
TED Radio Hour

The human body is made for movement!


​​*primate 영장류, 대주교

*sustained 지속된, 한결같은, 일관된

We could hunt for much longer, much more sustained periods of time.

*outrun ~보다 더 빨리/멀리 달리다, 넘어서다

We could basically outrun any animal on the planet.

*hunter-gatherer 수렵·채집인 

We have approximately 49% of the bone density than that of hunter-gatherers.

No amount of time at the gym is going to bring that back

We didn't need to run around as much to hunt.

*undergo (변화, 안 좋은 일을) 겪다/받다

The biggest change that the human body undergoes is when we decide to settle.

+) She had to undergo many hardships in her life. 

     그녀는 삶에서 많은 고충을 겪어야만 했다.

It also saves you calories. It means you don't need to find as much food if you're using less food.

*sedentary  [SEH·duhn·teh·ree] 주로 앉아서 하는, 몸을 많이 움직이지 않는

The inventions of electricity and gas meant life became even more efficient and sedentary.

+) Most of us lead terribly sedentary lives. 

    우리 중 대부분은 심하게 앉아있는 생활을 한다.

What we can see is a pull towards efficiency so that you're removing friction from your everyday life. 

*enter the scene 등장하다

That's when the personal computer entered the scene.

*come into 유입되다, …의 상태가 되다[들어가다](=enter)

*pick up (속도나 비율)이 증가하다, 더 강해지다

Computing comes into the home pretty slowly. Beginning in the late '70s. Picks up a bit in the 1980s.

*embed 박다, 끼워 넣다

Until the point that computers were so embedded in our workplaces, in our schools and in our domestic lives that we couldn't get out of it.

*sap 나무수액, 약화시키다

*be sapped of energy 기력이 쇠하다

We're sapped of our energy.

+) I'm sapped/drained of energy having looked after two children all day long. 

    하루 종일 두 아이와 씨름을 했더니 진이 빠져.

So the majority of our day is spent consuming technology.Most likely not moving.

*longevity [laan·JEH·vuh·tee] 장수, 수명

Ultimately decreases your longevity.

*counteract (악영향에)대응하다

*bum 엉덩이

They tested various ways to counteract all that time on our bums.

*offset 상쇄하다, 보완하다

Taking a walking break every half hour for five minutes can offset many of the harms from sitting all day.

+) The gains are offset against losses. 

     이득은 손실에 의해 상쇄된다.

*come down to -가 가장 중요하다. -로 귀결되다, 결국-이 되다, -에 이르다, (한마디로) 요약[설명]되다 

And a standing desk, that doesn't count because it all comes down to regularly moving our muscles.

*triglyceride 중성지방

*contract 줄어들다, 수축하다; 줄이다, 수축시키다

They have to be contracted, they have to be stimulated.

Human bodies thrive in motion. So what happens when we sit all day? And what's the secret to breaking this habit? Ideas on moving more with special guests from the Body Electric series.

About Keith Diaz


Keith Diaz is a certified exercise physiologist and Associate Professor of Behavioral Medicine at Columbia University Medical Center. He is Director of the Exercise Testing Laboratory at the Center for Behavioral Cardiovascular Health. Diaz partnered with Body Electric to conduct a study with 20,000 participants.


<TED Radio Hour 원문기사 보러가기>

The human body is made for movement!


The human body is made for movement! Simple ideas to get us moving more

Human bodies thrive in motion. So what happens when we sit all day? And what's the secret to breaking this habit? Ideas on moving more with special guests from the Body Electric series.




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