
추천미드 영어회화 페어런트후드 시즌 4, 2화


This really drives me nuts.

*a royal pain in the ass 골칫거리

I also know what a royal pain in the ass having a puppy can be.

Research shows that this dog would be good for Max as a companion. 

*compatible 사이좋게 지낼 수 있는

They're compatible for kids on the autism spectrum, they are.

*take a beat 잠시 미루다

Let's just make sure we take a beat before we just run off and get a dog.

*behold  (바라)보다

+) Her face was a joy to behold. 

    그녀의 얼굴은 바라보기만 해도 좋았다.

+) Her new house was great to behold. 

    그녀의 새 집은 무척 보기가 좋았다.

It's a big commitment. It's a 14-year commitment.

My head hurts, and so does my stomach. 

Well, you don't feel too warm.

It's mostly my stomach.

I do not like you being sick.

*incessant 못마땅함, 쉴새없는

What is that incessant beeping that it's doing?

It's just a calendar app that I have. Kristina lets me know if she adds something to our schedule.

*go off (경보기 등이) 울리다

It's going off all the time.

I happen to like this app, okay? We have busy lives. It keeps us in sync.

*come through (with something) (전화·무선·공식 기관을 통해) 들어오다[도착하다], (약속대로 무엇을) 해내다[완수하다] 

Thank God that came through.

Can we get back to the schedule, please?

*open-ended 제약을 두지 않는

It's open-ended.

*dry spells 불황기, 정체기

Once in a while, we have dry spells.

Libidos took over.





페어런트후드 시즌 4, 2화 대본 

Parenthood S04E02-2.pdf



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