추천미드 페어런트후드 시즌 4, 1화
*for all eternity 영원토록, 영원히
Yet there she is for all eternity in our family picture.
Anyone could have seen that coming.
Amy likes you just the way you are.
So how's the job hunt coming?
I'm trying to transition out of bartending.
It's well-done, the way you like it.
And how come he gets to eat in front of the TV, too?
I don't wanna go all the way to burger and pie.
The wind whips in your face.
I'm here to leave a deposit for.
I don't charge by the head, so it's totally up to you.
My experience is from a while ago.
That's a plus.
*meant to be 인연
This is, like, meant to be. 이건 정말 운명이에요.
We shall see. 일이 되어가는 것을 보자, 느긋하게 하자
Who knows if it'll even work out?
*pride oneself on ~에 자부심을 느끼다. ~을 자랑스러워하다
*segue [ ˈseɡweɪ ] (한 가지 노래·주제·장소 등에서 다른 것으로 부드럽게) 넘어가다[이어지다]
I pride myself on my awkward segues.
*wreck 엉망으로 만들다
Look, it was an old girlfriend of Crosby's who wrecked it for all of us.
*get into a whole thing 전적으로(모든일에) 관여하다
I kind of didn't want to get into a whole thing with her.
페어런트후드 시즌 4, 1화 대본
Parenthood S04E01 Family Portrait.pdf