HEALTH A new drug is worsening the fentanyl crisis and complicating treatment
*ravage 황폐하게 하다,파괴하다
The opioid epidemic is raviging American neighborhoods.
*veterinary 수의과의
It is a veterinary sedative called xylazine.
*in the grip of ~에 휘말린, 시달리는
*be caught in the grip of ~에 사로잡히다
So many people are caught in the grip of drug addiction.
*driver 추진 요인, 원동력
It is the drivers that get us there.
*as opposed to ~에 비해, 와는 대조적으로
Synthetic drugs become more lethal as opposed to what we've had for thousands of years.
The way drugs are being bought and sold has changed.
*address (문제·상황 등에 대해) 고심하다[다루다], ((문제를)) 맞서다. 해결하다.
What do you think could be done to address it?
*imperative 필요한, 반드시 해야하는
So it becomes imperative to ensure that we get ahead of this
*illicit 불법의
However, that hasn't stopped the drug dealers from mixing it in with the illicit fentanyl.
*hybrid problem 복합적인 문제
*on one hand 한편으로는
This becomes a hybrid problem where on one hand.
There's so much consideration of what do you do to stop drug overdoses?
*root cause 근본 원인
So it's really important when we look at that we begin to look at root causes.
NPR's Scott Simon talks to Dr. Rahul Gupta, the director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, about how a veterinary sedative called Xylazine is worsening the country's opioid epidemic.