
페어런트후드 시즌 4, 15화


*undying 불멸의, 영원한

We will do the best we can to give Victor what we've given our own children, which is our undying love and support.

*aficionado 광, 마니아

*grounder 땅볼

Being a baseball aficionado, I would like to teach him the art of fielding the hot grounder.

*stellar 뛰어난

We are no substitute for your stellar parents.

*rat someone out 밀고하다, 변절하여 배신하다, 버리고 도망가다

I promise I won't rat you out to your mom.

I can help repair the terrible damage that her dating advice does.

Can I use your gavel?

You bet!

Can you give this to your nephew, the kid who doesn't look at anybody?

You look down to look out, so you don't have to look at people.

Have a raffle or something.

Let me cut to the chase.

The P.E.T. Scan showed no irregularities.


미드영어 영어회화 페어런트후드 시즌 4 대본 영어공부 DAY 1


미드영어 영어회화 페어런트후드 시즌 4 대본 영어공부 DAY 1

영어회화 미드영어 페어런트후드 시즌 4, 15화*joint 식당(좀 더 캐주얼하고 친근한 표현, slang)What's the name of that restaurant you're always talking about that you want to eat at in the city, the French joint?I hear that's the




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