★매직북클럽 5월의 책 에스페렌사의 골짜기
Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan- Day 14(179-192p)
1. Esperanza Rising의 오디오자료를 활용해 듣고 소리내어 읽어주세요.
Esperanza Rising Page (179-185p)
Esperanza Rising Page (185-192p)
*vapor = vapour [ˈveɪpə(r)] 수증기, 증기
It already seemed old, with the same routines.(179p)
*smudge [smʌdʒ] (더러운) 자국, 얼룩, (더러운) 자국[얼룩]을 남기다 (=smear)
*smudge pot (과실수(樹)를 서리로부터 보호하는) 훈증 용기(容器) ((석유나 다른 연료를 사용함))
*money order (=postal order)
현금을 보낼 사람이 수표를 발행하여 등기우편으로 상대방에게 보내면, 상대방이 거래은행을 통하여 지급은행에 수표를 제시함으로써 지급받는다.
Every other week, with the small amounts she saved, she bought a money order from the market and put it in her valise.(179p)
*pruning 전지 ,(가지치기)= trimming
*cane (대나무처럼 속이 빈) 줄기
*along with somebody/something ~에 덧붙여, ~와 마찬가지로
*taut (밧줄 따위가) 팽팽한, (팽팽하게) 긴장된
+) Keep the rope taut.
밧줄을 팽팽하게 잡고 있어.
+) Her face was taut and pale.
그녀의 얼굴은 잔뜩 긴장해서 창백했다.
She ached from the cold and had to keep moving all day long to stay warm.(180p)
*one's own 자기의
That night. as she soaked her hands in warm water, she realized that she no longer recognized them as her own. Cut and scarred, swollen and stiff they looked like the hands of a very old man.(180p)
*in half 절반으로, 반으로, 둘로, 이등분으로
*scoop out 파내다, 퍼내다
*pulp [pʌlp] 펄프, 걸쭉해지게 만들다
+) Cook the fruit gently until it forms a pulp.
그 과일을 걸쭉하게 될 때까지 익혀라.
+) His face had been beaten to a pulp.
그의 얼굴은 완전 묵사발이 되어 있었다.
*glycerine 글리세린
"You have seenn me make this for your mother many times.(180p)
*soak up 을 빨아들이다[흡수하다], (분위기 등에) 흠뻑 젖다[~을 만끽하다]
You must keep it on for twenty minutes so your hands will soak up the oils.(181p)
*mesquite [meˈskiːt;] 메스키트(남미산 나무. 숯을 만들거나 음식 굽는 불을 피울 때 흔히 쓰임)
*guacamole 과카몰리(아보카도를 으깬 것에 양파, 토마토, 고추 등을 섞어 만든 멕시코 요리)
*suppleness 나긋나긋함, 유연, 탄력
+) supple [ˈsʌpl](몸이) 유연한, (부드럽고) 탄력 있는
+) This exercise develops suppleness as opposed to strength.
이 운동은 힘보다는 유연성을 길러 준다.
+) Suppleness and pragmatism are at the heart of the British forces' professionalism.
유연성과 실용주의는 영국군의 전문성의 핵심이다.
Esperanza was surprised at the simple things she missed about Mama.(181p)
*nimbly 민첩하게, 재빠르게
+) nimble [ˈnɪmbl](동작이) 빠른, 날렵한 (=agile), 민첩한, 영리한
*long for 열망하다, 갈망하다. (=wish, crave, yearn, desire, yen.)
And most of all, she longed for the sound of Mama's strong and assured laughter.(181p)
*faucet [ˈfɔːsɪt](수도)꼭지
*weather 햇빛[비바람]에 변하다[변하게 하다]
They felt better, but still looked red and weathered.(182p)
campesina = peasant [ˈpeznt] (특히 과거 또는 현대 빈곤 국가의) 소작농[소농]
Because they were the hands of a poor campesina.(182p)
*grape-tying 포도묶기(작업)
It was at the end of grape-tying when the doctor stopped Esperanza and Miguel in the hallway of the hospital before they could reach Mama's room.(182p)
*alert [əˈlɜːrt] (위험 등을) 알리다, 경보를 발하다, 기민한, 경계하는
I asked the nurses to alert me when they saw you coming.(182p)
간호사들에게 당신이 오는 걸 보면 알려달라고 부탁했어요.
*pneumonia [nuː|moʊniə] 폐렴
+) acute pneumonia 급성 폐렴
+) chronic pneumonia 만성 폐렴
*susceptible [səˈseptəbl] 민감한, (감수성이) 예민한 (=impressionable)
*strew [struː] 흩다, 흩뿌리다 (=scatter), 흩어지다, 흩뿌려져 있다
+) strew - strewed - strewn
*bedraggled [bɪˈdræɡld] (비·흙탕물 등에) 젖은, 후줄그레한
+) bedraggled passengers 흠뻑 젖은 승객들
+) bedraggled hair/clothes 후줄그레한 머리/옷
Her hair was strewn and bedraggled. And her face was so white that it seemed to fade into the sheets, as if she would sink into the bed and disappear forever. Mama looked like a ghost of herself.(183p)
*come to visit 찾아오다
"The doctor said I can't come to vist for a while.(183p)
*keep something up 내려가지 않게 하다, (동일한 정도로) ~을 계속하다
Mama nodded, her eyelids slowly falling back down, as if it had been a burden to keep them up.(184p)
*plait [plæt](특히 머리를) 땋은 것, (머리밧줄 등을) 땋다[꼬다]
*halo (그림 등에서 성상의 머리나 몸 주위에 둥글게 그려지는) 광륜[후광]
*braided halo
"Don't worry, Mama. Rememeber, I will take care of everything. I am working and I can pay the bills. I love you."(184p)
*enchilada 엔칠라다(옥수수 빵에 고기를 넣어 매운 소스를 뿌린 멕시코 음식)
*torment 고통, 고뇌; 괴롭히다, 고통을 주다, 번민하게 하다
She was polite enough, answering everyone's questions with the simplest answer, but she was tormented by Mama's absence.(185p)
Hortensia had been right about the weather.(186p)
*expectancy 특히 좋거나 신나는 일에 대한) 기대 (→life expectancy)
*loamy[ lóumi] 롬(질)의
*odor 냄새, ((특히)) 악취, [고어] 향수 (→smell)
"He stocks many of the things we need and he treats us like people."(186p)
It does not occur to them that many have been trained in professions in Mexico."(187p)
*practical 실용적인, 실제로 도움이 되는, 실제의, 실제적인
It was more practical that way.(187p)
*be likely to ~할 것 같다
But no one is likely to recoginze that or take the time to learn it.(197p)
Americans see us as one big, brown group who are good for only manual labor.(187p)
"He is getting rich on other people's bad manners."(188p)
*indignation [ˌɪndɪɡˈneɪʃn] 분개, 분함
+) He could scarcely keep in his indignation.
그는 분노를 감추기 어려웠다.
+) The rise in train fares has aroused public indignation.
기차 요금 인상은 대중의 분개를 불러일으켰다.
Sometimes she felt as if she lived in a cocoon, protected from much of the indignation.(188p)
*intestine [ɪnˈtestɪn] 장, 창자
They are for such small amounts but together, they'll be enough to someday bring Abuelita here."(190p)
"We should give her a ride."(191p)
*sprinkle 뿌리다, 끼얹다, 흩뿌리다, 부슬부슬 내리다
Marta's mother had the same short, curly black hair but hers was sprinkled with gray.(191p)
*toss out …을 밖으로 던져버리다, [옷·껍질 따위]를 벗어버리다
*pitiful 측은한, 가련한 (=pathetic), (경멸감이 들 정도로) 한심한[초라한] (=poor)
+) pity 연민, 동정(심), 불쌍히[측은히] 여김
*twinge [twɪndʒ] 찌릿한 통증,(불쾌하게) 찌르르한 느낌
+) I feel a twinge of pain in my ankle.
나는 가끔 발목이 시큰거리며 아프다
+) Is it supposed twinge here?
여기도 찌릿한 거예요?
Esperanza felt a twinge of envy when she noticed that Marta never let go of her mother's hand.(192p)
*rut (부드러운 땅에 생긴) 바퀴 자국, 판[틀]에 박힌 생활
*chain-lik fencing 철책선
*barbed wire 철조망, 가시철사
*armband 완장
2. 게시물 숙제로 Esperanza Rising를 읽으며 기억하고 싶은 문장 최소 3문장, 단어 5개 골라서 댓글로 올려주세요.
"You have seenn me make this for your mother many times.(180p)
Esperanza was surprised at the simple things she missed about Mama.(181p)
And most of all, she longed for the sound of Mama's strong and assured laughter.(181p)
she was tormented by Mama's absence.(185p)
Hortensia had been right about the weather.(186p)
But no one is likely to recoginze that or take the time to learn it.(197p)
Americans see us as one big, brown group who are good for only manual labor.(187p)
*pruning 전지 ,(가지치기)= trimming
*taut (밧줄 따위가) 팽팽한, (팽팽하게) 긴장된
*suppleness 나긋나긋함, 유연, 탄력
*nimbly 민첩하게, 재빠르게
*susceptible [səˈseptəbl] 민감한, (감수성이) 예민한 (=impressionable)
*strew [struː] 흩다, 흩뿌리다 (=scatter), 흩어지다, 흩뿌려져 있다
*bedraggled [bɪˈdræɡld] (비·흙탕물 등에) 젖은, 후줄그레한
*torment 고통, 고뇌; 괴롭히다, 고통을 주다, 번민하게 하다
*indignation [ˌɪndɪɡˈneɪʃn] 분개, 분함
*rut (부드러운 땅에 생긴) 바퀴 자국, 판[틀]에 박힌 생활