추천미드 영어회화스터디 Can you get ready in five minutes?*location shoot 야외 촬영You don't have anything else you'd like to say to me?You got anything to eat, 'cause I'm starving…*sugar crash 슈거 크래시((당분이 많은 음식을 섭취한 후 시간이 지나면서 느끼는 무력감과 피로감)) I'm gonna sugar crash.*girl Friday (여러 가지 일을 하는) 여사원, 충실한 하녀[하인]I sort of feel like you've been treating me like your girl Friday.I kinda feel like you've been blowing m..
페어런트후드 시즌 4, 3화 I'd just like a few minutes to myself.I'm eating ice cream straight out of the container…*perpetuate 영구화하다, 영속시키다I’m just perpetuating it. I am gonna ace this.*ageism 노인차별Well, it was ageism, that much is clear.*go through the roof 치솟다[급등하다], 최고에 달하다, 분통을 터뜨리다, 발끈하다 I remember our insurance went through the roof.You're telling me.*smooching 애무I mean, do a little smooching?*grind..
추천미드 영어회화 페어런트후드 I didn't like the way he made you wait.I didn't like the way he answered his phone every time it rang when he was supposed to be focused on you. I want somebody who's going to be sensitive to what you're going through. *nip this thing in the bud 초장에 문제의 싹을 잘라내다The person who's going to nip this thing in the bud and take care of you.Nobody covered for me, and we just lost them.*..
추천미드 영어공부 페어런트후드 I can get whatever I want, and no one can say no to me.They took it away last June.Man, chill out.What kind of a way is that to run a practice?It's just the way it is.*a dead giveaway 명백한 증거Your hair's a dead giveaway.*after a while 잠시 후Plus the husbands stop coming after a while.*lumpectomy 유방 절제술, 유방암 수술법I know that this is, like, really last minute.Our wedding is less than a..
페어런트후드 시즌 4, 2화 How'd that go over? 어떻게 됐어요?I'm still mad as hell.Here's the thing. I didn't hear back from you today. I left you a bunch of voice mails.Now the day's come and gone, and there is this hole.It's like there's a piece missing.I don't know if we can replace Haddie with a puppy.I'm willing to try.He's a deeply weird, troubled person with very frightening views on women.I just wanted ..
추천미드 영어회화 공부 *housebreak 배변훈련You can't housebreak those dogs.What does that have to do with anything? 그게 도대체 무슨 상관이죠?You mean, your intent on acquiring one of these championship stock is to turn it into a household pet?you're gonna need a travel crate for the show dog.*sleep on (하룻밤 자면서) 시간을 가지고 신중히 생각하다. 심사숙고하다I think we have to sleep on it.We're gonna sleep on it, and we'll give you a call t..
페어런트후드 시즌 4, 2화 If you want, we can make it like a regular thing.I'll let you ask him yourself. *be up to ~에 달려 있다, ~가 할[결정할] 일이다(~의 의무·책임·결정임을 나타냄)Your mom wants to talk to you, if you're up to it.It was his first day of senior year, so you might like to ask him a question.This is my son Drew, who you've been wanting to talk to.Maybe it works for them.Wouldn't that drive you crazy if every tim..
추천미드 영어회화 페어런트후드 시즌 4, 2화 This really drives me nuts.*a royal pain in the ass 골칫거리I also know what a royal pain in the ass having a puppy can be.Research shows that this dog would be good for Max as a companion. *compatible 사이좋게 지낼 수 있는They're compatible for kids on the autism spectrum, they are.*take a beat 잠시 미루다Let's just make sure we take a beat before we just run off and get a dog.*behold ..
페어런트후드 시즌 4, 1화 Acts like nothing happened.Who pulls crap like that? 누가 그런 헛소리를 해?I knew I shouldn't have told you about Amber. You can't get involved like this.I was wondering if I could talk to you.Sometimes life doesn't work out the way we expect it to.We didn't want to rush into it until before that.But it is going to happen.Lose the attitude 반항하는, 고집스런 그런 태도 버려Your grandparents are throwin..
페어런트후드 시즌 4, 에피소드 1 I'm looking for Nick.I'm gonna take you right to him.I might have exaggerated slightly how much experience I have.*nada 아무것도 아닌 것 No. Stop it. Nada, okay? You lied.*blatantly [ˈbleɪtnt-] 노골적으로, 뻔뻔스럽게You blatantly lied…Can I at least get my day's pay?*commune 공동체(함께 살면서 책무·재산 등을 공유하는 집단)I lived and worked on a commune.Here's what I'm trying to get at. *be invested in 관심을 기울이다,..
페어런트후드 시즌 4, 1화 Day 2 *prayerful 잘 기도하는, 신앙심이 깊은*I guess what I'm getting at is 내가 하고 싶은 말은*bestow (특히 존경의 뜻으로) 주다, 수여하다[on]I guess what I'm getting at is, you know, when you had your children, I can't imagine you would have been thrilled with your mother just bestowing all of her religious ideals onto your children. And we feel like maybe that's more our job as the parents.It came from a good ..
추천미드 페어런트후드 시즌 4, 1화 *for all eternity 영원토록, 영원히Yet there she is for all eternity in our family picture.Anyone could have seen that coming.Amy likes you just the way you are.So how's the job hunt coming?I'm trying to transition out of bartending.It's well-done, the way you like it. And how come he gets to eat in front of the TV, too?I don't wanna go all the way to burger and pie.The wind whips i..
페어런트후드 시즌 3, 18화 I'm so happy for you, to see your dreams come true. *tussle 몸싸움을 하다 We've definitely tussled. *in good hands (맡겨서) 안심할 수 있는, 잘 관리되는 -Under the guidance of a capable being. And Jabbar's in good hands. +) Well, at least I’m in good hands. 그럼, 마음 푹 놓고 있어도 되겠군요. +) With his family in good hands, Colin Powell concentrated on his career. 가족에 대한 걱정이 없어지자 콜린 파월은 커리어에 열중했습니다. Hear, hear!..
페어런트후드 시즌 3, 18화 Meet up on the weekend. Make her wait. I was... Up all night. I love you, and you love me, and that's all that matters. I couldn't take that away from you. It's better that I do it now. We'd like to widen our net. That definitely accelerates the process. *ethnicities 인종, 민족 All races, ethnicities, boy, girl. We're open. May I talk to you about one other option? Sometimes a mothe..
미드영어 페어런트후드 시즌 3 This is a pretty good system I've come up with… I put my little girl in daycare to come work for you, and I like my job, I really do. I've developed feelings for a capable, smart, beautiful, young woman whom you put into my life. I love that. Where are they doing it? Will you be my date? He doesn't seem pleased. Neither one of them won, because they both lost track of their emot..
미드영어 페어런트후드 시즌 3, 18화 I need everybody's undivided attention. *crackerjack 진짜 근사한 Now, thanks to Renee and Camille, we have a crackerjack list of wedding assignments. Honey, you are in charge of cake. And you gotta make it big enough for 40 people. Actually, it's more like 57. Wait, how did we get to 57? The church has to be up in here. *deference [ˈdefərəns] 존중[경의](을 표하는 행동) *in deference to- 에..
페어런트후드 시즌 3, 18화 *break the news 안좋은 소식을 처음으로 알리다 +) breaking news 뉴스 속보 *storm 뛰쳐나가다 She storms out of the studio. *part (~와) 헤어지다 *on friendly terms 친한, 사이가 좋은((with)) Joe hug, they part on friendly terms. +) I'm on friendly terms with him. 저는 그와 친한 사이에요. +) She was on friendly terms with most of the hospital staff. 그녀는 모든 병원 직원들과 친하게 지냈다. I realized how much I love this man here, no matter wh..
페어런트후드 시즌 3, 17화 미드 영어회화공부 Day 5 You're taking it seriously. *given …을 고려해 볼 때 *given everything 모든 것을 감안/고려할 때 Drew especially, given everything. Thanks for the heads-up. I shouldn't have even said anything. I didn't want to ruin tonight. *go/travel back in time 시간을 되돌리다 I wish I could go back in time. +) If I could go back in time, I wouldn't have broken up with you. 시간을 돌릴 수 있다면 너와 헤어지지 않았을 거..