
How to cut costs, pay down debt and save more money in 2024


*elicit 이끌어내다
I'm about to say a word that may elicit some groans.
*austerity 엄격, 긴축, 내핍
+) a life of austerity 궁핍한 생활
+) austerity plan 긴축(경제[재정]) 계획[정책]
*austerity and restriction 긴축과 제한
You're worried this is going to be an exercise in austerity and restriction, that is not Soledad's approach.
Self-care is an expansive term.
When you're taking care of yourself, you are more likely to be well-rested and energized.
The overwhelmed, exhausted, overstimulated person is not going to have the capacity to stick to a budget.
*sacred [ˈseɪkrɪd] 성스러운, 종교적인
*sanity 온전한 정신 (상태)
*dinero (스페인어에서) 돈
*interpersonal 대인관계에 관련된
But there's dinero self-care like checking in with your budget on a weekly basis. 
Because money is a means, not an end.
*sustain 지속시키다 
Let's identify the amount of money that you need every single month that's necessary to sustain your lifestyle.
*balance out 균형을 맞추다
Maybe it is moving to a different location and then balancing out.
Set a target for how much you want to spend on these things.
*high-yield 고수익 
How are you saving for unexpected or upcoming planned expenses in a high-yield savings account?
I would add up your self-care expenses, your fixed expenses, your variable expenses and your debt payments. Add that total up.

Feeling off-track about how you've been handling your money over the past few months?

The new year is a great time to update your budget, says financial counselor Rita Soledad Fernández Paulino of Wealth Para Todos. "You're going to sit down, look at your bank and credit card statements and decide whether that's how you want to continue spending your money."
Financial experts share actions you can take to help cut costs, pay down debt and save more money.


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How to cut costs, pay down debt and save more money in 2024


How to cut costs, pay down debt and save more money in 2024 : Life Kit

The new year is a great time to update your budget, say financial experts. Here's what you can do to curb your spending, save for emergencies and keep your investments on track.




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