NPR Podcast 팟캐스트 영어 스터디 PLANET MONEY A Great Recession bank takeover Earlier this month, we saw the largest bank collapse since the 2008 financial crisis. For many of us, seeing Silicon Valley Bank's meltdown brought us right back to that time 15 years ago, at the beginning of what would become the Great Recession. A Great Recession bank takeover
NPR 팟캐스트 영어 PLANET MONEY A Great Recession bank takeover Earlier this month, we saw the largest bank collapse since the 2008 financial crisis. For many of us, seeing Silicon Valley Bank's meltdown brought us right back to that time 15 years ago, at the beginning of what would become the Great Recession. In early 2009, one or two banks were failing every week. That's when Planet Money reporter Ch..
NPR Podcast 팟캐스트 영어공부 Ted Radio Hour Why we should celebrate the creepy-crawly microbes all around us About Anne Madden Anne Madden is a microbiologist, inventor, entrepreneur, and science communicator. She is the founder and president of The Microbe Institute, a global organization that fosters microbial discovery through interdisciplinary education, art and research initiatives. Madden is also..
NPR Podcast Ted Radio Hour Why we should celebrate the creepy-crawly microbes all around us Part 1 of the TED Radio Hour episode Small But Mighty. We are constantly surrounded by a vast jungle of tiny creatures we can't see. Self-described "microbe wrangler" Anne Madden explains the power these microscopic organisms have to help humans. Why we should celebrate the creepy-crawly microbes all arou..
NPR Podcast WORLD The quake in Turkey and Syria left at least 50,000 dead. What about the survivors? 팟캐스트 영어단어정리 toll 피해 first responder 사고나 테러가 발생했을 때 가장 먼저 대응에 나서는 사람. 응급구조요원, 경찰, 상황실 요원 wear off 사라지다, 없어지다 tremor 여진, 떨림 compounding 합성의, 복합의, 화합한 in the string of compounding traumas 복합적인 트라우마의 연속으로 unaccompanied 동행자가 없는, 혼자인 trafficking 밀매 organ trafficking 장기밀매 child trafficking 아동 인신매매 You c..
NPR Podcast THE INDICATOR FROM PLANET MONEY The economic war against Russia, a year later A year ago, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine and started a war that has helped define the global economy. From unprecedented sanctions to disruptions in global trade, the war continues to cast a shadow on economies around the world. Today, we highlight a few indicators from the war in Ukrain..
NPR Podcast THE INDICATOR FROM PLANET MONEY The economic war against Russia, a year later A year ago, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine and started a war that has helped define the global economy. From unprecedented sanctions to disruptions in global trade, the war continues to cast a shadow on economies around the world. Today, we highlight a few indicators from the war in Ukrain..
NPR Podcast TED Radio Hour How rats can save human lives Part 4 of the TED Radio Hour episode Small But Mighty. Landmines are scattered across dozens of countries threatening to kill or harm unsuspecting civilians. Bart Weetjens founded an organization training rats to protect humans by sniffing out these landmines. About Bart Weetjens Bart Weetjens is a Zen Buddhist monk and former industrial e..
NPR Podcast MOVIES Joshua Seftel and Malala Yousafzai on their Oscar-nominated short documentary ose sight of 잊어버리다, 망각하다 higher ranking 상관 coping 대처 anything but 전혀 ~아닌 not at all +) A lot of people say marriage is anything but romantic.. They say it's real and tough. 많은 사람들이 결혼은 로맨스와 전혀 무관하다고, 현실이고 어렵다고 말한다. As long as you can look at them as anything but human, you won't have any problems. +)..
NPR Podcast Choosing mindfulness over dieting Heard on TED Radio Hour Dieting doesn't work. Despite that, many people feel immense pressure to starve themselves. Neuroscientist Sandra Aamodt argues for a better, healthier way to live with mindful eating. Sandra Aamodt is a neuroscientist and science writer. She takes the complexities of neuroscience research and crafts them into accessible reads..
NPR Podcast WORLD Blinken has a lot on his plate including tensions with China and the war in Ukraine U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken says China's use of a surveillance balloon is an "irresponsible act" and "a violation of international law." When asked about Russia's war in Ukraine, Blinken didn't indicate Russia's war in Ukraine was nearing a resolution as it approaches the one year mar..
NPR Podcast THE INDICATOR FROM PLANET MONEY Recession, retail, retaliation 팟캐스트 영어단어장 retaliation 보복, 앙갚음 projection (현 상황을 근거로 한 규모·비용·양 등의) 예상[추정] spendy 비싼, 돈을 많이 쓰는 nonpartisan 초당파의; 객관적인, 공정한, 공평한 crunches numbers 수치를 분석하다 outlook 관점, 세계관, 인생관, (앞날에 대한) 전망 (=prospect) map out (계획을) 입안하다, 계획하다, 배치하다(=plan, organize, draft.) livelihood 생계 (수단), (=living) When you put it that way 그런 식으로 말하면, 그..
NPR SHORT WAVE How worried should you be about your gas stove? 팟캐스트 영어단어 unsubstantiated 근거 없는, 입증되지 않은 (=unsupported) casts doubt 의문을 제기하다 underway 진행중인 well-worn path 잘 닦여진 도로(탄탄대로) twist (이야기상황의 예상 밖의) 전환[전개], 반전 infrared 적외선의 put a pause on ~을 잠시 멈추다 methane [ |meθeɪn] 메탄 potent (사람의 심신에 미치는 영향이) 강한[강력한], 초강력의 compressor (공기) 압축기 fitting (장비가구의 작은) 부품 laws on the books 법률로 제정되다 on the book..
NPR Podcast SHORT WAVE How worried should you be about your gas stove? Gas stoves are found in around 40% of homes in the United States, and they've been getting a lot of attention lately. A recent interview with the commissioner of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) quickly became fodder for outrage, viral misinformation and political fundraising, after he proposed regulating th..
NPR Podcast CONSIDER THIS FROM NPR Despite Billion-Dollar Jackpots, Critics Say the Lottery Is a Losing Game 수십억 달러의 잭팟에도 불구하고, 비평가들은 복권이 지는 게임이라고 말한다 perpetuate [pər|petʃueɪt] 영구화하다, 영속시키다 povertyˈpɑːvərti] 가난, 빈곤, (질적인) 부족[빈곤] cycles of poverty 빈곤의 고리[순환] Stop Predatory Gambling 약탈적 도박 제지[중단] predatory [|predətɔːri] 포식성의, 포식 동물 같은, 약한 사람들을 이용해 먹는 blatantly 노골적으로, 소란스럽게, 뻔뻔스럽게 blatant [ˈbleɪtnt..
NPR Podcast 팟캐스트 영어공부 LIFE KIT: Pushing back against 'anti-fatness' 팟캐스트 영어단어 정리 fixer-upper (개축을 해서 되팔기 위한) 싸구려 폐가, 부족한 부분이 있어 고쳐야 하는 사람 personhood 개성 eclipse 빛을 잃다, 가려지다 eclipsed by …에 의해 가려진 well-meaning 좋은 뜻에서[선의에서] 하는(그러나 흔히 성공적이지는 못한), (=well intentioned) at times 때때로 at one point 한때는 I have to say. 난 이 말을 꼭 해야겠는데. fall into something ~으로 나뉘다, 속하다 vocal (의견을) 강경하게 밝히는, 소리 높여 항의하는 upfront 솔..
NPR Podcast 팟캐스트 영어공부 LIFE KIT: Pushing back against 'anti-fatness' play into 적용되다, 기여하다, 지원하다 mind-blowing 충격, 놀라움 pervasively 넘쳐, 충만하게, 침투하여 hostile 적대적인 2. (~을) 강력히 반대[거부]하는(=opposed to), (진행·달성을) 어렵게 하는 vanishingly 사라지게, 없어지게 cylindrical 원통형의 conical 원추형의 without instance 예를 들어 blood pressure reading 혈압수치 juke (상대방을 속이기 위한) 몸놀림을 하다/몸놀림 elicit 이끌어내다, 꾀어내다, 유도해 내다 flip through the rack 진열대를 뒤적..
대본이 있는 팟캐스트 영어공부 NPR Podcast PERSPECTIVE LIFE KIT 7 tiny hacks that can improve your to-do list 팟캐스트 원문기사 보기 7 tiny hacks that can improve your to-do list 7 tiny hacks that can improve your to-do list : Life Kit Is your to-do list helping you reach your goals? Or is it holding you back? Productivity experts explain how to level up your list so it prioritizes what matters. rigid 엄격한, ..
NPR Podcast PERSPECTIVE LIFE KIT 7 tiny hacks that can improve your to-do list On a given day 주어진 날에 +) On a day …의 날에 +) On a typical day (반복적으로, 일상적으로 하는 일을 설명할 때) 평범한 하루에 razor 면도기 compost 퇴비, 두엄 microblading 눈썹문신 frantically 미친듯이 scribble down 아무렇게나 갈겨쓰다 tweezer 핀셋 break down into …로 분해하다. +) Break down your goal into meaningful milestones. 의미있는 이정표들로 당신의 목표를 나누어 봐라. +) So first, it always h..
NPR Podcast PLANET MONEY In defense of gift giving 팟캐스트 영어단어장 obscure 잘 알려져 있지 않은, 모호한 charcuterie [ʃɑ:rkù:tərí:,ʃɑ:rkú:tərì:] (프랑스에서) 돼지고기 집, (특히 돼지고기의) 조리 all caps 모두 대문자로 쓰인 dawn on somebody ~에게 분명해지다[~이 깨닫게 되다] It's dawning on me. demoralized 사기가 저하된 save the day 가까스로 해결하다 out of the left field 의외의, 생각지도(예상하지) 못한 곳에서 amplify 증폭시키다 when it comes to ~에 관한 한, …라면, …에 대해서[관해서]라면 misunderestimate..