미드영어 추천영어공부 페어런트후드 S03E10 Day4 *crack up 마구 웃기 시작하다, (중압감을 못 이기고 정신적으로나 육체적으로) 무너지다[쓰러지다] You're cracking up. This is exactly what I was trying to avoid. That's how she saves money. *get down to business 일에 착수하다 Just get down to business. *dividend 배당금, 이익배당, 몫, 특별한 덤 *would kill for 정말 원하다, 진짜 먹고 싶다 People would kill for this job. *instill 스며들게 하다, 서서히 주입시키다 *instill in …에게 심어주다 I try to instil..
페어런트후드 시즌 3, 에피소드 10 영어단어장 주요구문 정리 Day3 *stand someone up ~를 바람 맞히다 I wanted to apologize for standing you up the other day as well. *think the world of someone or something ~를 몹시 좋아하다 We think the world of her. *in open 공개적으로 *or whatnot 기타등등 I just wanted to kind of get things out in the open if you had any questions or whatnot. *stall 멎다, (갑자기) 시동이 꺼지다; 멎게 하다, 시동을 꺼트리다, (시간을 벌려고 대답 등을) 피하다, 지..
영어회화 미드영어 페어런트후드 시즌 3 영어단어정리 Day2 *groovy 근사한, 멋진 This place is looking groovier every week. Did he bring up the marriage thing again? When he said that, it just killed me. *connet the dots 이해하다, 알아차리다, 감잡다 He would just connect the dots. I don't know if he's as bright as we originally thought. You're $140 short. Get the $140 to me tomorrow, or you are out. *but (보통 ~s) 제한, 조건: 이의, 반대; 예외 *buts ..
추천미드 영어회화 페어런트후드 Day5 *bust 실패작(=failure) This one's a bust. 얘는 실패작이야. *hellion [ ˈheliən ] 지독히 말 안듣는 아이 When I was seven, I was a hellion. *chuck (아무렇게나) 던지다 Should we just chuck her? How are you getting home? You're not gonna wait out in the rain at the bus stop. It's pouring out. I'm gonna pull the car up front. *sketchy 의심쩍은, 수상한, 뒤가 구린듯한, 대충의 This neighborhood's a little sketchy. Can I just..
페어런트후드 시즌 3, 에피소드 9 Day4 *tuck somebody in/up ~에게 이불을 잘 덮어 주다 I'll come tuck you in in a second. This kid, Louis, right out in the open, he excludes Max. He was making fun of him, making faces behind his back. Something has to be done about it. Nothing is getting done. Nothing's getting resolved. I just don't think that it's time for us to jump in and call the parents. It drives a wedge between ..
페어런트후드 시즌 3, 9화 Day3 *skimpy 몸을 많이 드러내는, 노출이 심한, (양·크기 등이) 너무 적은[작은] Rachel knocks then enters wearing another skimpy outfit. *get back to somebody (특히 회답을 하기 위해) ~에게 나중에 다시 연락하다 I'm gonna get back to you on that. How's work going for you? I'm not convinced that Max is even aware of it. Yeah, it's challenging. That's for sure. *mean to ~할 셈이다 There's something I've been meaning to say to you sin..
미드로 영어공부하며 미국문화와 영어를 함께 배워나가봅니다. 영어공부하기 좋은 미드로 추천하는 페어런트후드 대본과 영어단어장을 보고 함께 재미있게 공부해보세요. ★ Day 1 영어단어장 *set a good example 좋은 모범을 보이다 They want you, as the older kid, to set a good example. *think something up ~을 생각해 내다[고안하다] (=devise, invent) What genius thought that up? Sometimes in life things happen. *suck it up 받아들이다(=endure), 감수하다, 마음을 가다듬다 +) Just suck it up and move on. 그냥 받아들이고 새 출발을 해...
미드영어 추천미드 페어런트후드 Day 5 *peck 가벼운 키스; 쪼다 쪼아먹다 Did you have one?I had a couple. They're crispy, yet tender. I was wondering what happened to you. *mortifying 굴욕적인, 분한 It was mortifying, okay? I'm feeling insecure enough as it is. *for what it's worth 그냥 내 생각일 뿐이지만, 도움이 될지 모르겠지만 You know, for what it's worth, though? You could just see yourself the way that I see you. *horny 흥분한 *rascal 악동, 악당 *get..
추천미드영어 페어런트후드 시즌 3, 에피소드 8 Day 3 We might as well tell everyone so no one get confused. I'm being dead serious. We're more than happy to watch the kids, really. you just gotta show up. I just wanted to have an excuse to check up on you. Can you please resist the urge to mock me? What'd you get out of him? *hairy 아슬아슬한 Just every hairy detail of his first kiss. It has to do with your whole sense ..
추천미드 영어회화스터디 페어런트후드 Day 2 I'm actually off to work, so see you later. I'm doing this for me, just so we're clear. Are you gonna stay for dinner? *pop by = stop by I just popped by to see you. *shun 피하다 *shunned 따돌림당하는 무시당하는 She feels shunned, slighted. She didn't seem like she was interested in going at all. *follow through (이미 시작한 일을) 다 끝내다, 마무리짓다 -to complete or carry out a plan, promise, or c..
미드영어 페어런트후드 시즌 3 대본공부 Day 1 What relevant experience do you have that qualifies you for this job? Where do you see yourself in two years? I'd really like to manage, so I'm hoping that I'll be on track to do that. *as cheesy as it sounds 유치하게 들리겠지만 As cheesy as it sounds, I think that life is just way too short to do anything other than what you love. Did you have your eyes closed? *follow throug..
추천미드 미드영어회화 페어런트후드 시즌 3 영어공부 S03E07 Day 5 *oldie but goodie 낡았지만 좋은 것[사람], 옛날을 그립게[생각나게] 하는 것[사람], 온고지신 There's an oldie but a goodie. Remember, she bit into a French fry? They lifted my restriction on visitations. *vertigo 현기증, 어지러움 *make a night of it 밤새 놀다 You want to make a night of it? I think I have every line memorized. Not my finest moment as a mom. *talk to 비난하다, …을 꾸짖다, …에게 말을 걸다 Talke..
미드영어 페어런트후드 시즌 3 대본 영어공부 S03E07 Day 4 *micromanage 소소한 것까지 챙기다 일일이 간여하다 I micromanage. It's what I do. It's really trendy right now. Are you for real? I'll just ignore all the times you bitched at me for being late. You're being irrational right now. *period 이상, 끝((논쟁을 끝내고 더 이상의 말을 할 필요가 없을 때 사용)) I don't want to be replaced. This is an ambush. *meddler 간섭[참견]하려는 사람 He's a meddler, he's a pain i..
미드대본 영어회화 스터디 페어런트후드 시즌 3. 에피소드 7 Day 3 So what do you say to bowling? *reason (논리적인 근거에 따라) 판단하다, 추리[추론]하다 Maybe we should try to reason with him. You're not coming up with any brilliant ideas yourself. *go off to~로 들어가다/착수하다, ~로 되어가다 Haddie's gonna go off to college, and we have a tiny little window right now, okay? He's in such a fragile place. I feel so bad, I almost thought of making up a s..
추천미드 영어회화 공부 페어런트후드 Day 2 Rodney's shedding his skin. I just don't wanna have to stress out about studying Spanish. It feels like nails being driven directly into my head. Your mother set out a plate for you. You're gonna keep seeing this guy? Don't you think it's time to set some boundaries? That wasn't believable. *in moderation 알맞게, 적당히 Cooked crab and lobster are apparently okay in moderatio..
영어회화 미드공부 페어런트후드 시즌 3, 7화 Day 1 Are you having people over after we leave? *aggravating 약올리는 These moving guys are aggravating your daddy. That's what he did with you. Why is the table all set? *passage of time 시간의 경과 That's not a significant passage of time. Nora can mix with the unwashed public. I gotta get to work. Just get fatter and fatter. *I'm slacking 게으름을 피우고 있다 I know I'm slacking, but..
페어런트후드 시즌 3, 6화 미드영어 영어회화 Day 4 You were shredding it. *sleep-deprived 잠이 부족한, 수면 부족의 I'm sleep-deprived. *take something personally 불쾌, 심각하게 받아들이다 You cannot take that personally. *take (a) five 잠깐 쉬다 (5분 정도의 휴식) Let's take five. 잠깐 쉬었다 갑시다, 5분간 휴식하죠. He nailed that from top to bottom. *stellar 뛰어난, 훌륭한 If I'm the audience, that was stellar. *confer 상의하다 They are conferring in there and wanted ..
페어런트후드 시즌 3, 6화 대본과 영어공부 Day2 I appreciate that but tomorrow's still not soon enough. *hip 유행에 밝은 *cutting-edge 최첨단, 최신의 I'm trying to be hip, cutting-edge. *to be off to ~로 떠나다, ~하러 떠나다 I am off to conquer worlds. I'm happy to see you like this. *right on = exactly right or to the point -상대방의 의견이나 판단이 정확하다고 인정하는 표현 You were right on. *come through (약속대로 무엇을) 해내다[완수하다] So the agency finally came..
페어런트후드 시즌 3, 5화 Day 5 I need to step out into the hallway for a second. You keep your scrawny ass right where it is. *scrawny 뼈만 앙상한, 가죽만 남은 No, eyes on the road. *eyes on the road-pay attention where you are going Have you been doing this for long? I'm just getting started in the recording industry. I think that sometimes it can be a little crude. *crude 대충의, 대충 만든 The explicit language, I th..
페어런트후드 시즌 3, 5화 Day 4 *imposed on someone -에게 부과하다, -에게 폐를 끼치다 The details aren't really important, but what do you think he was feeling? You have to have that one? You don't think that would bother you? I hope it doesn't ever happen to you so you don't have to find out whether I'm overreacting. *fair enough 인정, 알겠어, 말되네 You're being insensitive. *insensitive 둔감한, 무신경한, 몰이해한 Insensitive is you s..