NPR Podcast
Most animals don’t go through menopause. So why do these whales?
*roundup (특히 뉴스의) 종합[요약]
I've got two of our favorites for our regular roundup of science news.
*dish up 음식을 담아주다
Thanks for letting me dish up some science knowledge with you.
What calls to you the most? 가장 마음에 드는 것은 무엇인가요?
*partial ~을 매우 좋아하는, (~을) 편애하는, (~에 대한 지지가) 편파적인
*be partial to 무엇을 몹시 좋아하다
I am partial to the human voice.
+) I’m not partial to mushrooms.
나는 버섯을 썩 좋아하지는 않는다.
*appendage 부속물
I remember it being like a foreign appendage.
*as night and day 완전히 다른
The difference between the earlier version of the voice device and that is night and day.
Is this device going to be commercially available any time soon?
*pan out 전개되다
If that pans out, he hopes something like this can be commercially available in three to five years.
Not to brag, but I did know that.
*propagate 전파하다
The best way to propagate your genes is to get as many offspring as possible into the next generation.
*gun 공격할 기회를 찾다, 얻으려고 애쓰다
They're gunning for the same resources, like food.
*anthropomorphize [ æ̀nθrəpəmɔ́:rfaiz ] 인격화하다, 의인화시키다
I don't want to anthropomorphize whales.
*recuperate 건강을 회복하다, 되찾다
what's been less clear is where they stop to rest and recuperate along the way.
*synchronized way near sunset 해질 무렵에 맞춰서
They usually take off in a very synchronized way near sunset, which can be well-captured by weather radars.
*deciduous [ dɪ|sɪdʒuəs] 매년 잎이 떨어지는, 낙엽성의
They're mainly in deciduous forest fragments.
*distinction 차이, 대조, 탁월함
It's those distinctions that help them map out where the birds are resting.
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Most animals don’t go through menopause. So why do these whales?
Most animals don't go through menopause. So why do these whales? : Short Wave
Across the animal kingdom, menopause is something of an evolutionary blip. We humans are one of the few animals to experience it. But Sam Ellis, a researcher in animal behavior, argues that this isn't so surprising. "The best way to propagate your genes is