
미드영어 페어런트후드 시즌 3 대본 

영어공부 S03E07 Day 4

*micromanage 소소한 것까지 챙기다 일일이 간여하다
I micromanage. It's what I do.
It's really trendy right now.
Are you for real?
I'll just ignore all the times you bitched at me for being late.
You're being irrational right now.
*period 이상, 끝((논쟁을 끝내고 더 이상의 말을 할 필요가 없을 때 사용))
I don't want to be replaced.
This is an ambush.
*meddler 간섭[참견]하려는 사람
He's a meddler, he's a pain in the ass.
We've been down this road with Seth before and we've seen where it leads.
He is capable of change.
How do you know what I'm hoping or expecting? I just want something better to happen.
*rough patch 힘든 시간
She had that rough patch last year.
Just trying to look out for you, okay?
If we rush, we can probably make the previews.
I noticed that one of the tires was loose.
*lock and load 준비완료
Thi is way more fun than bowling.
All you've done is whining and complaining.
*regroup 마음을 가다듬다
Just take a breath and regroup, okay?



미드영어 페어런트후드 시즌 3 대본 영어공부 S03E07 Day1


미드영어 페어런트후드 시즌 3 대본 영어공부 S03E07 Day1

영어회화 미드공부 페어런트후드 시즌 3, 7화 Day 1 Are you having people over after we leave? *aggravating 약올리는 These moving guys are aggravating your daddy. That's what he did with you. Why is the table all set? *passage of time 시




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