NPR Podcast
The fight for Congo's cobalt
*deposit 예금, 보증금, 비축, 입금, 공탁
Much of the world's cobalt comes from deposits in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
*grifter 사기꾼
That’s historically attracted greed and grifters from foreign powers.
*tall 피해, 사상자 수
*take its toll on 피해를 주다, 손상을 입히다
Congo's resources and the human toll it takes to extract them.
*usher in 안내하다, 예고하다, 알리다
Lumumba hoped to usher in a new era for his country.
*in the span of ~의 시간, 기간 동안에
*in the span of days 며칠 사이에
*secede [sisí:d] 탈퇴하다, 탈당하다
In the span of days, one of the most resource-rich provinces seceded from the Congo with the help of Belgium.
The Congo was completely crippled.
*land (좋지 않은 상태에) 이르게 하다, 빠뜨리다(bring, put)
Lumumba's rhetoric and economic plans had landed him the label of Communist from many Western intelligence services.
With options running low, Lumumba next turned to the Soviet Union.
*send shivers[a shiver] up[down, up and down] 등골을 오싹하게 하다, (흥분으로) 가슴이 떨리게 하다
The prospect sent shivers down the spines of the neocolonial powers in Western Europe and the United States.
*in short order 즉시[재빨리]
*stronghold 근거지. 중심지
*Congolese[-lí:s ] n. a. 콩고(사람, 말) (의).
And in short order, they hatched a plot to assassinate Patrice Lumumba.
*rule with an iron hand 철권(鐵拳) 통치하다, 독재하다
He would become a dictator that ruled the country with an iron fist.
*play ball (with somebody) 기꺼이 협조하다
You either play ball, or we'll chop you up and find someone who will.
That would end in 1997 after rebels forced him to flee.
*hit the market 시장에 나오다, 출시하다
More and more rechargeable electronics, like MP3 players, laptops and calculators, started hitting the market.
Pick up is an understatement.
That's when there was just this sudden geometric explosion in demand. And that's also around when electric vehicles started to take off.
*descend into something (나쁜 상황 속으로) 서서히 빠져들다
And as a consequence, the lives of the people living in that part of the Congo just descended into just a catastrophe.
*meager [mí:ɡər] 메마른.빈약한, 결핍한, 야윈; 불충분한; 풍부하지 못한; 부적격한
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The fight for Congo's cobalt
The fight for Congo's cobalt
NPR's Throughline hosts Rund Abdelfatah and Ramtin Arablouei speak with professor Siddharth Kara on the fight for Congo's resources.