NPR PodcastPLANET MONEYWhat's with all the tiny soda cans? And other grocery store mysteries, solved. Today, we are going on a shopping cart ride-along with one of those price pack architects. She's going to pull back the curtain and show us why some products are getting larger while others are getting smaller, and tell us about the adorable little soda can that started it all. NPR 팟캐스트 원문 기사 보러..
NPR PodscstLife KitTo prevent digital eye strain, give those pepper a little love We want to make sure we're following them at least once a year, for sure.*diffract 꺾다, 회절시키다, 분산시키다The light's getting diffracted into a lot of different points. All combined, that prescription should be able to give you good, clear, hopefully 20/20 vision.*arbitrarily 자의적으로, 독단적으로This is all arbitrarily set.There..
NPR PodcastMIDDLE EASTThe long history between Israel and Iran *play down 경시하다. 낮게 보다*escalation 분쟁확대(군사), 상승, 증가, 번창Both Iran and Israel appear to be playing down the chances of any further escalation.That attack was a response to Iran launching.*consulate [|kɑːnsələt] 영사관Let's take a step back.*characterize 특징짓다, ~의 특징을 (~으로) 묘사하다[나타내다]So how would you characterize the situation right now in ..
NPR Podcast LIFE KIT What is the new etiquette for tipping? The tipping situation is especially intense.We take a look at tipping.The last couple years have seen a whole lot of talk and back and forth and emotion about tipping.Now, computer's going to ask me if you care to leave a tip today. *obligated (법적·도덕적으로 …할) 의무가 있는 (=obliged)You don't have to feel obligated.This was just the way it was s..
NPR Podcast SHORT WAVE Experiencing racism may physically change your brain Some other minorities also face greater health risks.*umbrella term 포괄적 용어 Racism is kind of an umbrella term that describes multiple things.*oppression 억압, 압박*inferior (…보다 재능 등이) 못한[못난] 사람; (지위·계급 등에서) 아래 사람, 하급자* based off = based on+) This really is based off of my experience. 진짜 제 경험에서 비롯된 거예요.+) This song is al..
NPR Podcast CONSIDER THIS FROM NPR For Millions Of People In Conflict Zones, Famine Is A Man-Made Disaster It really is heartbreaking to see the levels of desperation, hunger, of hopelessness across the entirety of the strip. *imminent 임박한 Hundreds of thousands of people in Gaza are facing imminent famine. *envoy 특사, 사절단 *acutely 강렬히, 절실히, 몹시(불쾌한 감정이 매우 강함을 나타낼 때 씀) *acute 격심한, 극심한, (질병이) 급성의 (↔..
NPR HOW TO THRIVE AS YOU AGE Millions of women are 'under-muscled.' These foods help build strength *sarcopenia (노화로 인한) 근육감소증 *prevalence [ prévələns(i) 널리 퍼짐, 유행(commonness) U.S. health officials have launched an awareness campaign to highlight the prevalence. How to thrive as you age? Loss of muscle I might have. Tell us more about what this is exactly. *muscle mass 근육량 It really peaks in our..
NPR EDUCATION One reason school cyberattacks are on the rise? Schools are easy targets for hackers *be on the rise 증가하고 있다 One reason school cyberattacks are on the rise? Cyber snow days are becoming increasingly common at schools. That's when classes get canceled after a ransomware attack. *compromise (명성·신용 등을) 위태롭게 하다(endanger); (의혹·불신 등을) 받게 하다.명성을 더럽히다, 손상시키다 ; 타협 절충 These attacks can compr..
NPR CONSIDER THIS FROM NPR De-influencers Ring the Alarm on the Environmental Impacts of Overconsumption A lot of these products end up in landfills or end up being burned. All of that has an effect on the climate. How exactly do deinfluencers address these kinds of issues? I put all of these questions and more to sustainability experts. I know that nobody else is perfect on this. My business an..
NPR CONSIDER THIS FROM NPR De-influencers Ring the Alarm on the Environmental Impacts of Overconsumption Their goal is to get you to buy. *relatable 공감대를 형성하는 They do it kind of more in the guise of being your friend or being relatable. It is a lure that is hard to escape. More garbage that's going to be out of style in, like, a year. I am here to deinfluence you. *hyperbolic 과장된, 과장법을 쓴 hyperbo..
NPR Podcast LIFE KIT Save Money on Streaming Services Has there ever been a more confusing time to be a streaming TV customer? Recent years have brought lots of major changes to the industry, and starting this week, there's another change. Save Money on Streaming Services Save money on streaming services : Life Kit Just about every major streaming service has raised its subscription fees. At the..
NPR 팟캐스트 LIFE KIT Save Money on Streaming Services Over the past year, just about every major streaming service has raised its subscription fees, while some have cracked down on password sharing. At the same time, there are more programming bundles, membership deals, ad-supported subscriptions and streaming services overall, as surveys show cost and content remain the biggest concerns for consum..
NPR Podcast CONSIDER THIS FROM NPR What Navalny's Death Means For The Russian Opposition Filmmaker Daniel Roher, who interviewed Navalny for the Oscar-winning documentary "Navalny," says the Russian opposition leader was an incredibly optimistic and certain about himself and his mission. And that Navalny believed he could usher in a brighter future for Russia. So what happens to that future now?..
NPR Podcast CONSIDER THIS FROM NPR What Navalny's Death Means For The Russian Opposition Much of the world has spent the weekend mourning Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny. And asking why he chose to return to Russia, after he'd been poisoned, and when it was clear he was in danger. So what happens to that future now? Aleksei Miniailo an opposition activist and researcher in Moscow weighs..
NPR 팟캐스트 THE INDICATOR FROM PLANET MONEY How niche brands got into your local supermarket *pocalypse :apocalypse에서 a를 빼고 그 앞에다가 단어를 붙여서 '~의 재앙'이라는 뜻으로 쓰임 *apocalypse [ə|pɑːkəlɪps] 대재앙, (세계의) 파멸, 세상의 종말 It was a papaya-pocalypse. small-batch: relating to goods that are produced in small quantities, often using traditional methods 소량 생산 *artisanal 공예가의, 장인(匠人)의 +) artisan [ˈɑːrtəzn] 장인, 기능 보유자 (=c..
NPR 팟캐스트 THE INDICATOR FROM PLANET MONEY How niche brands got into your local supermarket *all over the place 모든 곳에[사방에], 엉망인[두서없는] +) New restaurants are appearing all over the place. 새 식당들이 사방에 생겨나고 있다. +) Your calculations are all over the place. 자네 계산은 엉망이야[다 틀렸어]. There is a new soda brand I'm seeing all over the place when I go grocery shopping these days. It feels like one day, it was jus..
NPR Podcast NATIONAL Tennessee law denied Allie Phillips an abortion. So she's now running for office *run for office 공직에 출마하다, (선거에) 입후보하다 She's now running for office. *reproductive right 생식권, 생식의 권리 *reproductive 생식의, 재생의, 재현의, 다산적인 *state House race 주 하원(의원) 선거 *candidacy [ˈkændɪdəsi] 입후보, 출마 candidate (선거의) 입후보자[출마자] Her story is proving powerful to her candidacy. *incompatible [ˌɪnkəmˈpætə..
NPR LIFE KIT How to cut costs, pay down debt and save more money in 2024 *down the line 완전한[히], 전면적인[으로], 철저한[히] It's time to think about long-term savings, like retirement or building towards a larger goal down the line. *후진설계: 목표설정 먼저하고 실행방법을 역방향으로 설계하는 방법 I would really, again, always be planning backwards. Plan backwards. *taxable brokerage account 과세 가능한 브로커리지 계좌는 주식, 채권, 펀드 및 ETF와 같은 다양한 금..
HEALTH NEWS FROM NPR Shots LIVING BETTER Patients say keto helps with their mental illness. Science is racing to understand why *epilepsy 뇌전증, 간질 The ketogenic diet was first developed for people with epilepsy. *promise 가능성, 장래성, 밝은 전망, 유망, (특히 좋은 일이 있을 징조) *show promise 가망이 있다 +) He shows promise. (앞으로 잘 될거라며) 그는 유망한 사람이지. +) That sounds promising. (상황을 들어보니) 조짐이 좋은 걸, 잘 될 것 같은데. Now some docto..
NPR News THE INDICATOR FROM PLANET MONEY The surprising leader in EVs *work ethic 직업의식, (윤리관으로서의) 근면, 노동관 *acute 예리한, 예민한, 잘 발달된 (=keen), 급성의, 격심한 *acute attention 세심한 주의, 예리한 주의력 Wang Chuanfu is known for having this intense work ethic and an acute attention to detail. *world-beating 세계 제일의, (어떤 분야에서) 제 1인자인 Wang Chuanfu and his company were determined to make a world-beating electric vehicle. ..