페어런트후드 시즌 4, 12화
I have something on my mind and I feel bad.
I was on Facebook today, and I saw a picture of Mark with a girl.
It hurts my feelings, and it's on my mind.
*mausoleum [maa·zuh·LEE·uhm] 영묘, 관을 모아 안치한 서양식 봉안당
It's like a mausoleum in here.
*snoozefest 완전히 지루한 것, 노잼
That was a snooze fest.
*wharf 부두
I just turned 27.
I just got it colored.
It's an amazing color on you.
When I first meet someone, I like to pick out the one thing I love about them, then I compliment them on it.
I'm in sales, exactly.
Get outta town! = Get out of here! 설마! 말도 안 돼!
I would've never guessed that.
*top dog 경쟁의 승자, 유리한 자
I'm almost the top dog in my sales group.
*neck and neck 막상막하
If I win-- me and this other guy are neck and neck.
*amenities 오락시설/ amenity 생활 편의 시설
So this hotel-- the amenities at this place are amazing.
I just wanna tell you you just made my day, okay?
*Zonie = Zonian = 아리조나 출신 사람
You're a zonie.
You have to not make fun of my picture.
He knows how pissed off you are at him.
He just needs to know from you that it's the behavior you're upset with and not him.
*be endangered by 위험에 빠지다, 위협 당하다
One of our children was seriously endangered by our other child.
미드영어 영어회화 페어런트후드 시즌 4 대본 Day 1
미드영어 영어회화 페어런트후드 시즌 4 대본 Day 1
추천미드 영어공부 페어런트후드 시즌 4, 12화 영어회화 스터디 페어런트후드 시즌 4, 12화 대본