

Not everyone is ready to take the leap and stop wearing face masks

While many people have stopped wearing masks and resumed pre-pandemic activities, anxiety persists about dropping COVID precautions, even among people who aren't at high risk for serious illness.





NPR 팟캐스트 영어단어구문 정리

reluctant to ~ 마지못해 하는, ~하는 것을 꺼리는

wary 경계하는, 조심하는

let[put] down one's guard 경계를 늦추다, 틈을 보이다

+) Never let your guard down. 방심은 금물이다. 

+) It's ok to let down your guard. 경계심을 늦춰도 괜찮아요.

+) You relax once, let down your guard, and it all goes away. 

  일단 긴장을 풀고, 경계를 늦추면 그 모든 게 사라집니다. 

retreat 후퇴, 철수

in retreat 후퇴하는
thrill 황홀하게 만들다, 신나게 만들다
not even 전혀~ 아니다

not even close 어림없다, 근처에도 못 가다, 한참 멀었다

+) I'm not even close to being finished. 저는 끝나려면 아직 멀었는데요. 

+) They were not even close to my expectation. 그것들은 내 기대에 훨씬 못 미쳤어.

germaphobe (신조어) 세균혐오자, 특히 세균이나 박테리아를 제거하는 데 집착하는, 일종의 결벽증을 지닌 사람

-이러한 증상을 나타내는 명사는 germophobia, 형용사는 germophobic

linger 오래남다, 오래 머물다
lingering (쉽게 사라지지 않고) 오래가는

lingering anxiety 지속되는 불안감
in a way 어느 정도는, 어떤 면에서는
perilous 아주 위험한

perilous moment  아주 위험한 순간

left behind 뒤쳐지다, 두고 가다

sync[sɪŋk] = synchronization 동시대의
out of sync 조화를 이루지 못하는
reassuring 안심시키는
paranoid 피해망상적인, 편집증적인
anthropologist 인류학자

huddle 옹송그리며 모이다

huddle around a fire 불 주변에 옹기종기 모이다

sense of liberation 해방감
as good as it gets (상황이) 조금도 나아지지 않는[늘 그대로인]

fire pit 화덕, 불 구덩이 
trudge 터덜터덜 걷다, 느릿느릿 걷다
oddball 괴짜

epidemiologist 유행[전염]병학자

there's no bright line 명확하지 않다
risk averse 위험을 회피하려고 하는
tradeoff 거래, 교환
wade (힘겹게) 헤치며 걷다

hunker down (의견, 행동방식 등을) 고수하다, 쪼그려 앉다
lurk (특히 나쁜 짓을 하려고 기다리며) 숨어 있다[도사리다] =skulk


He is thrilled omicron is in retreat, but he isn't ready to let down his guard, not even close.

There's still a little bit of, like, a lingering anxiety about being inside around a lot of people whom we don't know without a face covering.

It is what it is, I guess. I've kind of come to accept it in a way.

There's been stories about people who were just as healthy as me who have died - I mean, who have died from this. You know, there's - you know, it's rare, but it's not, like, 0%, so there is that risk.

Many feel left behind and angry.

Yeah, it does feel sort of like a weird in-between time.
They are relying on other people to help protect them.
Even though they're all fully vaccinated and healthy, they'll keep masking around other people to protect themselves and others from covid.
Why are they making you do this?
We're going to have both, for some, a sense of liberation, for others, s really sense of even deeper endangerment and in the middle, a lot of confusion.
You can feel alone, the only one wearing a mask in a room, and also feeling in danger at the same time.
He's lost touch with friends who've gone back to the gym maskless, and he's worried about showing up for job interviews wearing his mask.
There's no bright line that separates safe and not safe.
Our brains have been pickled in anxiety for two years.
If you're waiting to eat indoors until the risk of Covid is zero, you may be waiting forever.
You should be dipping your toe in the water and getting used to accepting a tiny bit of risk in order to have the tradeoffs of living life a little bit more normally.
Others are still totally hunkering down, afraid to catch Omicron and worried that another dangerous new variant may be lurking out there.




NPR 팟캐스트 대본 

Not everyone is ready to take the leap and stop wearing face masks.docx


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