+) row upon row of empty seats 줄줄이 놓여있는 빈좌석 +) The hills are planted with row upon row of grapevines. 언덕에는 포도 덩굴이 줄지어 심겨 있습니다.
*bunkhouse (일꾼들) 합숙소
*the horse stalls
*as if they were speaking with sticks in their mouths 막대기를 입에 물고 말하는 것처럼
She couldn't help but that they weren't even as nice as the servants' cabins in Aguascalientes. They reminded Esperanza more of the horse stalls on the ranch than of a place for people to live.(100p)
Esperanza could hear them talking in English, the words hard and clipped, as if they were speaking with sticks in their mouths.(100,101p)
*flatbed truck (짐칸이 노출되어 있는) 평상형 트럭[트레일러]
*campesion = peasant[ˈpeznt] (특히 과거 또는 현대 빈곤 국가의) 소작농[소농]
*hop down 뛰어내리다
*pang [pæŋ] <갑자기 격렬하게 일어나는 육체적·정신적 고통·아픔>
+) a sudden pang of jealousy 갑자기 고통스럽게 치솟는 질투심 +) the pang of death 단말마[죽음]의 고통 +) the pang of conscience 양심의 가책
+) Polly felt a sharp pang of jealousy. 폴리는 격렬한 질투심을 느꼈다. +) She was seized by a sudden pang of conscience. 그녀는 갑자기 심한 양심의 가책이 들었다.
*fit into …에 꼭 들어맞다, 적합[적응]하다; 어울리다
Esperanza felt a deep pang. She watched and wondered how she would fit into this world.(101p)
Esperanza cringed as she tried to imagine having no privacy.(101p)
*ditch 배수로, (더 이상 원치 않거나 불필요한 것을) 버리다, (교제하던 사람을) 차 버리다
*foreman (공장·건설 현장의) 감독, 배심장, 배심원 대표
The back room had another mattress big enough for two people and a tiny cot.(102p)
"Mama, we can't possibly all fit!"(102p)
Esperanza, they will only give one cabin for each man with a family. Thers is no housing for single women. This is a family camp so we must have a male head of household to live and work here.(102p)
Esperanza felt anger crawling up her throat.(103p)
*call one's own 소유하다, 마음대로 할 수 있다
We don't even have a room to call our own.(103p)
Esperanza, if we had stayed in Mexico and I had married Tio Luis, we would have had one choice. To be apart and miserable. Here, we have two choices. To be together and miserable or to be together and happy. I choose to be happy. So which will you choose?(104p)
*be grateful for ~을 고맙게 여기다
*bestow (특히 존경의 뜻으로) 수여[부여]하다
Please be grateful for the favors bestowed upon us.(104p)
*cling to ~을 고수하다[~에 매달리다]
*for long (그렇게/너무) 오랫동안
Esperanza was quiet for a moment, clinging to one possible thought.(105p)
We will only be here until Abuelita is well enough to travel. We will not be here for long.(105p)
The weariness from the days of travel flooded over her and her mind wandered from people peeing in ditches, to Marta's rudeness, to the horse stalls at El Rancho de las Rosas.(105p)
*chorizo [tʃə|riːzoʊ] 스페인어에서 초리조(스페인이나 라틴 아메리카의 양념을 많이 한 소시지)
chorizo 스페인이나 라틴 아메리카의 양념을 많이 한 소시지: 출처 구글이미지
*stomach growl 뱃속에서 꼬르륵 소리가 나다
+) Did you hear my stomach growl? 배에서 꼬르륵 소리났는데 들렸나? +) Are you hungry, I think I heard your stomach growl.
혹시 배고파? 꼬르륵 소리가 나서.
She smelled cafe and chorizo. The coffee and sausage made her stomach growl and she tried to remember when she had lst eaten.(106p)
"Where did all the food come from?" asked Esperanza.(107p)
"You're not old enough to work in the sheds," said Mama.(107p)
*platform 단, 연단, 강단 (=rostrum), (장비 등을 올려놓거나 하기 위한) 대(臺)
We must all do our part. You will have a camp job, too, sweeping the wooden platform every afternoon, for which they will deduct a little from our rent each month.(107p)
She looked different.(108p)
*more than …보다 많이, …이상(의) No, it was more than that.(108p)
It was always done up in her beautiful plaited bun, or when she was ready for bed, brushed out and flowing. Mama looked shorter and, somehow, not herself.(109p)
*drive by ...쪽을 자동차로 몬다 +) Just drive by. Don’t stop. 그냥 지나가. 차 세우지 말고. +) In any case, I'll drive by to see you sometime.
아무튼 제가 조만간 차 끌고 가겠습니다.
*debris (무엇이 파괴된 후의) 잔해, (어디에 쓸모없게 되어 남은) 쓰레기
A truck piled high with produce drove by, losing a cloud of debris.(110p)
*sharp smell 톡쏘는 냄새
*bite into something 파고들다, 자국을 내다
After it passed, the sharp smell told her they were onions, the dry outer skins being shredded by the wind. Another truck followed. Again the smell bit into her sense.(110p)
*shoo 숴이[훠이]라고 하다(특히 손을 내저으며 무엇을 쫓는 것을 가리킴), 저리 가
*splotch [splɑ́tʃ] 큰 얼룩점, 반점; 흠점, 얼룩, 얼룩지게 하다, 더러워지게 하다
Splotches of his cereal still stuck to his cheeks.(110p)
*be stored 저장되다, 보관되다, 간직되다
*washtub 빨래통(특히 과거에 쓰던 커다란 금속제의 통)
*pull away 움직이기 시작하다, 떠나다
Ailiva grinned up at her and Esperanza's first thought was to pull her hand away and wash it as soon as possible.(111p)
Silvia to start crying if she were to pull away.(111p)
Melina didn't look much older than Miguel and she already had a baby her own.(112p)
Esperanza felt awkward and didn't mean to make Melina admit that her husband was a servant.(112p)
"Everyone in camp knows each other's business."(113p)
2. 게시물 숙제로 Esperanza Rising를 읽으며 기억하고 싶은 문장 최소 3문장, 단어 5개 골라서 댓글로 올려주세요.
Esperanza felt a deep pang. She watched and wondered how she would fit into this world.(101p)
We don't even have a room to call our own.(103p)
Please be grateful for the favors bestowed upon us.(104p)
Mama looked shorter and, somehow, not herself.(109p)
Splotches of his cereal still stuck to his cheeks.(110p)
Again the smell bit into her sense.(110p)
Melina didn't look much older than Miguel and she already had a baby her own.(112p)
*pang[pæŋ] <갑자기 격렬하게 일어나는 육체적·정신적 고통·아픔>
*call one's own소유하다, 마음대로 할 수 있다
*weariness 권태, 피로, 지루함
*stomach growl 뱃속에서 꼬르륵 소리가 나다
*plait[plæt] (특히 머리를) 땋은 것, (머리밧줄 등을) 땋다[꼬다] =braid
*splotch[splɑ́tʃ] 큰 얼룩점, 반점; 흠점, 얼룩, 얼룩지게 하다, 더러워지게 하다