
NPR Podcast

The quake in Turkey and Syria left at least 50,000 dead. What about the survivors?


팟캐스트 영어단어정리 

toll 피해
first responder 사고나 테러가 발생했을 때 가장 먼저 대응에 나서는 사람. 응급구조요원, 경찰, 상황실 요원
wear off 사라지다, 없어지다
tremor 여진, 떨림
compounding 합성의, 복합의, 화합한
in the string of compounding traumas 복합적인 트라우마의 연속으로
unaccompanied 동행자가 없는, 혼자인
trafficking 밀매
organ trafficking 장기밀매 
child trafficking 아동 인신매매
You cannot pour from an empty cup. 비어있는 잔은 아무리 기울여도 나오는 것이 없다.(충분한 휴식과 자기 내면 관리 중요성)
under the rubble 돌무더기 밑에, 잔해 아래
snap at someone ~에게 화내다, 잔소리 하다

The earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria has taken a mental toll on survivors. NPR's Mary Louise Kelly speaks with trauma psychologist Dr. Alexandra Chen about the earthquake's psychological impact.


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The quake in Turkey and Syria left at least 50,000 dead. What about the survivors?


The quake in Turkey and Syria left at least 50,000 dead. What about the survivors?

The earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria has taken a mental toll on survivors. NPR's Mary Louise Kelly speaks with trauma psychologist Dr. Alexandra Chen about the earthquake's psychological impact.




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