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7 tiny hacks that can improve your to-do list

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7 tiny hacks that can improve your to-do list


7 tiny hacks that can improve your to-do list : Life Kit

Is your to-do list helping you reach your goals? Or is it holding you back? Productivity experts explain how to level up your list so it prioritizes what matters.



rigid 엄격한, 융통성 없는 (=inflexible), 뻣뻣한

rigorous 철저한, 엄격한 (=thorough)

association 1.연계, 유대, 제휴 2.연관, 연상 3.연관성

arise 생기다, 발생하다

imprison 투옥하다, 감금하다

evolve 발달[진전]하다[시키다] , 진화하다[시키다]

bandwidth (주파수의) 대역폭

automate (일을) 자동화하다

thereby 그렇게 함으로써, 그것 때문에

excel 뛰어나다, 탁월하다

triathlon 철인 3종 경기

free up 확보하다

simultaneously [|saɪml│teɪniəsli] 동시에

commit to ~에 전념하다, 헌신하다

tidy (모양새가) 깔끔한, 잘 정돈된

crumple 구기다, 구겨지다 

crumple something up 구겨버리다

productivity debt 생산성 부채(의식)

right to exist 생존권

go into your contacts 연락처로 들어가다

attentive 주의[귀]를 기울이는, 배려하는, 신경을 쓰는


Is there a more effective way to write my to-do list? On this episode of Life Kit, I talk to time management experts about how to create action items that are clear, short and doable. Here are 7 surprising and useful tips.

1. Follow the two-minute rule. 
2. Automate what you can.
3. Break each task into smaller chunks.
4. Decide what's a priority.
5. Figure out whether you want to write your to-do list on paper or digitally.
6. Try assigning a task to a time of day. 
7. Include big life goals on your to-do list.


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