
NPR Podcast 팟캐스트 영어공부 

Ted Radio Hour

Why we should celebrate the creepy-crawly microbes all around us


About Anne Madden
Anne Madden is a microbiologist, inventor, entrepreneur, and science communicator. She is the founder and president of The Microbe Institute, a global organization that fosters microbial discovery through interdisciplinary education, art and research initiatives.

Madden is also currently technology co-founder and chief scientific officer at the food & beverage technology company Lachancea LLC and adjunct assistant professor in the department of applied ecology at North Carolina State University. Madden received her doctorate in biology from Tufts University, and her undergraduate degree in biological sciences from Wellesley College.


<NPR Podcast Ted Radio Hour 기사 원문 보러가기>

Why we should celebrate the creepy-crawly microbes all around us


Why we should celebrate the creepy-crawly microbes all around us

We are constantly surrounded by a vast jungle of tiny creatures we can't see. Self-described "microbe wrangler" Anne Madden explains the power these microscopic organisms have to help humans.




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