NPR Podcast 팟캐스트 영어단어장 TED RADIO HOUR The story behind soaring myopia among kids *morph 변하다 Myopia causes our eyeballs to morph, to elongate. It refracts light in a way that makes it harder to focus on things far away. *pass down 물려주다 It gets passed down through your parents. I have been told nearsightedness is a pure genetic problem. *run in the family 집안 내력이다 It tends to run in the family. She..
NPR Podcast TED RADIO HOUR The story behind soaring myopia among kids *myopia 근시 Let's get you a line to read. *nearsighted 근시의 So Harmony has myopia. That means she's nearsighted. She can't quite remember exactly when she first got diagnosed. *onset 개시, 착수, 시작 *early-onset 조기 발견 As they learned, especially early-onset myopia can cause dangerous vision problems later in life. *chalk up ~의 탓으로 하다..
NPR Podcast PUBLIC HEALTH Even the meaning of the word 'abortion' is up for debate *up for sth ~을 위해 내놓은, (어떤 활동을) 기꺼이 하려고 하는, 고려되고 있는 Even the meaning of the word 'abortion' is up for debate The public doesn't really agree on what the word means Our biggest takeaway is that people do not hold sort of a shared standard definition of what is and isn't an abortion. *ambiguity 애매모호함, 불명확함 There's a..
NPR Podcast ECONOMY 4 reasons why your car insurance premium is soaring *sticker shock (예상 밖의) 비싼 가격에 받는 충격 If you have been feeling sticker shock from the price of auto insurance, you are not alone. *far outpacing overall inflation Prices plunged during the locked-down early months of the pandemic. *venture out 과감히 나가다, 발걸음을 내딛다 By the time people ventured back out on the road a lot of them see..
NPR Podcast HEALTH Air pollution could be making antibiotic resistance worse *on the rise 오름세의, 증가하는 Antibiotic-resistant infections are on the rise across the world. *culprit 장본인, 범인 A new study points to one surprising potential culprit for the spread of antibiotic resistance - air pollution. *give a refresher 되새김시키다, 다시 생각나게 하다 Can you give us a refresher on exactly what it is? *staph = Staph..
NPR Podcast CLIMATE California's lawsuit says oil giants downplayed climate change. Here's what to know *allegedly 주장하는 바에 의하면 +) He was allegedly caught pickpocketing. 전하는 바에 의하면 그는 소매치기하다 잡혔다고 한다. What is California accusing these companies of? What makes this one stand out? *put out disinformation 허위 정보를 퍼뜨리다 They put out disinformation. *bring to bear 노력을 쏟다. 압력을 가하다, 이용하다 They're going to h..
NPR Podcast Culture Are Southern accents disappearing? Linguists say yes Do you think that you sound the same as you always have? *accent-wise 억양에 관하여, 억양 측면에서 There is a difference between mother and son accent-wise. You recently published a study on the fading Southern accent. *span 걸치다, 이어지다 So they span seven generations. *the Southern drawl 모음 길게 빼 느릿느릿 말하는 경향 Why are people speaking with l..
NPR Podcast ANIMALS They fly animals on the brink of euthanasia to new homes and second chances 팟캐스트 영어단어 주요구문 정리 *on the brink of …의 직전에(=on the verge of) They fly animals on the brink of euthanasia to new homes and second chances. *euthanasia [yoo·thuh·NAY·zhuh] 안락사 +) For many years, euthanasia has been a much debated topic. 오랫동안 안락사는 많은 논란의 대상이 되고 있다. *come about 생기다, 일어나다 How did this idea ..
NPR Podcast CONSIDER THIS Do Youth Curfews Help Curb Crime? If you go to college in the heart of a major city, your comfort level getting around can depend on what you're used to. *a Philly native She isn't used to navigating the city on foot or on public transportation. I don't feel 100% safe as I would do in Atlanta. *instigate 부추기다, 선동하다, 조장하다 *brawl [ brɔːl ] 공공 장소에서의 싸움이나 소동 This chaotic sc..
NPR Podcast ASIA NEWS 5 things to know about Japan's Fukushima water release in the Pacific *defunct (지금은) 현존하지않는 *now-defunct 이제는 없어진 이제는 기능이 정지된 *talk something through (확실히 이해가 될 때까지) ~에 대해 끝까지 이야기를 나누다 NPR's Geoff Brumfiel and Kat Lonsdorf are here to talk us through the science behind the decision. It all comes down to one word. *cesium 세슘 *decommission 퇴역시키다 (함선 무기 등을) 해체하다 *stick around (..
NPR Podcast CONSIDER THIS FROM NPR The Dangers of Grass Fires 팟캐스트 영어공부 단어장 Agencies like these need to stop prioritizing suppression and let good fires burn. *admittedly 인정하건대 That was the only way I can get through it. It's been like an asylum for me. *asylum [əˈsaɪləm] 피난처, 망명 She got a citation from the city in 2017. *citation 소환장 Homeowners with native gardens from Florida and Maryland to M..
NPR Podcast CONSIDER THIS FROM NPR The Dangers of Grass Fires 팟캐스트 영어단어 공부 With the fires in Maui contained, the recovery process has begun *contain 억제하다, 억누르다 The focus is now on housing people who have been displaced. *displace (살던 곳에서) 쫓아내다 Maui's officials did one important thing as the fire was raging, *rage 맹렬히 계속되다, 맹위를 떨치다 Officials say that the high winds and the flames had taken out th..
NPR Podcast SHORT WAVE Have a food allergy? Your broken skin barrier might be to blame 팟캐스트 영어회화 영어단어장 *misidentify 오인하다, 잘못 확인하다 The bad misidentifies a protein and a food as something that is bad. This is something I encountered all the time growing up. *encounter (특히 반갑지 않은 일에) 맞닥뜨리다[부딪히다] (=meet with, run into) That's a very different set of circumstances and very different types of precauti..
NPR Podcast SHORT WAVE Have a food allergy? Your broken skin barrier might be to blame 팟캐스트 영어단어정리 My nose would get totally stuffed up. *stuffed up 코가 막힌 In the scheme of things, though, it was just a mild allergy. *In the scheme of things (일이 돌아가는) 상황/~가 원하는 상황 - considering everything It's like your body's trying to purge something that did not stay well with it. *purge 몰아내다, 없애다, 제거하다 It is ..
NPR 팟캐스트 영어회화 스피킹 스터디 SPECIAL SERIES Student Podcast Challenge Living with an eating disorder, a teen finds comfort in her favorite Korean food 팟캐스트 영어회화공부 Day 5 영어단어장 *be no stranger to ~에 익숙한[~을 많이 겪어 본], …을 (잘) 알고 있는 +) He is no stranger to controversy. 논란이라면 그도 많이 겪어 보았다. +) I am no stranger to poverty. 나도 가난의 맛을 알고 있다. *cold 준비없이, 갑자기 *cold phone calls 의외로 뜻하지 않은 전화 *put someone/something i..
NPR 영어회화 공부 팟캐스트 영어단어정리 BILL OF THE MONTH They billed Medicare late for his anesthesia. He went to collections for a $3,000 tab NPR 팟캐스트 Day 4 영어단어장 정리 *tab (비용이나 빚에 관련된) 청구액 *anaesthesia( anesthesia )[ˌænəsˈθiːziə] 마취, 마취 상태 general anesthesia 전신 마취 regional anesthesia 국부 마취 *on behalf of ...을 대신하여, …을 대표하여, …을 위해서. (=as a representative of.) Let's get some details now. For years, the couple go..
NPR 영어회화 공부 대본이 있는 팟캐스트 HEALTH The push to expand testing for cancer predisposition NPR 팟캐스트 Day 3 영어단어장 *hereditary [hə|redɪteri] 유전적인, (상습권에 따라) 세습되는 *followed someone into something ~의 뒤를 따라가다 *law enforcement 법 집행[치안유지]에 종사하는 -경찰·검찰 기타 각종범죄 단속에 종사하는 기관·사람의 총칭으로 사용 *blindsided by ~에 당황하다 *blindside 기습하다, 상대방이 못 보는 쪽에서 공격하다 His son did, and his parents were blindsided by what happened next. *S..
NPR TECHNOLOGY NEWS Movie extras worry they'll be replaced by artificial intelligence *at the heart of ~의 핵심/본질/중심에(는) +) What is at the heart of feature detection theories? 무엇이 특징 검출 이론의 핵심인가요? +) It was a question that aimed at the heart of the matter. 그것은 급소를 찌르는 질문이었다 +) These changes strike at the heart of British society. 이 변화들은 영국 사회의 심장을 강타했다. *standoff 떨어져 있는, 고립하여 있는; 서먹한, 냉담한 , 고립, 무승..
NPR Podcast GOATS AND SODA Plastic is suffocating coral reefs — and it's not just bottles and bags 영어회화 공부 NPR Podcast 영어단어정리와 스크립트 *comprehensive 포괄적인, 종합적인 *catalog 목록, 목차 *smothering 뒤덮는 +) smother [ˈsmʌðə(r)] 질식시켜 죽이다 (=suffocate), 억누르다, 억제하다 (=stifle) +) I feel smothered. 질식할 것 같애. +) You are smothering me,and I need my space. 네가 날 숨막히게 하고 있어. 난 공간이 필요하다고. +) Now she spends all her time smo..
NPR 팟캐스트 영어회화 영어단어 SHOTS - HEALTH NEWS Yes, heat can affect your brain and mood. Here's why It's no surprise that extreme heat can put our bodies at risk. Living in hotter conditions may make us cranky or irritated as well. *consecutive [kənˈsekjətɪv] 연이은, 연속하여 +) consecutive days 여러날 연속해서 +) consecutive numbers 연속[일련] 번호 +) three consecutive times 세 번을 연이어 +) She was absent for nine consecutive..