


De-influencers Ring the Alarm on the Environmental Impacts of Overconsumption


A lot of these products end up in landfills or end up being burned.

All of that has an effect on the climate.

How exactly do deinfluencers address these kinds of issues?

I put all of these questions and more to sustainability experts. 

I know that nobody else is perfect on this.

My business and my book is all about how this bunch of really imperfect people can try to make a bit of a better world.

Many things on social media are just sped up.

It's just one or two clicks away. It's on its way to your house.

*practical 타당한, 현실성 있는, 실현 가능한 (=workable)

I have bought a lot of things I don't need on Instagram that seem really practical in the moment.

*coincide with ~와 동시에 일어나다, 일치하다

But this also coincides with things happening in the real world.

Deinfluencing - big conversation. 

*nuanced 미묘한 차이가 있는

It's got a little bit more nuanced.

But the science right up until recently wasn't backing that.

*guru 전문가

They're sort of the gurus of what's actually happening out there on climate.

But they actually feel discouraged from sharing this stuff because fear of greenwashing.

*well-off  부유한, 잘사는 (=rich)

when it comes to climate, there's a criticism that they're steps that are a lot easier to take if you're more well-off, right?

You can't buy your way out of sustainability alone.

What you want to do is you want to try to swap things out.

*downside 부정적인 측면 

Do you see any downsides here when we're talking about this deinfluencing trend?

We all know that habits can take a long time to change.

It's why I don't want to see this as a trend.

From plastic packaging to useless gadgets that end up in landfills, over-consumption doesn't just have a negative effect on our wallets - but also on our planet and climate change.


We look at what role can de-influencers play in helping address climate change and spreading the message of sustainable living.


<NPR 팟캐스트 원문 기사 바로 가기>

De-influencers Ring the Alarm on the Environmental Impacts of Overconsumption


De-influencers Ring the Alarm on the Environmental Impacts of Overconsumption : Consider This from NPR

In the last few years, a new trend has emerged on social media: de-influencing.Instead of selling, de-influencers encourage their followers to stop buying things they don't need. De-influencers are also using this trend as an opportunity to raise awareness




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