NPR Podcast
*tick up 오르다, 상승하다
The unemployment rate ticked up a tenth of a percent to 3.9%.
*bird's eye point of view 전반적인 상황과 다양한 측면을 보는 시각
This may be a positive sign for the overall economy.
That was good for those workers but may have also prolonged inflation.
*soft landing 연착륙 ((경기 후퇴, 실업 증가 등을 일으키지 않고 서서히 경제 성장률을 내리는 일))
*obsess over …에 대해 강박 관념을 갖다
Soft landing. We're back to just obsessing over the soft landing again, aren't we?
That's a decent chunk.
We have an aging population.
This aging population, of course, requires more health care.
*conundrum 난문제, 수수께끼
Well, one possible answer that's often brought up in this conundrum is immigration.
*in the bag (성공, 승리가) 확실시 되는
Another Jobs Friday in the bag.
<NPR 원문기사 보러가기>
Not too hot, not too cold: a 'Goldilocks' jobs report : The Indicator from Planet Money
It's Jobs Friday and the jobs report is in! There's more jobs! ... but not as many as expected. And there's a teensy bit more unemployment and slower wage growth. But there's an upside ... Plus, healthcare is growing like gangbusters and how immigrants aff