NPR LIFE KIT How to cut costs, pay down debt and save more money in 2024 *elicit 이끌어내다 I'm about to say a word that may elicit some groans. *austerity 엄격, 긴축, 내핍 +) a life of austerity 궁핍한 생활 +) austerity plan 긴축(경제[재정]) 계획[정책] *austerity and restriction 긴축과 제한 You're worried this is going to be an exercise in austerity and restriction, that is not Soledad's approach. Self-care is an expansive t..
HEALTH NEWS FROM NPR Shots LIVING BETTER Patients say keto helps with their mental illness. Science is racing to understand why *epilepsy 뇌전증, 간질 The ketogenic diet was first developed for people with epilepsy. *promise 가능성, 장래성, 밝은 전망, 유망, (특히 좋은 일이 있을 징조) *show promise 가망이 있다 +) He shows promise. (앞으로 잘 될거라며) 그는 유망한 사람이지. +) That sounds promising. (상황을 들어보니) 조짐이 좋은 걸, 잘 될 것 같은데. Now some docto..
NPR News THE INDICATOR FROM PLANET MONEY The surprising leader in EVs *work ethic 직업의식, (윤리관으로서의) 근면, 노동관 *acute 예리한, 예민한, 잘 발달된 (=keen), 급성의, 격심한 *acute attention 세심한 주의, 예리한 주의력 Wang Chuanfu is known for having this intense work ethic and an acute attention to detail. *world-beating 세계 제일의, (어떤 분야에서) 제 1인자인 Wang Chuanfu and his company were determined to make a world-beating electric vehicle. ..
NPR News THE INDICATOR FROM PLANET MONEY The surprising leader in EVs *up-and-coming 세상의 주목을 받고 있는 Elon Musk was interviewed about an up-and-coming Chinese electric vehicle company by a reporter from Bloomberg. *ramp up 증가하다 I think they're ramping up production of their electric vehicles. *stake 지분, 주식보유분, 이해관계, 말뚝, (돈 등을) 걸다 (=bet) Warren Buffett owns 10% stake in that. *overtake A as B A를 B로 ..
NPR Podcast LIVING BETTER Want to stress less in 2024? A new book offers '5 resets' to tame toxic stress *get a handle on ~을 이해하다; 파악하다; 처리하다 You're looking to get a handle on stress in the new year. She gave them science-backed tools and strategies to recover and cope better in the long run. *science-backed 과학적 근거가 뒷받침되는 *in the long run (앞으로 길게 보았을 때) 결국에는, 장기적으로, 대체로 She gave them science-bac..
NPR Podcast Life Kit - TOOLS TO HELP YOU GET IT TOGETHER Giving thanks is good for you. Here's how to make it a habit *along similar lines 비슷한 맥락에서 *silver lining 구름의 흰 가장자리; 밝은 희망[전망] *skim (필요한 부분을 찾거나 요점을 알기 위해) 훑어보다, (표면을) 스치듯 하며 지나가다[지나가게 하다] (→skip) *skim over[through] 대충 훑어보다 It can be a way to kind of skim over more difficult things. *get across 전달되다, 알게 하다, 이해시키다; 통하다, 이해되다 I always hop..
NPR Podcast Life Kit - TOOLS TO HELP YOU GET IT TOGETHER Giving thanks is good for you. Here's how to make it a habit What shape does gratitude take in your life? *wield [ wiːld ] (권력·권위 등을) 행사하다 Sometimes that can make it feel heavy, like a complicated tool that needs a lot of time and effort and a user's manual to wield correctly. *hindsight [ ˈhaɪndsaɪt ] 다 알게 됨, 뒤늦은 깨달음 (→foresight) *in hind..
NPR Podcast Life Kit Popular myths about sleep, debunked *hinder [ˈhɪndə(r)] 저해[방해]하다, …을 못하게 하다 +) hindrance[ˈhɪndrəns] 방해[저해] (요인), 장애(물), 저해 If what you're watching is stressful, that could also cause your cortisol to spike and hinder your ability to fall asleep. *highlight reel- a curated selection of video clips edited on an insight platform. *cut something out 그만두다(남에게 하는 행동이나 말을 그만두라고 할 때..
NPR Podcast Life Kit Popular myths about sleep, debunked *debunk (생각·믿음 등이) 틀렸음을 드러내다[밝히다] +) We must debunk some of the myths. 우리는 몇몇 신화가 잘못되었음을 밝혀내야만 한다. +) But first you'd have to debunk all the fakes. 그러나 먼저 너는 모든 거짓된것들이 틀렸음을 밝혀야 될 거야. You getting enough shuteye? New Year - seems like a good time to get this whole slumbering thing under control. Sleep has a huge impact on our health. We're n..
NPR Podcast LIFE KIT 4 scenarios that can ignite a family fight — and 12 strategies to minimize them Here are four sticky situations you may encounter at your next family gathering and helpful ways to deal with them — so you can actually enjoy yourself. Your aunt keeps asking when you're getting married (a topic you don't want to get into). Your uncle wants to discuss a controversial topic. A co..
NPR Podcast LIFE KIT 4 scenarios that can ignite a family fight — and 12 strategies to minimize them Many of us don't go to family parties looking for a fight. But when we're all together under one roof and have had a little too much spiked eggnog, it can be a pressure cooker. If your family holiday events tend to erupt into verbal brawls, experts say there are techniques you can try to help min..
NPR Podcast SHORT WAVE Why it's so hard to resist holiday sales (and how to try) Malls are designed to overwhelm our brains.Add the stress of holiday shopping, and a quick trip to pick up presents could turn into an hours - long shopping spree thanks to all the ways stores use research from fields like consumer neuroscience and neuromarketing to entice you. Retailers create urgency and scarcity ..
NPR Podcast PLANET MONEY The rise of the four-day school week She says it's not unreasonably priced. It was an unexpected expense. Things are just tighter. Let's go to the arcade and, you know, blow $20 for 40 minutes.. And those type of things we've had to step back from. *hike (가격·경비 등의) 대폭 인상[급등] If the tax hike had gone through, she would have paid less than $60 extra a year to pay teachers ..
NPR Podcast PLANET MONEY The rise of the four-day school week *or so ~쯤[정도], 가량 Every school year we'd lose about 50 or so teachers. That was really a problem to be losing that many. *superintendent 교육감 We had really nothing to offer our staff except low pay. *retention 보유, 유지, 잔류 Gregg and the school board decided to try a couple different things to try to solve their teacher retention problem...
NPR Podcast LIFE KIT 8 simple things you can do to protect yourself from getting scammed NPR 팟캐스트 영어 단어정리 She got on Ticketmaster. *get a bargain 값싸고 질좋은 물건을 발견하다 I got a bargain. And so what should've been the red flag was - how do I have these amazing seats? *hassle 귀찮은 상황, 따지기 *for all the hassle 모든 번거로움에 대해 They gave her and her cousin free front-row tickets for all the hassle. She's a foren..
NPR Podcast Life Kit TOOLS TO HELP YOU GET IT TOGETHER 7 surprising ways the public library can help you save money It's just a great way for kids to build confidence in their reading. Nobody shushed them. *beat around the bush 돌려서 말하다 We've been beating around the bush here a little bit. You can also look for books on the displays that librarians put a lot of heart and thought into. *put a hold..
NPR Podcast 팟캐스트 영어단어장 HEALTH A new drug is worsening the fentanyl crisis and complicating treatment *ravage 황폐하게 하다,파괴하다 The opioid epidemic is raviging American neighborhoods. *veterinary 수의과의 It is a veterinary sedative called xylazine. *in the grip of ~에 휘말린, 시달리는 *be caught in the grip of ~에 사로잡히다 So many people are caught in the grip of drug addiction. *driver 추진 요인, 원동력 It is the drivers ..
NPR Podcast 영어회화 POLITICS Immigration has become a generational issue for Arizona voters *proximity 근접, 가까움 *top of mind 가장 먼저 떠오르는 Arizona, where the proximity to the border means immigration is at the top of many voters' minds. *figure into ~라고 생각하다, ~라고 여기다 How does immigration figure into voters' thinking there? *demographer 인구 통계학자 I learned about this term from a demographer at the Brookin..
NPR Podcast TED RADIO HOUR The story behind soaring myopia among kids *come across 발견하다, 접하다, 우연히 만나다 You came across these lenses over 20 years ago. What would be the optimal lifestyle for that kid so that they don't need you? *free up 확보하다, 마련하다, …을 해방하다, 풀어주다; 해소하다 Free up the mom's or dad's labor. *spot 발견하다, 찾다, 알아채다 They can spot birds. *count for 점수로 계산하다, 인정해주다 So to count for a good vis..
NPR Podcast 팟캐스트 영어단어장 TED RADIO HOUR The story behind soaring myopia among kids *morph 변하다 Myopia causes our eyeballs to morph, to elongate. It refracts light in a way that makes it harder to focus on things far away. *pass down 물려주다 It gets passed down through your parents. I have been told nearsightedness is a pure genetic problem. *run in the family 집안 내력이다 It tends to run in the family. She..