
NPR Podcast

7 tiny hacks that can improve your to-do list


On a given day 주어진 날에
+) On a  day …의 날에
+) On a typical day (반복적으로, 일상적으로 하는 일을 설명할 때) 평범한 하루에 
razor 면도기
compost 퇴비, 두엄
microblading  눈썹문신
frantically 미친듯이
scribble down 아무렇게나 갈겨쓰다
tweezer 핀셋
break down into …로 분해하다. 
+) Break down your goal into meaningful milestones. 
의미있는 이정표들로 당신의 목표를 나누어 봐라.
+) So first, it always helps to break down your program into steps. 
그럼 먼저, 당신의 프로그램을 단계적으로 분석하는게 항상 도움이 됩니다.
cross off (위에 줄을 그어) 지우다
Hang over one's head  머리에서 떠나지 않다
indiscriminately 무차별적으로
wouldn't it be great~ 멋지지 않을까요
top-down (하향식)일반적인 것에서 시작하여 세부적인 사항으로 진행되는 (→bottom-up), 상의하달식의
mortals (통상적으로 복수형으로 쓰일 때) 사람[인간] (=human being)
bedrock 근본적인, 기본적인
concrete 사실에 의거한, 구체적인
enlarge 확대하다, 확장하다
shallow 피상적인, 얄팍한
latter 후자, 나열된 것들중의 마지막
tactile  촉감의
cluttered  어수선한
clutter 잡동사

When I looked at my to-do list recently, I noticed that it was kind of all over the place.
☐ Make allergist appointment
☐ Buy razors
☐ Retile kitchen floor
☐ Throw out compost!!!
☐ Figure out meal prepping

It's hard to tell which tasks are a priority. Some are urgent and some can wait. Some are quick to complete, others take more time.

Is there a more effective way to write my to-do list? On this episode of Life Kit, I talk to time management experts about how to create action items that are clear, short and doable. Here are 7 surprising and useful tips.

More great tips from NPR on productivity and time management. Rethink your relationship with time. Assuming you live to age 80, you have just 4,000 weeks to live. While that may be a brutal dose of reality, it's also an opportunity to think about how you're spending that time, says Burkeman.

How to fight procrastination. Procrastination isn't a sign of laziness - it's your inner critic coming to life, says therapist Anastasia Locklin. She shares 5 simple tips on how to kick the habit. Improve your focus. Some experts say the key to focusing isn't forcing yourself to work but taking strategic breaks to let your mind and body wonder. Here are 6 ways to improve your concentration.


7 tiny hacks that can improve your to-do list


7 tiny hacks that can improve your to-do list : Life Kit

Is your to-do list helping you reach your goals? Or is it holding you back? Productivity experts explain how to level up your list so it prioritizes what matters.




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