
NPR Podcast 


The Dangers of Grass Fires


팟캐스트 영어단어 공부
With the fires in Maui contained, the recovery process has begun
*contain 억제하다, 억누르다
The focus is now on housing people who have been displaced.
*displace (살던 곳에서) 쫓아내다
Maui's officials did one important thing as the fire was raging,
*rage 맹렬히 계속되다, 맹위를 떨치다
 Officials say that the high winds and the flames had taken out the cell towers by then.
*take out 마비시키다, 제거하다, 빼다, 없애다
*cell tower 송신탑, 셀 기지국
Officials said they felt people would associate them with tsunami warnings
*associate A with B: A를 B와 연관시켜 생각하다
*rain of something 하늘에서 많은 양의 어떤 것들이 떨어지거나 움직이는 것
*ember 꺼져가는 혹은 타다남은 장작(불, 숯)
you might have heeded warnings like these from Smokey Bear.
*heed (남의 충고, 경고에) 주의를 기울이다
They pose an increasing threat.
*pose (위협·문제 등을) 제기하다
*complacent 안일하게 생각하는, 현실에 안주하는, 자기 만족의
+) self-complacent 자기 만족의, 자아 도취의
*perceive ~을 (~로) 여기다 (=see), 인지하다
*if you will 말하자면, 좀, 다소
*stomp out 발로 밟아 불을 꺼뜨리다
Invasive grasses were the fuel behind the really dangerous and deadly fire in Maui,
*invasive grasses 토종풀이 아닌 다른 지역에서 온 풀, 외래종 풀
There's European grasses that have now taken a foothold.
*foothold 발 디딜 곳, 발판
*take a foothold (…을) 장악하다[사로잡다], 대단히 강력해지다, 발판을 마련하다
They're outcompeting native plants.
*outcompeting  경쟁자보다 더 잘하는, 성공한
*susceptibility  민감성, 취약성
*creep 점차적으로 변하다, 서서히 움직이다, 살금살금 기어가다, 아첨꾼
*wildland-urban interface 야생지대와 도시의 경계 지역

With the wildfires in Maui contained, the recovery process has begun. 
The focus has also turned to how the island can prepare for similar disasters in the future

Officials and experts hope to address Hawaii's emergency alert system, as well as the construction of more fire-resistant homes. 

But what of the fires themselves? We often hear about forest fires, but the deadliest fire in the US in more than a century was a grass fire. Co-host Ailsa Chang talks to Jeva Lange, who wrote a story called "Most Wildfires Aren't Forest Fires," about how wildfires largely occur in grasslands. 

Also Rebecca Thiele with Indiana Public Broadcasting reports on how certain native plants can help combat the deadly effects of climate change.


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The Dangers of Grass Fires


The Dangers of Grass Fires : Consider This from NPR

With the wildfires in Maui contained, the recovery process has begun.The focus has also turned to how the island can prepare for similar disasters in the futureOfficials and experts hope to address Hawaii's emergency alert system, as well as the constructi




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