★매직북클럽 5월의 책 에스페렌사의 골짜기
Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan- Day 15(193-204p)
1. Esperanza Rising의 오디오자료를 활용해 듣고 소리내어 읽어주세요.
Esperanza Rising Page (p193-198)
Esperanza Rising Page (p199-204)
*toilet stall 화장실
*spigot [ˈspɪɡət] 수도꼭지, (특히 옥외에 있는) 수도[수도꼭지]
*stick up (위로) 불쑥 튀어나오다
*irrigation ditch 관개 수로, 용수로 (= irrigation canal)
+) irrigate [ˈɪrɪɡeɪt] (땅에) 물을 대다, 관개하다
*jumble (마구) 뒤섞다, 뒤죽박죽 뒤섞인 것, 헌 물건들
+) The essay was a meaningless jumble of ideas.
그 에세이는 의미 없는 생각들을 뒤섞어 놓은 것이었다.
+) My pronunciation is jumbled!
발음이 엉켰어!
+) Today I just have a jumble of emotions.
어쨌든 오늘은 복잡 미묘한 기분이 드네요.
It was a great jumble of humanity and confusion.(193p)
*hypnotize(hypnotise)[ˈhɪpnətaɪz] 최면을 걸다, 혼을 빼놓다, 홀리다 (=mesmerize)
*squalor |skwɑːlə(r)] 불결한[누추한] 상태
+) He had lost his job and was living in squalor.
그는 실직을 한 상태로 누추하게 살고 있었다.
+) Squalor and poverty lay behind the city’s glittering facade.
그 도시의 화려한 허울 이면에는 불결함과 빈곤이 존재했다.
She felt hypnotized by the squalor but Marta and her mother didn't seem the least bit embarrassed.(194p)
Marta and Ada could retrieve their groceries, a campesino family coming from the opposite direction approached them.(194p)
*work for pennies 푼돈을 벌기 위해 일하다
There are too many people coming into the valley each day who will work for pennies. Yesterday I worked all day and made less than fifty cents and I cannot buy food for one day with that. I was hoping that here, with others who have been through the same...(194p)
*vacant [ˈveɪkənt] 멍한, 비어 있는, 사람이 없는[안 사는]
+) occupied or vacant(자리, 공간이) 임자 있는/ 비어 있는
+) I felt vacant and hollow. 뭔가 텅 빈 느낌이 들더라고요.
Esperanza looked at the two older children, their eyes watery and vacant.(195p)
*nothing 아무것도 아닌
*but (전치사) ~외에, ~빼고, ~제외하고 = except
*nothing but A 오직, 그저[단지]...일 뿐인, A빼고는 다 아닌
Seeing nothing but the vast sky in dizzing swirls of blue and white, she began to feel as of she were floating and drifting upward.(92p)
Mama said nothing but Esperanza could see worry in her eyes, too.(84p)
They said nothing but hurried toward her, took it, and ran back to their family.(195p)
"Are you sure you aren't already on our side?"(195p)
"We all do what we have to do. Your mother would be proud of you."(195p)
"I shouldn't be telling you this, but the strikers are more organized than they appear. If you have not joined us by then, be very careful."(195p)
As Miguel and Esperanza rode back to Arvin, neither of them said a word for many miles.(196p) Miguel과 Esperanza가 Arvin으로 돌아가는 길에, 그들 둘다 (수많은 거리, 오랜 시간) 동안 아무 말도 하지 않았다.
Marta's threat and the guilt of having a job weighed heavily on Esperanza's mind.(196p)
If so many come and are willing to work for pennies, what will happen to us?
*wrestle with 해결하려고 애쓰다, 씨름하다
*recuperation [rɪ|ku:pə│reɪʃn] 회복, 요양, 보양
Esperanza's mind wrestled with Miguel's words. For him, the strike was an opportunity to work at the job he loved and to make it in this country, but for her, it was a threat to her finances, Abuelita's arrival, and Mama's recuperation.(197p)
She thought of Mama and Abuelita, and she knew there was only one thing for her to do.(197p)
"You do good work.(198p)
*animate [ˈænɪmeɪt] 생기를 불어넣다, 살아 있는, 만화 영화로 만들다
She watched Miguel's animated face, thinking that at last, his dream was coming true.(198p)
The strikers were more organized than ever.(199p)
She worried, too, about what would happen if she didn't have a job.(199p)
*tender 연한 (↔tough), 상냥한, 다정한, 애정 어린
*stalk (식물의) 줄기[대]
*erupt into 폭발[분출]하여 …이 되다
*boo (우우하고) 야유하다, 우우(야유를 보내는 소리), 야유 (소리)
*menace [ˈmenəs] 위협하다, 으르다; 협박, 공갈, 골칫거리
*anything but ~은 절대 아니다 / ~은 빼고
+) He was anything but friendly.
그는 전혀 친절하지 않았다.
+) What movie? Anything but musicals.
무슨 영화? 뮤지컬 영화만 아니면 돼.
When Esperanza saw their mencaing faces, she wanted to run back to the safety of camp, do laundry, clean diapers, anything but this.(200p)
But she would not matter. The strikers only listened if you agreed with them.(200p)
*spear [spɪr] (일부 식물의 길고 뾰족한) 줄기, 창
*get to work 일하러 가다
*lug 대형의 상자나 운반용 컨테이너
*lugs of asparagus 아스파라거스를 담은 상자들
*picket lines (파업을 벌이고 있는 노동자들이 주변에 세운) 봉쇄선
But the lugs of asparagus that were sent back to the sheds had to be taken across the picket lines and the strikers often slipped surprises beneath the harvest.(201,202p)
The strike continued for days.(202p)
*writhe [raɪð] (고통으로) 온몸을 비틀다, 몸부림 치다
*gopher snake[|ɡoʊfə(r)] 북미 서부에 서식하는) 뱀(bull snake)
*slither (매끄럽게) 스르르 나아가다[기어가다] (=glide)
*shard 조각, 파편, 겉날개
*shard of glass 유리 파편, 유리 조각
+) I scratched myself on a shard of glass.
나는 유리 파편에 긁혔다.
+) There is a shard of glass in his finger.
그의 손가락에 유리 파편이 박혀 있다.
*be bitten by snake 뱀에 물리다
It was a miracle that no one was bitten by that snake.(202p)
*hoe 괭이
*cringe [krɪndʒ] (겁이 나서) 움츠리다[움찔하다] (=cower)
Can't they do anything to the strikers?(203p)
That is the strikers' point.(204p)
"People cannot survive on such low wages."(203p)
"Everyone will starve if people work for less and less money."(204p)
*clink 쨍그랑[짤랑]하는 소리를 내다 (=chink), 쨍그랑, 짤랑
Forks clikned on the plates.(204p)
"How could anyone starve here with so much food around us?"(204p)
2. 게시물 숙제로 Esperanza Rising를 읽으며 기억하고 싶은 문장 최소 3문장, 단어 5개 골라서 댓글로 올려주세요.
There are too many people coming into the valley each day who will work for pennies. Yesterday I worked all day and made less than fifty cents and I cannot buy food for one day withh that.(195p)
As Miguel and Esperanza rode back to Arvin, neither of them said a word for many miles.(195p)
Marta's threat and the guilt of having a job weighed heavily on Esperanza's mind.(196p)
She thought of Mama and Abuelita, and she knew there was only one thing for her to do.(197p)
When Esperanza saw their mencaing faces, she wanted to run back to the safety of camp, do laundry, clean diapers, anything but this.(200p)
But she would not matter. The strikers only listened if you agreed with them.(200p)
The strike continued for days.(202p)
It was a miracle that no one was bitten by that snake.(202p)
"People cannot surivive on such low wages."(203p)
*irrigation ditch 관개 수로, 용수로 (= irrigation canal)
+) irrigate [ˈɪrɪɡeɪt] (땅에) 물을 대다, 관개하다
*jumble (마구) 뒤섞다, 뒤죽박죽 뒤섞인 것, 헌 물건들
*hypnotize(hypnotise)[ˈhɪpnətaɪz] 최면을 걸다, 혼을 빼놓다, 홀리다 (=mesmerize)
*squalor |skwɑːlə(r)] 불결한[누추한] 상태
*recuperation [rɪ|ku:pə│reɪʃn] 회복, 요양, 보양
*menace [ˈmenəs] 위협하다, 으르다; 협박, 공갈, 골칫거리
*writhe [raɪð] (고통으로) 온몸을 비틀다, 몸부림 치다
*shard 조각, 파편, 겉날개
*clink 쨍그랑[짤랑]하는 소리를 내다 (=chink), 쨍그랑, 짤랑