페어런트후드 시즌 4, 15화 *undying 불멸의, 영원한We will do the best we can to give Victor what we've given our own children, which is our undying love and support.*aficionado 광, 마니아*grounder 땅볼Being a baseball aficionado, I would like to teach him the art of fielding the hot grounder.*stellar 뛰어난We are no substitute for your stellar parents.*rat someone out 밀고하다, 변절하여 배신하다, 버리고 도망가다I promise I won't rat you o..
페어런트후드 시즌 4, 15화 Nice pairing as well.*shoulder (책임, 부담을) 떠맡다*shoulder the responsibility 책임을 짊어지다[떠맡다/받아들이다]He's helping shoulder the responsibility, it's like in my family.I hate that she doesn't feel welcome in our home.I'm not choosing her over you.I just owe her everything.We just wanted to come by and see how everything was going.I owe you an apology.I won't let it happen again.We brought ..
페어런트후드 시즌 4, 15화 I overreacted to everything.I shouldn't have rushed into making Hawaii plans without checking in with you.I'm tired of sharing you with cancer and everybody else.I just wanted you for myself for a while.Didn't Mom teach you how to knock?Hit the road.I have to get my life together.*blitz (대대적인) 공격, 수비수들이 일제히 공격하는 전술I told you to be careful.Takes the snap, and the blitz is on!I wa..
페어런트후드 시즌 4, 15화 I just want to say thank you so much for everything you've done.We brought you something.You've been so comforting to us.We wanted to comfort you.You didn't have to do this. I mean, really.You know the way to my heart. 내 마음을 잘 아네.*relapse 병이 재발하다, 도지다I relapsed.I gotta get this all out as quickly as possible.We've come through so many things.*that's what ~ is about ~이 바로 그거야, ~의..
영어회화 미드영어 페어런트후드 시즌 4, 15화*joint 식당(좀 더 캐주얼하고 친근한 표현, slang)What's the name of that restaurant you're always talking about that you want to eat at in the city, the French joint?I hear that's the thing to do. 요즘 그게 유행이라던데.+) That's the thing to do these days.*not to mention …은 말할 것도 없고[물론이고], 게다가, 더군다나Not to mention you go there and eat all this amazing food...You gotta sit on the bridge in traff..
추천미드 영어회화 페어런트후드 The guy that cost us all a grand in a single day.*look out for ~ (나쁜일이 생기거나 나쁜 일을 하지 않도록) ~을 조심하다. ~을 보살피다, (사람이나 무언가를) 만나거나 찾으려고 애쓰다 I'm just looking out for you. +) Thank you for looking out for me.+) My older sister always looked out for me when we were kids.*hit/strike the wrong note (상황에) 부적절한 행동[말]을 하다I really struck the wrong note with you last time.*ballsy 배짱있는It's balls..
추천미드 페어런트후드 시즌 4, 14화Why would I be apologizing?We were supposed to go in as a unified front and confront your mother.*pulled the ripcord 낙하산의 줄을 당기다, 갑자기 계획을 변경하다, 도망치다*the chute deployed 낙하산이 펴지다*deploy 전개되다, (낙하산이) 펼쳐지다, 배치하다You just pulled the ripcord and the chute deployed and you were gone.*come at someone ~에게 달려들다I didn't know you were gonna come at her like that.I didn't come at her.Just..
페어런트후드 시즌 4, 14화 You know what, before we even get into that, I just wanna say that we love having you here.There have been times where we felt criticized.*subsist 근근이 살아가다[먹고 살다], 존속되다, 유효하다*subsist on ~로 연명하다So you're upset because I pointed out that Jabbar shouldn't be subsisting on sugar and starch?Nobody's questioning your love for Jabbar or your dedication to him.It's not a nice feeling.*h..
미드영어 페어런트후드 시즌 4, 14화 Sorry if this isn't a good time, I just–*under the circumstances 이런 상황에서, 이런 경우에*chalk it up to ~탓으로 돌리다, ~로 인한 것으로 치부하다Under the circumstances, I say we just chalk it up to a situation that didn't work out.Look, these things happen on sites.*dock one’s pay (급여에서) 빼다, 공제하다You can dock my pay.He's moving in the right direction.He just still has an awful lot of stuff to work ..
페어런트후드 시즌 4, 14화 영어스터디 *inconsequential 중요하지 않은, 하찮은You start with a little thing, inconsequential it is.We have to be out the door in five minutes.*pressed for time 시간에 쫓기는We're just pressed for time.I just know that an hour from now someone's in for a major sugar crash.I don't wanna keep you.*talk something through (확실히 이해가 될 때까지) ~에 대해 끝까지 이야기를 나누다Would you want to maybe just get together at ..
추천미드 영어공부 페어런트후드 페어런트후드 시즌 4, 12화 대본
페어런트후드 시즌 4, 12화 I have something on my mind and I feel bad.I was on Facebook today, and I saw a picture of Mark with a girl.It hurts my feelings, and it's on my mind.*mausoleum [maa·zuh·LEE·uhm] 영묘, 관을 모아 안치한 서양식 봉안당It's like a mausoleum in here.*snoozefest 완전히 지루한 것, 노잼That was a snooze fest.*wharf 부두I just turned 27.I just got it colored.It's an amazing color on you.When I first meet someone..
페어런트후드 시즌 4, 12화 Got you a little something today.I didn't know you'd be home early.You bet. 천만에.*save the trouble 수고를 덜어주다I thought I'd save you the trouble and pick one up for you.You better get your money back. That's for sure.This is more for you than it is for me.*port-a-cath 치료를 받을 때 약물을 주입할 수 있게 하기 위해 관으로 정맥을 연결하게 설치하는 소형 의료기기I have a port-a-cath in my chest.*take something back 취소하다, 무르..
페어런트후드 시즌 4, 12화 *crummy 형편없는I just had sort of a crummy day.*leprosy 한센병, 나병He looked at me like I had leprosy, like he was gonna catch it.People just need a little time to get used to it.*let loose 통제를 받지 않고 마음대로 하다It's okay to let loose a little bit, all right?Listen, try not to be hard on yourself.How proud we are of you and excited.*clear up ~를 말끔하게 설명하다, 해결하다We have to clear something up.W..
페어런트후드 시즌 4, 11화 I don't want to intrude.That might be a little much.I feel pretty much the opposite.That's what I came to say.plain and simple. 간단 명료해, 간단히 말해서 말이지.+) It was a rip-off, plain and simple.+) The interior of the church was plain and simple.*rack 'em 다 챙겨 넣다, 다 넣다 (비공식적인 표현으로, 물건을 한 곳에 모아 넣다)Aren't your toes cold out here?I didn't feel like I'd fit.I think we just need time apart.Sh..
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