★매직북클럽 원서리딩 디어 존
Dear John- Nicholas Sparks, Day 2(11-20p/ Ebook 5-8p)
1. 시간이 날 때마다 Dear John의 오디오자료를 자주 들어주세요. 원서를 읽고 난 후에 다시 들으면 훨씬 더 잘 들려요.
I think my dad was happy. I phrase it like this because he seldom showed much emotion. He was the quiestest man I've ever known. He lived for routine.
*along …을 (죽계속) 따라
*along one's route 루트(노선)에 따라
*mint (화폐를) 주조하다, 박하
*surpass 능가하다, 뛰어넘다
*transfixed 눈길을 못 떼다, 정신이 사로잡히다, 놀라움에 어찌할 바를 모르다
His collection rivaled, if not surpassed, the collection at the Smithsonian.
My grandfather became transfixed by the idea of building a collection with his son.
할아버지는 아들과 함께 컬렉션을 만들겠다는 생각에 빠져들었다.
*firsthand 직접(으로), 바로(at first hand); 직접 체험으로
*spend a fortune 재산을 낭비하다
In time, my grandfather and dad established relationships with coin dealers across the country, and my grandfather spent a fortune over the years teading up and improving the collection.
*go out of business 폐업하다, 가게를 닫다
+) going-out-of-business sale 점포 정리 세일
+) I just saw that my favorite restaurant went out of business.
제가 가장 좋아하는 식당이 문을 닫았다는 것을 방금 보았습니다.
+) I think they went out of business. 폐업한 것 같습니다.
+) Many of the small stores may even go out of business.
대부분의 작은 가게들은 폐업까지 할지도 모른다.
Unlike Louis Eliasberg, however, my grandfather wasn't rich-he owned a general store in Burgaw that went out of business when the Piggly Wiggly opened its doors across town- and never had a chance at matching Eliasberg's collection.
★Louis Eliasberg- Famous Coin Collectiors
*an odd duck 별난 사람
*Like father, like son 그 아버지에 그 아들(부전자전)
He was an odd duck, that's for sure, as was my dad. Like father, like son, as the old saying goes.
*go through the roof 최고에 달하다, 치솟다, 급등하다
+) The stock value is going through the roof.
주가가 최고로 오르고 있어.
When inflation went through the roof and gold hit $850 an once, it was worth a small fortune, more than enough for my frugal dad to retire a few times over and more than it would be worth a quarter century later.
*treasure 소중히 여기다
The only picture ever taken of us was at a coin show in Atlanta.
*perch (특히 무엇의 끝에) 걸쳐놓다, 걸터앉다[앉히다]
*heady [ˈhedi] 자극적인, 흥분시키는; 의기양양하게 만드는
*bask (은혜를) 입다, 일광욕하다, 몸을 녹이다
+) He had always basked in his parents’ attention.
그는 항상 부모님의 관심을 듬뿍 받았다.
+) He basked in royal favor.
그는 임금의 총애를 받았다.
Having an adult, especially your dad, treat you like an equal is a heady thing for any young child, and I basked in the attention, absorbing the information.
My regentment began to grow as well.
*scrounge [skraʊndʒ] (공짜로) 얻어 내다[우려내다] (=cadge)
*scrounge for …을 슬쩍하다
I found myself scrounging for quarters in the couch to by myself a burger at McDonale's.
*crappy [ˈkræpi] 속어 쓰레기 같은, 형편없는
I was as blind as a snail and dumb as a camel, but even if I told you I regret my immaturity now, I can't undo the past.
*at a loss (무엇·무슨 말을 해야 할지) 모르는[어쩔 줄을 모르는]
My dad sensed that something was changing, but he was at a loss as to what to do about us.
*estrangement [ɪˈstreɪndʒmənt] (부부간의) 별거 (기간), (관계의) 소원
But our estrangement grew worse over time.
*break into (갑자기) …하기 시작하다
*clique [kliːk] 파벌, 패거리
I began to cut classes and smoke and was suspended for fighting on three occasions.
*obese [oʊ|biːs] 비만인
*nip 조이다, 물다, 꼬집다, 잘라내다; 꼬집기, 잘라내기
his pants nipped at the waist 허리를 조이는 그의 바지
*rebellion 반항, 반란, 모반 (=uprising), (조직·정당 등의 내부의) 반대[저항]
+) teenage rebellion 십대의 반항
During my senior year, my rebellion reached a high point.
*mind one's own business 남의 일에 간섭하지 않다, 쓸데없는 참견은 않다
I stayed at a friend's house for a couple of weeks after raging at him to mind his own business.
*broach [broʊtʃ](하기 힘든 이야기를) 꺼내다
I know my dad was worried, and he would sometimes, in his own shy way, broach the subject of college, but by then I'd made up my mind not to go.
*one way or the other (둘 중) 어느 쪽으로도, 어떻게 되든지
*come to the surface 표면화하다
I shook my head, all the frustration of life with my dad coming to the surface.
*trudge (지쳐서) 터덜터덜 걷다, (무거운 것을 들고) 느릿느릿 걷다
*deep down 마음속으로는[내심], 본심은[사실은]
My dad said nothing, but to this day I'll never forget his pained expression when at last he turned and trudged back to his den. I'd hurt him,and though I told myself I hadn't wanted to, deep down I knew I was lying to myself.
*gulf (사고·생활 방식 등의 큰) 격차, 만
*a yawning gulf 깊은 골
It became a yawning gulf between us, and it left us with nothing to say to each other.
*bum (~에게서) ~을 얻다, ~를 화나게[실망하게] 하다, 부랑인, 놈팡이
*bum around 빈둥빈둥 돌아다니다
*shred [ʃred] 아주 조금, 티끌 (갈가리) 자르다[찢다], 채를 썰다
*a shred of responsibility
*latter[ˈlætə(r)] 후자, 나중에 언급된 대상 (↔former 전자 )
I fell into the latter category.
*busboy 식당에서 그릇을 치우는 종업원
*ticket stub (입장권 등의) 반쪽
*out-of-towner 외지 사람, 타향 사람
★oversleep VS. sleep in
oversleep (내 의지가 아닌 나도 모르게 ) 늦잠자다
sleep in (내 의지대로 늦게 일어나고 싶어서) 늦잠자다
I was big into surfing late and sleeping in, and since I was still living at home, none of my income was needed for things like rent or food or insurance or preparing for a future. Besides, none of my friends was doing any better than I was.
*slam into somebody/something (~이) ~에 쾅 하고 충돌하다[충돌하게 하다]
*be on the fast track 성공가도를 달리다, 고속 승진하다, 출셋길에 있다
*ditch digger 도랑을 파는 사람[기계](ditcher), (단순) 중노동자
*occupation 직업, 평생직업, 점유, 점령
*inevitably [ɪnˈevɪtəbli] 필연적이다시피, 아니나 다를까, 예상한 대로
*drift apart 사이가 멀어지다
You could do so much more with your life, but for some reason, you're content to simply float along.
*feel foreign 이질감을 느끼다
I'd been out of school for so long, though, that the idea felt foreign and ridiculous.
If they could do it, I told myself, I could do it, too.
2. 게시물 숙제로 Dear John을 읽으며 기억하고 싶은 문장 최소 3문장, 단어나 구문 5개를 골라서 댓글로 올려주세요.
He was an odd duck, that's for sure, as was my dad. Like father, like son, as the old saying goes.
I was as blind as a snail and dumb as a camel, but even if I told you I regret my immaturity now, I can't undo the past.
My dad sensed that something was changing, but he was at a loss as to what to do about us.
I shook my head, all the frustration of life with my dad coming to the surface.
It became a yawning gulf between us, and it left us with nothing to say to each other.
Besides, none of my friends was doing any better than I was.
If they could do it, I told myself, I could do it, too.
*transfixed 눈길을 못 떼다, 정신이 사로잡히다, 놀라움에 어찌할 바를 모르다
*spend a fortune 재산을 낭비하다
*go out of business 폐업하다, 가게를 닫다
*an odd duck 별난 사람
*Like father, like son 그 아버지에 그 아들(부전자전)
*go through the roof 최고에 달하다, 치솟다, 급등하다
*heady [ˈhedi] 자극적인, 흥분시키는; 의기양양하게 만드는
*scrounge [skraʊndʒ] (공짜로) 얻어 내다[우려내다] (=cadge)
*scrounge for …을 슬쩍하다
*estrangement [ɪˈstreɪndʒmənt] (부부간의) 별거 (기간), (관계의) 소원
*broach [broʊtʃ](하기 힘든 이야기를) 꺼내다
*deep down 마음속으로는[내심], 본심은[사실은]
*gulf (사고·생활 방식 등의 큰) 격차, 만
*a yawning gulf 깊은 골
*bum around 빈둥빈둥 돌아다니다
*shred [ʃred] 아주 조금, 티끌 (갈가리) 자르다[찢다], 채를 썰다