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Day 1
*단어구문 정리
a matter of time 시간 문제
detect (특히 알아내기 쉽지 않은 것을) 발견하다, 알아내다, 감지하다
light a fire under 재촉하다, ~를 부추기다, ~에게 압력을 넣다, 다그치다
+) light a fire 불을 지피다, 불을 피우다
kid 농담하다 joke
omicron variant 오미크론 변종
strain 부담, 압력, 혹사하다, 안간힘을 쓰다
combat (좋지 않은 일을)방지하다, 싸우다, 전투를 벌이다
surge 급증, 급등, 밀려들다, 휩싸이다
shutdown 폐쇄
lockdown (움직임행동에 대한)제재
pledge (굳은) 약속, 맹세, 서약
a pledge to ~에 대한 약속, 맹세하다
be eligible for 자격이 있다
the bottom line 최종결과 the final result
underlying question 근본적인 문제
divisive[dɪˈvaɪsɪv] 분열을 초래하는
commentary 해설, 비판, 논의
divisiveness 구분, 불화를 일으킴
predictably clunky 예측하기 어려운
clunky 투박한, 얄팍한, 퉁명스러운
omicron strain 오미크론 변종
in the very early days of this 매우 초기단계에 있다
crystal ball (점칠 때 쓰는) 수정구슬, 예언하다
frantically 필사적으로, 기를 쓰고, 굉장히, 미친듯이
as we speak 바로 지금
+) Someone is taking an eye on us as we speak.
누군가가 바로 지금 우리를 눈여겨 보고 있다.
+) The sales are increasing rapidly as we speak.
판매량이 지금 올라가고 있습니다.
virology 바이러스학
outbreak (전쟁,사고,질병)발생
by any means 어떻게든지, 어떻게 해서라도, 어떻게 해서든
overall numbers 전반적인 수치, 전체수
constitute …되다, …을 구성하다[이루다], 설립[설치]하다
be headed for 나아가다, …쪽으로 향하다
trajectory 궤도, 궤적, 탄도
virologist 바이러스 학자
genomic sequencing
circulate 순환하다, 유포되다, ~을 돌리다[알리다]
simultaneously 동시에, 일제히
spike gene 돌기 유전자
deletion 결손, 결실, 삭제
mutation 돌연변이, 변화
screening tool 선별도구, 검사도구
*주요 문장정리
The breaking news that we're following - the first detected case of the omicron variant of the coronavirus has been found here in Colorado.
But because this case was community-acquired, health officials believe it could have been spreading already here in Hawaii.
But already, the threat of the new variant has lit a fire under public health messaging.
We kid each other.
The bottom line - this winter, you'll be able to test for free in the comfort of your home and have some peace of mind.
But with all COVID messaging, there's always the underlying question of whether enough people will fully understand the guidance or want to actually follow any of that guidance at all.
I know COVID-19 has been very divisive in this country.
But an unpredictable variant and a predictably clunky public response might make that difficult.
As we've said, it's hard to know how the omicron strain will spread in the U.S. since we're in the very early days of this.
Sequencing labs around South Africa are frantically analyzing samples as we speak.
It now constitutes the majority of newly infected people.
So omicron accounts for the majority of new cases in South Africa, and tracking whether the U.S. is headed for a similar trajectory the next few days is critical.
We did actually two analyses simultaneously.
Day 2
*단어구문 정리
It’s very likely that ~할 가능성이 매우 높다
tip of the iceberg 빙산의 일각
heads-up 경고, 알림
ramp something up ~을 늘리다, 증가하다, 증가시키다
surveillance 감시, 감시망
be up and running 아주 잘 작동되고 있는, 완전히 잘 운영되고 있는, 작동중인
consistency 일관성, 한결같음, (혼합물이나 용액)농도
critical (앞으로의 상황에 영향을 미친다는 점에서) 대단히 중요한, 비난하는, 비판적인
antigen 항원
as much 그것과 동일한 것
a silver lining 불행 속의 한 가닥 희망 the bright side of a problem
+) Every cloud has a silver lining.
transmissible 전염성 있는, 전염하는
Déjà vu 기시감, 데자뷰
travel ban 여행금지, 여행규제
in effect 유효한, 사실상
knee-jerk reaction 무릎 반사, 뻔한 반응
nasty 끔찍한, 형편없는, 위험한
keep it out 막다, 금지하다, 들어가지 않게 하다
deed (보통 아주 좋거나 아주 나쁜) 행위[행동], 증서
good deeds 선행
transparent 명료한, 투명한, 알기 쉬운, 속이 뻔히 들여다보이는
enable 가능하게 하다, ~을 할 수 있게 하다
devastate 완전히 파괴하다, 엄청난 충격을 주다
setting aside 제쳐두고, ~은 차지하고
travel restriction 여행제한(조치) 규제
shutting down flights 비행기 운항 중단
drastic 과감한, 극단적인, 급격한
unwarranted 부당한, 불필요한, 부적절한
It is unlikely to ~할 것 같지 않다
rationale (특정한 결정행동방침신조 등의) 이유[조건]
rationale given 주어진 근거
intensity of circulation 순환 강도
be less likely to ~할 가능성이 더 적다
incentive 장려책, 격려금, 장려금
pushback 반발
impose 강요하다, 부과하다, 도입하다
phenomenon 현상, 경이로운 사람
in terms of ~면에서, ~에 관하여
sealing the borders 국경봉쇄
probability 확률, 개연성
there’s no shortcut to that 지름길이 없다
*주요 문장정리
It's very likely that this is the tip of the iceberg.
Scientists in the U.S. already had a sense of how to look for omicron thanks to an early heads-up from South Africa and Botswana.
But right now this is really, I guess, the first full test we have of that system being up and running.
Getting a bit more consistency across the nation will be critical.
There's a silver lining to finding it here.
Whether it's more infectious, whether it's more transmissible, whether it may affect vaccine protection.
So the emergence of the omicron variant may feel like one of the many moments of deja vu we've experienced during the pandemic.
I can sympathize with the knee-jerk reaction that, if you hear there is something new and potentially nasty, you want to keep it out.
The problem is that South Africa at this stage feels very much the victim of their own good deeds.
It feels like South Africa is being punished for doing the right thing.
This is actually enabling other countries to look out for it.
I would very much hope the world can move to a cleverer system.
Moreover, in order for a travel ban to work, it has to be really early, and it has to be so drastic as to shut down all travel into a country by 90 to 95%.
The ban, even in the early part, was a bit perhaps unwarranted.
I will face domestic pushback for being a little too naive to report this and then having restrictions imposed on my country selectively.
There are a few things the U.S. can do - more rational and stringent testing in terms of testing on departure and arrival.
There's no shortcut to that.
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Omicron Is Here. What That Means For The Winter
Omicron Is Here. What That Means For The Winter : Consider This from NPR
It was only a matter of time before cases of the COVID-19 omicron variant started popping up in the U.S., and now, it's here. Although it's too early to tell how this virus strain will spread, the threat it poses has already lit a fire under public health
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