주다[보내다]

inundate with ...가 쇄도하다, 밀려들다

clot (혈액이나 크림이) 엉기다[응고되다], 엉기게 하다

depopulation 인구감소

+) depopulate 인구수를 감소시키다

elaborate conspiracy theory 정교한 음모론

buy into (특히 다른 많은 사람들이 믿는) ~을 믿다

spiritual 정신의, 정신적인, 종교의, 종교적인

intuitive 직관에 의한

astrology 점성학

tarot 타로

+) fortune telling 사주

tarot reading 타로 보기, 타로 판독

quirk 기이한 일, 우연, (사람의 성격에서) 별난 점, 기벽

quirky 특이한, 독특한

shingles 대상 포진

pneummonia 폐렴

+) acute pneummonia 급성 폐렴

toll = injury

take a toll ...에 큰 피해[타격]을 주다, 손실을 가져오다

fringe 주변, 가장자리

a fringe idea 터무니없는 아이디어,  비주류적인 생각, 

hang out ~와 많은 시간을 보내다

stay away 거리를 두다



How COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories Led To A FAmily Matriachls Preventable Death


How COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories Led To A Family Matriarch's Preventable Death : Consider This from NPR

Stephanie is one of nearly one million Americans who have died of COVID-19. Her family says Stephanie's death was avoidable, but in recent years, she had been drawn into conspiracy theories.She believed that the coronavirus was a hoax and refused to get va



Stephanie is one of nearly one million Americans who have died of COVID-19. Her family says Stephanie's death was avoidable, but in recent years, she had been drawn into conspiracy theories.

She believed that the coronavirus was a hoax and refused to get vaccinated. When she got COVID-19 last winter, Stephanie refused treatments and eventually died just a few days after Christmas. 

While there is no way to know exactly how many people like Stephanie have died because they believed conspiracy theories, the Kaiser Family Foundation recently found that more than 200,000 Americans would be alive today, had they had been vaccinated. 


팟캐스트 대본

How COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories Led To A FAmily Matriachls Preventable Death.docx


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