NPR 팟캐스트 THE INDICATOR PLANET MONEY Why tariffs are SO back Last week, President Biden placed tariffs on a slew of Chinese goods. When Donald Trump was president, he did the same. Regardless of who wins the election, the US is gearing up for heavy tariffs on imports in 2024. But this is far from the first time the economic tool has been in style. Today, a brief history of US tariffs: how they c..
NPR PODCASTTHE INDICATOR PLANET MONEYBuilding generational wealth in rural America Homes are not just where we eat and sleep, but one of the primary ways people build generational wealth in the U.S. But with home shortages and harsh climates, rural America's path to building that wealth looks a little different than other parts of the country. Today on the show, we focus in on housing challenges..
NPR PLANET MONEYZombie 2nd mortgages are coming to life, threatening thousands of Americans' homes NPR 팟캐스트 원문 기사 보러가기 Zombie 2nd mortgages are coming to life, threatening thousands of Americans' homes : Planet MoneyKaren McDonough of Quincy, Mass., was enjoying her tea one morning in the dining room when she saw something odd outside her window: a group of people gathering on her lawn. A man wi..
NPR PLANET MONEYZombie 2nd mortgages are coming to life, threatening thousands of Americans' homes *out of blue 난데없이, 갑자기 They can't just call you up out of the blue and demand money. *freedom of information (정부 보유) 정보 열람의 자유So we kept digging - filed freedom of information requests.*dormant 휴면기의, 활동을 중단한We found at least 500 people facing foreclosure from what appear to be long, dormant zombie ..
NPR PLANET MONEYZombie 2nd mortgages are coming to life, threatening thousands of Americans' homes I just had this feeling like something really bad had happened.*mill around 서성이다A group of men are milling around the lawn.*along the way 그러는 과정에There were a few bumps along the way.She had asked for a modification of her mortgage.Karen is thinking this has to be some kind of scam. *rattle 불안, 걱정, ..
NPR PodscstLife KitTo prevent digital eye strain, give those pepper a little love We want to make sure we're following them at least once a year, for sure.*diffract 꺾다, 회절시키다, 분산시키다The light's getting diffracted into a lot of different points. All combined, that prescription should be able to give you good, clear, hopefully 20/20 vision.*arbitrarily 자의적으로, 독단적으로This is all arbitrarily set.There..
NPR PodscstLife KitTo prevent digital eye strain, give those pepper a little love Blinking is a lot more important than you think it is.People don’t come in saying, I have dry eyes. They come in oftentimes saying, my eyes hurt, or my vision is blurred. I stand corrected. 제가 잘못 알았네요. *artificial tears 인공 눈물You could keep artificial tears handy.I sleep in my contacts all the time.*replicate 모사하다,..
NPR PodscstLife KitTo prevent digital eye strain, give those pepper a little love *come to mind 생각이 떠오르다When you think about eye health, this is usually the image that comes to mind - right?*astigmatism [əˈstɪɡmətɪzəm] 난시*nearsighted 근시의*come in through …을 통해 들어가다Eighty percent of what we learn about the world comes in through our visual pathway. So eye care is so much bigger than just a prescr..
NPR PodcastTHE INDICATOR FROM PLANET MONEY *tick up 오르다, 상승하다The unemployment rate ticked up a tenth of a percent to 3.9%.*bird's eye point of view 전반적인 상황과 다양한 측면을 보는 시각This may be a positive sign for the overall economy.That was good for those workers but may have also prolonged inflation.*soft landing 연착륙 ((경기 후퇴, 실업 증가 등을 일으키지 않고 서서히 경제 성장률을 내리는 일)) *obsess over …에 대해 강박 관념을 갖다Soft landing...
NPR 팟캐스트 *divest 옷을 벗다, 빼앗다They say they want their schools to divest in companies that do business with Israel. The only thing I could venture is this*epicenter 진원지, 핵심The epicenter of these demonstrations is Columbia University.*take part in 참여하다, 가담하다 She took part in demonstrations against the Vietnam War there. *conjure up 상기시키다, 생각해내다It's hard to conjure up what that moment was for our co..
NPR PodcastSHORT WAVEMost animals don’t go through menopause. So why do these whales? *roundup (특히 뉴스의) 종합[요약]I've got two of our favorites for our regular roundup of science news. *dish up 음식을 담아주다Thanks for letting me dish up some science knowledge with you.What calls to you the most? 가장 마음에 드는 것은 무엇인가요?*partial ~을 매우 좋아하는, (~을) 편애하는, (~에 대한 지지가) 편파적인*be partial to 무엇을 몹시 좋아하다I am partial to t..
NPR PodcastAnimalScientists study the mysteries of bird migration in the mountains of Los Angeles *wee hours 꼭두새벽 (12am-3am)She has been showing up at this parking lot in the wee hours of the morning to count birds.Whooshing by your face.Have you ever been whacked by a low-flying bird?*a bad rap 누명Birds get a bad rap from that, but no.Bear Divide is like a passageway through this wall of mountai..
NPR PodcastMIDDLE EASTThe long history between Israel and Iran *play down 경시하다. 낮게 보다*escalation 분쟁확대(군사), 상승, 증가, 번창Both Iran and Israel appear to be playing down the chances of any further escalation.That attack was a response to Iran launching.*consulate [|kɑːnsələt] 영사관Let's take a step back.*characterize 특징짓다, ~의 특징을 (~으로) 묘사하다[나타내다]So how would you characterize the situation right now in ..
NPR PodcastAFRICAThe fight for Congo's cobalt *deposit 예금, 보증금, 비축, 입금, 공탁Much of the world's cobalt comes from deposits in the Democratic Republic of Congo.*grifter 사기꾼That’s historically attracted greed and grifters from foreign powers.*tall 피해, 사상자 수*take its toll on 피해를 주다, 손상을 입히다Congo's resources and the human toll it takes to extract them.*usher in 안내하다, 예고하다, 알리다Lumumba hoped to usher in..
NPR PodcastNATIONALMost doxxing campaigns only last a few days. But the effects can be felt for months *doxxing 신상털기Doxxing means publishing somebody's private information for revenge or to punish them.*vulgar 저속한, 천박한, 상스러운This story contains some vulgar language.*spring up 훅 나타나다The posters had sprung up all over Olivia Lynch's Brooklyn neighborhood.*twinge 찌르는 통증And my first reaction was that..
NPR PodcastLIFE KIT What is the new etiquette for tipping? *two-tier wage system 이중임금제도 People don't understand this two-tier wage system. *courtesy [ |kɜːrtəsi ] 예의상 하는 말이나 행동Tipping is presented like an option or a courtesy.In some cases, your tip is vital to the income of that worker.*put something on something ~에게 부담을 주다, (돈·세금을) 덧붙이다[부과하다]It puts way too much on the customer as far as knowi..
NPR Podcast LIFE KIT What is the new etiquette for tipping? The tipping situation is especially intense.We take a look at tipping.The last couple years have seen a whole lot of talk and back and forth and emotion about tipping.Now, computer's going to ask me if you care to leave a tip today. *obligated (법적·도덕적으로 …할) 의무가 있는 (=obliged)You don't have to feel obligated.This was just the way it was s..
NPR Podcast CONSIDER THIS FROM NPR Measuring The Economic Impact Of Baltimore's Port Closure These families are living a nightmare.*presume (실질적인 증거는 없지만 사실일 것이라고) 추정하다[여기다/생각하다] (=assume)*presumed 당연한 것으로 여겨지는, 추정되는The bodies of four people presumed dead in the collapse are still missing.*closure 감정적인 마무리, 안식Giving the victims families closure is still his first priority.There is a growing sens..
NPR Podcast SHORT WAVE Experiencing racism may physically change your brain There's no such thing as a free lunch when it comes to the brain.*weathering 풍화(작용)*downstream (먼저 일어난 일의) 후속의, 하류의*myriad [ˈmɪriəd] 무수함, 무수히 많음; 무수한Alzheimer’s disease is twice as prevalent in Black people as compared to white.*down the line 미래에, 나중에 (=in the future)*play something out ~을 유발하다[발생시키다] (=enact)Are there ..
NPR Podcast SHORT WAVE Experiencing racism may physically change your brain Some other minorities also face greater health risks.*umbrella term 포괄적 용어 Racism is kind of an umbrella term that describes multiple things.*oppression 억압, 압박*inferior (…보다 재능 등이) 못한[못난] 사람; (지위·계급 등에서) 아래 사람, 하급자* based off = based on+) This really is based off of my experience. 진짜 제 경험에서 비롯된 거예요.+) This song is al..