★매직북클럽 Esperanza Rising 에스페렌사의 골짜기
Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan- Day 17(214-224p)
1. Esperanza Rising의 오디오자료를 활용해 듣고 소리내어 읽어주세요.
Esperanza Rising Page (214-224p)
*along with somebody/something ~에 덧붙여, ~와 마찬가지로
Now, along with her prayers for Abuelita and Mama, Esperanza prayed for Marta and her mother at the washtub grotto.(214p)
*squat [skwɑːt] 몽땅하다, 쪼그리고 앉다, (남의 땅건물에서) 불법 거주하다
*posy [ˈpoʊzi] 작은 꽃다발
*alyssum [ˈælɪsəm; əˈlɪsəm] 알리숨(겨잣과의 일년초)
*honeysuckle 인동(덩굴식물의 일종)
She often found that someone had put a posy of sweet alyssum in front of the statue, or a single iris, or had draped a honeysuckle vine over the top of the tub.(214p)
*novena [nouví:nə,nə-] 9일간의 기도
"Isabel, are you saying a novena?"(214p)
"I might be Queen of the May. And right now, I am the only one who has straight As."(215p)
"My friends told me that it is usually one of the English speakers that is chosen.(215p)
*outgrow (옷 등에 비해 사람의 몸 등이) 너무 커져 맞지 않게 되다, …보다 더 커지다[많아지다]
*pass something on (to somebody)(자기가 쓰던 것을) (~에게) 넘겨 주다[전달하다]
Esperanza thought about all the beautiful dresses she had outgrown in Mexico. How she wished she could have passed them on to Isabel.(215p)
I wnat so much to be the queen!(215p)
"But regardless, you will always be our queen."(215p)
*take on (특정한 특질·모습 등을) 띠다
Josefina's face took on a disappointed look and she silently shook her head no.(215p)
That is the way it is." 원래 그래(그게 그것의 방식이다)
"There is always a reason. That is the way it is." (216p)
"Then what is the point of basing it on marks?"(216p)
Her heart already ached for Isabel.(216p)
*spear (일부 식물의 길고 뾰족한) 줄기, 창
*shoot (새로 돋아난) 순[싹], (총 등을) 쏘다
*barracks [ˈbærəks] 막사, 병영
"The Mexicans can only swim on Friday afternoons, before they clean the pool on Saturday mornings."(218p)
"Do they think we are dirtier than the others?"(218p)
*comal = griddle (요리용) 번철
She looked at Esperanza and held her finger to her mouth, signaling her not to discuss too much in front of Isabel.(218p)
His clothes were covered in mud that had dried gray.(219p)
A group of men showed up from Oklahoma. They said they would work for half the money and the railroad hired all of them(219p)
*ditch (들판도로가의) 배수로
* lay tracks 철도를 깔다, 선로를 깔다
My boss said that he didn't need me. He said I could dig ditches or lay tracks if I wanted."(219p)
"Miguel, how could you agree to such a thing?"(219p)
"What would you have me do instead? I could have walked out. But I would have no pay for today. We must all work at something or we will all starve."(219p)
*burst forth 갑자기 …하기 시작하다, (…로부터) 갑자기 나타나다[튀어나오다]
+) His latent anger burst forth.
잠재되어 있던 그의 분노가 폭발했다
+) They burst forth in music and dancing.
갑자기 노래와 춤이 시작되었다.
*irrigation pipes 관개수로관(灌漑水路管)
A temper Esperanza did not recognize raged to the surface. Then, like the irrigation pipes in the fields when the water is first turned on, her anger burst forth.(220p)
*for an instant 잠깐 동안, 일순간
*dart 흘깃 쳐다보다, 쏜살같이 [휙] 달리다[움직이다], 날다, 돌진하다
Isabel's serious eyes darted from Miguel to Esperanza to Horensia.(220p)
*be on fire 불타고 있다
Esperanza's eyes were on fire.(220p)
+) The comments are going to be on fire.
댓글이 불티나게 올라올 것 같아요.
*cut over 전면적으로 베어 넘기다, 쓰러뜨리다, 횡단하다
"Is this the better life that you left MExico for? Is it? Nothing is right here! They send people back to Mexico even if they don't belong there, just for speaking up. Is it because they are the fairest in the land? Is this life really better than being a servant in Mexico?"(211p)
*cast (시선미소 등을) 던지다[보내다], (그림자를) 드리우다
*cast a long shadow 그림자를 드리우다+) The tree cast a long shadow over the lake. 나무가 호수 위로 긴 그림자를 드리웠다
+) This great recession will cast a long shadow.
경제 대공황은 짙은 그림자를 드리울 것이다.
*second-class 열등한, 이류의
*a second-class citizen 제2급 시민(충분한 권리를 부여받지 못한 시민)
"In Mexico, I was a second-class citizen. I stood on the other side of the river, remember? At least here, I have a chance, however small, to become more than what I was. YOu, obviously, can never understand this because you have never lived without hope."(222p)
*clench one's fist 주먹을 꽉 쥐다
*confront (문제나 곤란한 상황에) 맞서다 (=face up to), 정면으로 부딪치다[마주치다]
"Miguel, do you not understand? You are still a second-class citizen because you act like one, letting them take advantage of you like that. Why don't you go to your boss and confront him? Why don't you speak up for yourself and your talents?(222p)"Maybe I must be more determined than others to succeed, but I know that it will happen."(222p)
*slap 뺨을 때리다, 모욕을 주다; 뺨을 때림, 모욕, 비난, 타격
★Papa's words: Wait a little while and the fruit will fall into your hand.(222p)+) spring-sprang-sprung*weary [ˈwɪri] (몹시) 지친, 피곤한, 지치게[피곤하게] 하는
*feel weary 피곤을 느끼다*cling to ~을 고수하다[~에 매달리다], 집착하다
As she thought about Papa, tears sprang from her eyes and she suddenly fwlt weary, as if she had beem clinging to a rope but didn't have the strengh to hold on any longer.(223p)
*nothing 아무것도 아닌
*but (전치사) ~외에, ~빼고, ~제외하고 = except
*nothing but A 오직, 그저[단지]...일 뿐인, A빼고는 다 아닌
Seeing nothing but the vast sky in dizzing swirls of blue and white, she began to feel as of she were floating and drifting upward.(92p)
Mama said nothing but Esperanza could see worry in her eyes, too.(84p)
They said nothing but hurried toward her, took it, and ran back to their family.(195p)
She sobbed with her eyes closed and imagined she was falling, with the wind whooshing past her and nothing but darkness below.(223p)
*prophecy [|prɑːfəsi] 예언(특히 종교적이거나 마법적인 것), 예언력
Do you have some prophecy that I do not? I have lost everything. Every single thing and all the things that I was meant to be.(223p)
*can't stand something ~을 참을 수 없다, 너무 싫다
I can't stand your blind hope.(223p)
*optimism [|ɑːptɪmɪzəm] 낙관론, 낙관[낙천]주의 (↔pessimism)
+) I had to smile at his optimism.
나는 그의 낙천주의에 웃을 수밖에 없었다.
+) He radiated self-confidence and optimism.
그에게서는 자신감과 낙천주의가 뿜어져 나왔다.
+) We may now look forward with optimism.
우리가 이제 낙관적으로 미래를 내다봐도 될 것이다.
"I don't want to hear your optimism about this land of possibility when I see no proof!"(223p)
"As bad as things are, we have to keep trying."(223p)
*contort [kən|tɔːrt] 뒤틀리다, 일그러지다; 뒤틀다, 일그러뜨리다
*grimace [ɡrɪˈmeɪs] 얼굴을 찡그리다, 찡그린 표정
2. 게시물 숙제로 Esperanza Rising를 읽으며 기억하고 싶은 문장 최소 3문장, 단어 5개 골라서 댓글로 올려주세요.
That is the way it is." 원래 그래(그게 그것의 방식이다)
"In Mexico, I was a second-class citizen. I stood on the other side of the river, remember? At least here, I have a chance, however small, to become more than what I was. YOu, obviously, can never understand this because you have never lived without hope."(222p)
Papa's words: Wait a little while and the fruit will fall into your hand.(222p)
I can't stand your blind hope.(223p)
"I don't want to hear your optimism about this land of possibility when I see no proof!"(223p)
"As bad as things are, we have to keep trying."(223p)
*outgrow (옷 등에 비해 사람의 몸 등이) 너무 커져 맞지 않게 되다, …보다 더 커지다[많아지다]
*shoot (새로 돋아난) 순[싹], (총 등을) 쏘다
*barracks [ˈbærəks] 막사, 병영
*burst forth 갑자기 …하기 시작하다, (…로부터) 갑자기 나타나다[튀어나오다]
*a second-class citizen 제2급 시민(충분한 권리를 부여받지 못한 시민)
*prophecy [|prɑːfəsi] 예언(특히 종교적이거나 마법적인 것), 예언력
*optimism [|ɑːptɪmɪzəm] 낙관론, 낙관[낙천]주의 (↔pessimism)
*contort [kən|tɔːrt] 뒤틀리다, 일그러지다; 뒤틀다, 일그러뜨리다
*grimace [ɡrɪˈmeɪs] 얼굴을 찡그리다, 찡그린 표정