
NPR Podcast 


The Dangers of Grass Fires


팟캐스트 영어공부 단어장

Agencies like these need to stop prioritizing suppression and let good fires burn.
*admittedly 인정하건대
That was the only way I can get through it.
It's been like an asylum for me.
*asylum [əˈsaɪləm]  피난처, 망명
She got a citation from the city in 2017.
*citation 소환장
Homeowners with native gardens from Florida and Maryland to Missouri and Kentucky have gotten slapped with fines.
*slap 부과하다, (행정 명령등으로) 단속하다
This one is an example of a yard that's actually in compliance.
*compliance 협력, 복종
*in compliance 규정에 따라
It's Thompson's job to go find out.
when she's stumped, she uses an app.
*stump (너무 어려운 질문 문제로) 쩔쩔매게[당황하게] 하다
Bloomington changed its ordinance to define a weed as an invasive plant.
It doesn't block traffic sightlines.


With the wildfires in Maui contained, the recovery process has begun. 
The focus has also turned to how the island can prepare for similar disasters in the future

Officials and experts hope to address Hawaii's emergency alert system, as well as the construction of more fire-resistant homes. 

But what of the fires themselves? We often hear about forest fires, but the deadliest fire in the US in more than a century was a grass fire. Co-host Ailsa Chang talks to Jeva Lange, who wrote a story called "Most Wildfires Aren't Forest Fires," about how wildfires largely occur in grasslands. 

Also Rebecca Thiele with Indiana Public Broadcasting reports on how certain native plants can help combat the deadly effects of climate change.


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The Dangers of Grass Fires


The Dangers of Grass Fires : Consider This from NPR

With the wildfires in Maui contained, the recovery process has begun.The focus has also turned to how the island can prepare for similar disasters in the futureOfficials and experts hope to address Hawaii's emergency alert system, as well as the constructi




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