영어는 반복! 원서를 읽으며 자연스럽게 익혀봅니다. 매직북클럽, 8월의 책은 2021년 뉴베리 메달 수상자, 아시아/태평양 어린이 문학상 수상자, 뉴욕 타임즈 베스트 셀러 1위에 빛나는 When You Trap a Tiger 호랑이를 덫에 가두면'입니다. 잠시 어린 시절로 돌아가 순수한 마음으로 함께 읽어봅니다.
Day 11: When You Trap a Tiger (131-149p/ 챕터 19, 20, 21)
When You Trap a Tiger 영어단어와 주요구문
Chapter 19
*might be ~일지도 모르다
+) It might be an idea to try again later. 나중에 다시 시도해 보는 것도 하나의 방안이 될 것 같다. She might be right, he thought.(매직트리하우스 9-3/22p) He was afraid someone might be looking for the mini-sub.(매직트리하우스 9-4/28p)
I squint at them, and it might be a trick of the light, but I can almost see something moving inside them - something like smoke, or like magic.(19-132p)
*badly 몹시, 심하게
I want so badly to hear these stories.(19-132p)
"In Superman: Doom Trap!, Lex Lutjor wants to torture him to reveal the secrets of Krypton and also the universe -"(19-132p)
*snap 고함치다, 뾰족하게 말하다
Instantly, I feel guilty for snapping. Ricky has been nice enough to help. (19-132p)
"Lily!" she snaps, tugging at the white streak in her hair.(16-107p)
*fiddle with …을 만지작거리다, 손으로 작동하다 +) People fiddle with their cell phone and stay up late. 핸드폰 만지작거리면서 늦게까지 깨어있곤 하잖아요. +) We spent a long time trying to fiddle with the theory. 우리는 그 이론을 손보는데 많은 시간을 보냈다.
Mom fiddles with her glasses.(15-103p)
Sam fiddles with brass doorknob, willing it to turn.(3-13p)
I fiddle with my braids.(19-133p)
*bare minimum effort 최소한의 노력 *take pity on someone 누군가에게 동정을 표하다
At my school in California, it was superhard to fail a class. Even if you did badly on all the assignments, as long as you put in the bare minimum effort, the teacher would take pity on you and at least let you pass.(19-133p)
Grades don't really translate to friendship.(19-134p)
*slack 느슨한, (느슨하게) 늘어진[처진], 부진한, 한산한
*slack off 게으름을 부리다[태만해지다]
From what I've seen, he slacks off a lot during his tutoring sessions.(19-134p)
It's really none of my business.(19-134p)
*talk to ~와 대화하다, ~에게 말하다
Groups of men talked excitedly to one another.(매직트리하우스 16-2/13p)
The woman and the soldier were waving their arms and talking loudly to each other.(매직트리하우스 16-2/14p)