
추천미드 영어회화 페어런트후드 시즌 4, 8화 


*barge (밀치고) 가다

*barge in (on sth/sb) …에 불쑥 들어오다[끼어들다]

Sorry for barging in on your party.

I am a little offended that you just assumed that I have pot at all times in the house.

*go-to (도움·충고·정보를 얻기 위해) 찾는 사람[곳]

That was always your secret, go-to hiding place.

This is not the ditch weed that we smoked in high school, okay?

It's so cool to have brothers. I can't even tell you. It's so cool.

Feeling good enough to have some food? Want me to make some soup?

*clammy (기분 나쁘게) 축축한

Not feeling clammy anymore? Good.

*over-served 과하게 제공된, 너무 많이 마신

Okay, you've been over-served. Let's go. Thank you. Bye.

+) You've been over-served. It would be best if you didn't drive.

     당신은 너무 많이 마셨으니 운전은 하지 않는 게 좋겠어요.

+) I think you've been over-served. Would you like some water?

     당신은 너무 많이 마신 것 같아요. 물을 좀 드릴까요?

I'm sorry I was such a brat and didn't help.

I want you to be involved.

I just felt like I had this opportunity to get closer to Drew.

*be a rough patch 힘든 시기를 겪다, 힘든 시간을 갖다

That was a rough patch, hon.

I got us into this mess this weekend, and you handled it beautifully.

Like I could just sort of power through it.

I guess I'm not wonder woman, am I?

You are to me.

I know that this weekend wasn't any fun, and it was really intense and heavy, and... I just want to say thank you so much for coming.


영어회화 페어런트후드 시즌 4, 8화 대본 S04E08 Day 1



영어회화 페어런트후드 시즌 4, 8화 대본 S04E08 Day 1

미드영어 페어런트후드 시즌 4, 8화 You kept this from me. I didn't keep this from you.You're supposed to take it easy.What was I supposed to say to these people? They were in a pickle.I wish I could help you, but I can't right now because I h




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