Have a food allergy? Your broken skin barrier might be to blame
팟캐스트 영어단어정리
My nose would get totally stuffed up. *stuffed up 코가 막힌 In the scheme of things, though, it was just a mild allergy. *In the scheme of things (일이 돌아가는) 상황/~가 원하는 상황 - considering everything It's like your body's trying to purge something that did not stay well with it. *purge 몰아내다, 없애다, 제거하다 It is just kind of, like, a whole-body takeover. *takeover 인수, 점령, 탈취, 장악 Waheeda's specialty is food allergies, and their prevalence is exploding. *prevalence 널리 퍼짐, 유행, 보급 Now we look at 1 in 13 children have a food allergy. That means allergy rates have basically doubled. *on the rise 상승세인, 증가 추세인, 오름세에 있는, 뜨고 있는, 인기 상승중인 Food allergies are definitely on the rise in certain countries but not others. That is the million-dollar question, right? *be back with ~로 다시 오다, ~를 가지고 다시 보다 We have a lot of theories. Some of them are backed with significant amount of research. *emerging 최근 생겨난 *molecular (물리, 화학) 분자의 *piece together (=put together) Along the intestinal lining, you've got tons and tons of immune cells. *lining (인체 부위의) 내벽, (무엇의 안에 대는) 안감[안지] *cytokines (생물) 시토킨 (면역체계 세포에서 만들어져 다른 세포의 분열을 촉진하는 물질의 총칭) It sets off signals. *set off (일련의 사건·과정을) 유발하다[일으키다], 출발하다 And so that sets off multiple different cascades throughout the body. *cascade 연쇄작용, (정보통신) 종속, 단계식 *histamine 면역반응을 돕기 위해 체내에서 내보내는 화학물질 *hives 두드러기 *indicative [ɪnˈdɪkətɪv] …을 나타내는[보여주는/시사하는], 직설법의 +) indicate 나타내다[보여 주다] These are all very, you know, indicative of a more severe reaction. *airways 기도 It will raise your blood pressure by constricting your blood vessels. *constrict 수축되다[하다], 조이다[죄다]
Food allergies have risen in the United States over the last few decades. Research suggests that 40 years ago the actual prevalence of food allergies was less than 1%. But this year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released data showing that almost 6% of U.S. adults and children have a food allergy.
But this trend is not present in all countries — and what people are allergic to varies globally. Researchers are still trying to piece together why this prevalence and the specifics of the allergies are so variable.