
Patients say keto helps with their mental illness. Science is racing to understand why


*epilepsy 뇌전증, 간질
The ketogenic diet was first developed for people with epilepsy.

*promise 가능성, 장래성, 밝은 전망, 유망, (특히 좋은 일이 있을 징조)
*show promise 가망이 있다
+) He shows promise. 
     (앞으로 잘 될거라며) 그는 유망한 사람이지. 
+) That sounds promising. 
     (상황을 들어보니) 조짐이 좋은 걸, 잘 될 것 같은데.
Now some doctors say it shows promise for mental health.
Several open trials have shown promise for bipolar disorder. 
*radical 급격한, 급진적인
He first sensed a radical shift.
For many years, Campbell had lived with bipolar disorder.
This might be what it feels like to be normal.
He'd started a new diet, hoping to lose some weight.
He cut out carbs and focused on eating fat and protein. 
*draw on/upon something (이용 가능한 공급품에) 의지하다
It draws on ketones, which come from the breakdown of fat.
I saw that my ketone level was correlated to my symptoms.
He had his own revelation after two of his patients with schizoaffective disorder tried keto.
*out of place 장소에 벗어난, 어울리지 않는
why Palmer says it's not out of place in his field. 
*off label 의사 등이 식약처의 허가사항 외로 의약품을 사용하는 것, (약이) FDA 승인 없이 처방된[되어]
We use them off label. 
The classic ketogenic diet contains an eye-popping amount of fat. 
*eye-popping  눈이 튀어나올 정도인, 깜짝 놀랄 정도인
*dial down 완화하다, 누그러뜨리다
But there are now other versions that dial down the fat.

*promise 가능성, 장래성, 밝은 전망, 유망, (특히 좋은 일이 있을) 징조

*show promise 가망이 있다

+) He shows promise. 

     (앞으로 잘 될거라며) 그는 유망한 사람이지. 

+) That sounds promising. 

     (상황을 들어보니) 조짐이 좋은 걸, 잘 될 것 같은데.

Several open trials have shown promise for bipolar disorder.

*remission 경감, 용서
France found more than 40% achieved clinical remission.
*fad diet 일시적으로 유행했다가 사라지는 다이어트
It's not a fad diet.
*coin 새로 만들다
It's a term Sethi coined when she launched Stanford's program in 2015.
*silver bullet 문제 해결의 묘책, 특효약,확실한 해결책, 확실한 공격(또는 방어)책
+) No Silver Bullet 묘책은 없다, 왕도가 없다
+) Exercise is a silver bullet. 운동이 특효약이다.
+) This is the silver bullet. It's good for health.
    이게 바로 그 만병통치약이라고요. 몸에 좋은 거예요.
It's not the silver bullet.
*hype [haɪp] (대대적이고 과장된) 광고[선전]
There's already too much hype ahead of solid evidence.
*pilot trial 선행연구, 임상 실험
I haven't been able to get people to stay on it.

*sentiment 감정, 의견
It's a sentiment that Campbell knows well, and it's why he's pushing forward with this work.

In online forums, people with bipolar disorder were sharing similar anecdotes — they were finding improvements in their mood, increased clarity and fewer episodes of depression.

But as Campbell searched for ways to launch a proper clinical trial to test the diet's effectiveness, he became discouraged.


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Patients say keto helps with their mental illness. Science is racing to understand why


Patients say keto helps with their mental illness. Science is racing to understand why

It's not just for weight loss. Patients and doctors alike are having success using the diet for illnesses like bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. And research is taking off.




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