
 모든 언어의 해답은 책읽기입니다. 영어공부 역시, 리딩에 답이 있습니다. 원서를 읽으며 자연스럽게 익혀봅니다. 매직북클럽, 8월의 책은 2021년 뉴베리 메달 수상자, 아시아/태평양 어린이 문학상 수상자, 뉴욕 타임즈 베스트 셀러 1위에 빛나는 When You Trap a Tiger 호랑이를 덫에 가두면'입니다. 


Day 13: When You Trap a Tiger (169-180p/ 챕터 24, 25)


When You Trap a Tiger 영어단어와 주요구문

Chapter  24

*prognosis [prɑːɡ|noʊsɪs]  (병의) 예후, 진당, 예측, 예상

"At Halmoni's last doctor's appointment, the prognosis wasn't good.(24-169p)

*make the most of ~을 최대한 활용하다, ~을 최선으로 이용하다
+) Let's make the most of the day.

I want to make the most of the good days.(24-169p)

"To make the most of what we have."(24-170p)

There are a few treatments, but they have so many side effects, and it's never a sure thing. Halmoni isn't interested in that.(24-170p)

*come at a price 대가가 따르다

-To have a negative or unpleasant consequence due to some action.
+) Freedom is not free. It comes at a price.
    자유는 공짜가 아닙니다. 대가가 따르죠.
+) The more security we want, it comes at a price.
    더 강화된 안전을 원할수록, 대가가 따르죠.
+) There is a solution, but it comes at a price.
    해결책은 있지만, 대가가 따르죠.

Why does hope always come at a price?(24-170p)

"Well, it's worth it if she can live longer. Can't you just make her do them?"(24-170p)

Sam scoffs in disagreement.(24-170p)

It's in God's hands now.(24-170p)

*for once 한번쯤, 이번만은, 이번에는, 이번 한 번만은

For once, it isn't raining.(15-103p)

Ricky stares at me, silent, for once.(16-111p)

For once I want to be the hero.(21-149p)

For once, Sam's words are soft.(24-171p)

Everything is not fine, but it will be.(24-171p)

*budge 움직이다, 꼼짝하다, 의견을 바꾸다[바꾸게 하다]

I don't understand how making rice cakes would upset Halmoni, but Mom won't budge.(24-172p)



Chapter  25

*over-the-top 과장된, 지나친

*of all time 역대[지금껏] (→all-time)

Which is an over-the-top way of saying I'm glad you have friends and is also the most Mom sentence of all time.(25-173p) '너한테 친구가 있어서 다행이야'를 과장되게 말하는, 가장 우리 엄마다운 문장이다. 

*paper mill 제지 공장

His family owns the paper mill, though, where most of the business in town is.(25-174p)

*perception 지각, 통찰력, 인식 

*putter [ˈpʌtə(r)] 통통[부르릉]거리다, 발버둥치다

Our car putters into the long driveway, past bushes shaped like rabbits and cats.(25-174p)

*more of ~에 가깝다, -인 편이다

I nod, gazing up at the house that is more of a mansion.(25-174p)

*a stuffy lady 엄격한 여인, 철저한 여성

If Halmoni's house is a wich at the top of the hill, this house is a stuffy lady who worrks in a fancy museum and syas Shush and Don't touch and Step back.(25-174p) 할머니의 집을 언덕 꼭대기의 마녀라고 한다면, 이 집은 화려한 박물관에서 일하며 '조용히 하세요' '손대지 마세요' '물러서세요' 라고 말하는 엄격한 여인같다.  

*put together 차려입다, 합하다,(이것저것을 모아) 준비하다

+) You look really put together.
    오늘은 좀 단정하네.

He's wearing a button-down shirt and khakis, looking very put together for a Friday evening.(25-175p)

*in disguise 위장한, 변장한

He doesn't seem like a bad person, but maybe he's in disguise.(25-175p)

"And Joan Ku!" "It's Reeves now," "조안 구죠!" "지금은 리브스에요"

*grimace [ɡrɪˈmeɪs; ˈɡrɪməs] 얼굴을 찡그리다, 찡그린 표정

"Remember to call me when you're done.(25-176p) 끝나면 전화하는 거 까먹지마. 

*bigness 크기, 거대함

*take in ~을 구경하다, 관람하다

I want to take in the bigness of the house,, but Ricky fast-walks through it, leading me out of the living room and past a series of ... other living rooms.(25-177p) 이 집이 얼마나 큰지 구경하고 싶은데, 리키는 빠른 걸음으로 거실을 지나 다른... 거실들을 연달아 지나쳐 버린다. 

*a living room with a pool table 당구대가 있는 거실 

*try not to ~하지 않으려고 노력하다

I try not to show my surprise when he says our chef, but it's weird.(25-178p)

I Google a recipe on my phone, and we start throwing stuff together - mochi flour and brown sugar and coconut milk. Only somehow, the batter looks wrong. It's too lumpy and too runny at the same time, and it doesn't smell like halmoni's.(25-(178p)

*adzuki bean paste 팥 앙금, 팥고물 
*filling (음식의) 내용물, 채워진 것
*improvise 즉흥적으로 만들다, 대충 만들다

On top of that, Ricky doesn't have adzuki bean paste for the filling, so we improvise with grape jelly, and by the time the rice cakes are ready to go into the oven, they look completely and totally wrong.(25-178p)

Even if things aaren't perfect, they can still be good.(25-179p)

*language arts 국어, 언어 과목(언어의 사용 능력 양성을 위한 읽기·쓰기·말하기 등)

As the rice cakes bake, he distracts me by naming his top-twenty favorite foods, ranked (vanilla and chocolate pudding each have their own spot), until I blurt, "You should study harder for the language arts test.(25-180p) 떡이 오븐에서 구워지는 동안 내가 딴 생각을 하게 하려고 리키는 가장 좋아하는 음식 20가지를 하나하나 읊어댄다.(바닐라 푸딩과 초콜릿 푸딩이 각각 순위에 든다) 그걸 듣다가 나는 불쑥 말한다. "너 language arts 시험공부 열심히 해야 해." 

*sprawl [sprɔːl] (퍼져) 펼쳐지다, 펼쳐져 있다, 큰 대자로 눕다

*across one's face 얼굴에 스치다

He pauses, then asks, with hope sprawled across his face, "You really think I seem smart?"(25-180p)

Sam's sprawled out on the couch, cell phone hovering in front of her face, but she glances over at me with a raised eyebrow.(23-157p) 


게시물 숙제와 영어공부

When You Trap a Tiger을 읽고, 기억하고 싶은 문장 최소 3문장, 단어·구문 5개를 골라 댓글로 올려주세요.


오디오 자료를 활용해주세요. 

When you Trap a Tiger ch 17-21 by Tae Keller read by David Gould



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