POLITICS Immigration has become a generational issue for Arizona voters
*proximity 근접, 가까움 *top of mind 가장 먼저 떠오르는 Arizona, where the proximity to the border means immigration is at the top of many voters' minds. *figure into ~라고 생각하다, ~라고 여기다 How does immigration figure into voters' thinking there? *demographer 인구 통계학자 I learned about this term from a demographer at the Brookings Institution. *magnify 확대하다, 과장하다 It's magnified in Arizona more so than anywhere else. *stark (차이가) 극명한, 완전한, 엄격한 It's a stark divide. *unvarnished 속임수가 없는, 솔직한, 미완성의 I wanted to hear voters' unvarnished thoughts about immigration. *inundate 범람시키다, 침수시키다, 쇄도하다, 넘치게하다 They are inundating the small cities. *say it best 아주 잘 말하다 President Trump said it best. They grew up under the terror of their families being hunted. Her mom could be swept up and deported in raids. *hardline 강경책 It was a time when Arizona had some of the nation's most hardline immigration laws. *come of age 성년이 되다 Many voters came of age in this era. *backlog of folk 대기자 It's a false system of barriers in that it's creating a backlog of folks. They are describing polar opposite views of the border. We would like to see reform, including a pathway to citizenship. *pathway (행동) 계획, (목표에 이르는) 길 How is immigration going to factor into the strategy? *intact (하나도 손상되지 않고) 온전한, 전혀 다치지 않은 (=undamaged) *alienate 소원하게 만들다, 딴쪽으로 돌리다 This is an approach that aims to keep the base intact while not alienating people in the middle.
The White House is asking Congress for more than $13 billion to deal with border issues. This comes as a group of Democratic mayors is urging President Biden to help them deal with a dramatic increase of migrants who've ended up in their cities. NPR White House correspondent Asma Khalid recently traveled to Arizona, where the proximity to the border means immigration is at the top of many voters' minds.