
NPR Podcast


The consequences of a smartphone-centered childhood


*be susceptible to -에 영향을 받기 쉽다

Young minds are susceptible to potentially damaging content.

*walk back (이전에 한 말, 입장을)번복하다, 철회하다

Parents walk back what they allow their kids to access on their phones.

*contend 주장하다, ~을 얻으려고 다투다

I'm sure someone would contend it.

+) He's gonna contend with all of us.

    그는 우리랑 싸우려고 할거야.

* laugh one's head off 배꼽잡고 웃다, 자지러지게 웃다

He's laughing his head off with his friends.

+) You are laughing your head off now.

    너 지금 빵 터졌어.

*liable [형용사] (무엇의 비용을 지불할) 법적 책임이 있는, ~하기 쉬운, ~할 것 같은, ~의 영향을 받기[~당하기] 쉬운 (=prone)

The way the law is written now, the platforms are not liable. 

*keep somebody/something off ~이 (~에) 가까이 오지/손대지 못하게 하다

It's the parents' job to keep the kids off.

+)  It’s best to keep off politics when my father’s around. 

우리 아빠 계실 때 정치 얘긴 안 하는 것이 상책이야.

*to keep somebody/something out (of something) ~이 (~에) 들어가지 않게 하다

It's up to them to keep the kids out.

+) Keep that dog out of my study! 

      그 개 내 서재엔 들어오지 못하게 해줘!

We're not going to hold you accountable for 100% compliance.

ex) You hold yourself accountable for your actions.

*hold somebody accountable for something ~에게 ~의 책임을 묻다/지우다

*compliance (법의) 준수, (명령에) 따름

We're not going to hold you accountable for 100% compliance.

+) You hold yourself accountable for your actions. 

자신의 행동에 대해 스스로 책임을 지는 겁니다.

*get around something (문제를) 잘 (회)피하다, 법규를 돌아서 가다

We know that there will always be kids who get around.

+) There is no getting around the fact that living here is expensive.

여기 사는 게 비싸다는 건 회피할 수 없는/부정할 수 없는 사실이야.

*the pants off 철저하게, 홀딱

*sue the pants off (of) (someone) 막대한 손해배상 소송을 제기하다

The parents can sue the pants off of you.

I'm suggesting four norms that we can adopt even if Congress never comes to our help.

*cesspool 시궁창, 소굴, 오물통

Delay the age at which the kids are going to jump into this cesspool.

What do you think our chances are against this device that is ubiquitous and designed to be addictive?

There's only really one thing standing in the way, and that is resignation.

It's going to plunge down a gorge.

Smartphones are addictive and contribute to low self-esteem and feelings of isolation among kids. NPR's Steve Inskeep talks to social psychologist Jonathan Haidt about his book The Anxious Generation.


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The consequences of a smartphone-centered childhood


The consequences of a smartphone-centered childhood

Smartphones are addictive and contribute to low self-esteem and feelings of isolation among kids. NPR's Steve Inskeep talks to social psychologist Jonathan Haidt about his book The Anxious Generation.






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