★매직북클럽 5월의 책 Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan- Day 9(113-125p)
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1. Esperanza Rising의 오디오자료를 활용해 듣고 소리내어 읽어주세요.
Esperanza Rising Page 113-120p
*one at a time 차례로, 하나씩
*arm's length 팔을 뻗으면 닿는[아주 가까운] 곳[거리, 길이]
*pass by 옆을 지나다, 지나치다
*accost [əˈkɔːst;] (특히 위협적으로) 다가가 말을 걸다, 말을 걸다, 대담하게 말을 붙이다
+) Excuse me for accosting you like this on the street.
길에서 당신에게 이렇게 말을 걸게 되어 실례가 많습니다.
+) Let's say someone is accosting you in a dark alley.
어두운 골목길에서 누군가가 당신한테 말을 건다고 가정해 봅시다.
*as much as …만큼, …정도, …못지않게, …정도까지 많이, …이지만
Several more onion trucks passed by, their smell accosting her eyes and nose as much as the diapers.(114p)
*gingerly [|dʒɪndʒərli] 조심조심
+) He opened the box gingerly and looked inside.
그는 상자를 조심조심 열고 안을 들여다보았다.
+) They walked gingerly[cautiously] on the ice.
그들은 조심스럽게 얼음 위를 걸었다
+) He stepped gingerly around the serpent.
그는 뱀 주위를 조심조심 걸었다.
After a few seconds, she gingerly lifted the diaper from the water. "Now what?" she said.(114p)
*plunge into …에 처넣다, …에 뛰어들다[돌입하다]
*murky [ˈmɜːrki](진흙 등으로) 흐린[탁한] (=cloudy), 어두컴컴한[흐린], 어두운
+) She gazed into the murky depths of the water.
그녀는 흐린 물 속을 뚫어지게 들여다보고 있었다.
+) He had a somewhat murky past.
그는 약간 어두운 과거가 있었다.
*vigorously 활력있게, 힘차게, 발랄하게
+) vigorous[ˈvɪɡərəs] 활발한, 격렬한 (=energetic), 활기찬, 건강한
+) He pedaled vigorously on his bicycle.
그는 자전거 페달을 힘차게 밟았다
+) The party campaigned vigorously in the north of the country.
그 당은 국가의 북부 지역에서 열띤 선거 운동을 펼쳤다.
*wring[rɪŋ] (빨래를) 짜다, (닭 같은 조류를 죽이기 위해 목을) 비틀다
+) wring-wrung-wrung
She rubbed the diapers with soap, vigorously scrubbed them back and forth on the washboard, and wrung them out. Then she transferred them to the next tub, rinsing and wringing again.(114,115p)
*shake 털다, 흔들리다, 흔들다, (공포질병알코올 중독 등에 의한 몸의) 떨림
+) shake-shook-shook
She had never washed anything in her life and Isabel, who was only eight years old, made it look so easy.(115p)
Besides, she was already too embarrassed about the washing to admit anything else to Isabel.(116p)
*unrelenting[ˌʌnrɪˈlentɪŋ] 끊임없는, 수그러들 줄 모르는 (=relentless), 가차없는
The camp was quiet and even though it was late in the day, the sun was unrelenting.(116p)
*retrieve [rɪˈtriːv](특히 제자리가 아닌 곳에 있는 것을) 되찾아오다[회수하다], 수습[개선]하다
*brittle 부서지기 쉬운, 잘 부러지는,(기분·정서가) 불안정한, 귀에 거슬리는
+) Thin glasses are brittle.
얇은 유리는 깨지기 쉽다.
+) My hair is damaged and brittle.
제가 머리카락이 손상되고 엄청 끊겨요.
In her entire life, Esperanza had never held a broom in her hand. But she had seen Hortensia sweep and she tried to visualize the memory. It couldn't possibly be that hard.(116p)
*visualize the memory 기억을 시각화하다
She felt streams of perspiration sliding down her neck.(117p)
*titter [ˈtɪtə(r)] 킥킥거리다 (=giggle)
+) It is hard not to titter.
킥킥거리지 않을 수 없다.
+) He's so slow and boring that people start to titter.
그가 너무 더뎌지고 지루해지자 사람들은 킥킥대기 시작했다
First a small tittering and then louder.(117p)
Burning with humiliation, Esperanza dropped the broom and ran back to the cabin.(117p)
*ridicule [ˈrɪdɪkjuːl] 조롱, 조소 (=mockery), 비웃다, 조롱[조소]하다 (=make fun of)
+) ridiculous[rɪˈdɪkjələs] 웃기는, 말도 안 되는, 터무니없는 (=absurd, ludicrous)
Her face flushed again at the thought of the ridicule.(117p)
I told Mama I could help.(117p)
"I will never be able to show my face."(118p)
*dustpan 쓰레받기
The only thing that you ever learned was how to give orders.(118p)
She tried to copy him but her movements were too big.(119p)
*stroke 쓰다듬다, 어루만지다
"Smaller strokes," said Miguel, coaching. "And sweep all in one direction."(119p)
"Someday, you just might make a very good servant." Esperanza could not yet find humor in the situation.(119p)
*somberly 거무스름하게 , 수수하게 , 음침하게
+) somber[|sɑːmbə(r)] (빛깔이) 칙칙한 (=drab), 침울한 (=melancholy)
+) Is the music too somber?
음악이 너무 처지나요?
+) There are days when things get somber.
살다 보면 숙연해지는 날도 있지요.
“At your service.”무엇이든 분부만 하십시오, 말씀만 하시와요!
-보통 신하들이 왕의 분부에 대답할 때 쓰는 말
*mireina 미r레이나 = my princess
"At your service, mireina."(210p)
*spot 지점, 반점, 얼룩; 점을 찍다, 탐지해 내다, 위치를 정하다, 배치하다
"Isabel, I will tell you all about how I used to live.(120p)
"It is the same for everyone."
*in time 이윽고 (=eventually), 때가 도래하면, (~에) 시간 맞춰[늦지 않게], …한 경우에는
"When you first start in the sheds, the body refuses to bend, but in time, you will get used to the work."(121p)
Everyone had come home that night tired and with various aches and pains(121p)
*squeal [skwiːl](특히 신이 나거나 신경질이 나서) 꽤액 소리를 지르다
Juan and Alfonso talked about the fields while Miguel and Isabel played with the babies, making them squeal with laughter.(121p)
*arroz 아r로쓰 = rice
*bruise 타박상 , 멍이 들다, 타박상을 입히다
She was glad this day was over. Her bruises had been to her pride.(122p)
"How come you and Tio Alfonso won't let me go behind the cabin with you?"
"Why are you so fulll of secrets?"(122p)
*neither [ˈnaɪðə(r); ˈniːðə(r)] (둘 중) 어느 것도 …아니다
-(부정문을 만들며) …도 마찬가지이다[그렇다], …도 아니고 …도 아니다
*neither A nor B: A도 아니고 B도 아니다, A도 B도 아닌
+) neither fish nor fowl 이것도 저것도 아닌
+) neither here nor there 중요하지 않은[상관없는] (=irrelevant)
But neither Alfonso nor Miguel answered.(122p)
Neither Jack nor Annie could speak.(매직트리하우스 4-9/58p)
As the crew unloaded the boat, neither Jack nor Annie spoke.(매직트리하우스 22-7/50p)
1. A와 B 자리에 명사가 오는 경우
+) I’m neither a maid nor slave!
난 식모도 아니고 노예도 아니란 말이야!
+) She can speak neither English nor French.
그녀는 영어도 불어도 할 줄 모릅니다.
2. A와 B 자리에 있는 단어가 동사가 필요한 경우 동사처리 문제
+) Neither the cat nor dogs are in the house.
고양이도 개들도 집 안에 없어요.
-수일치는 B에 합니다. B가 동사에 가까이 있으므로 B에 해당하는 동사에 맞추어 준다고 생각해 주세요.
B 자리에 dogs가 복수형이기 때문에 be동사로 are 사용
+) Neither the students nor teacher is allowed to smoke.
학생들도 선생님도 흡연이 허용되지 않는다.
-B 자리에 있는 teacher가 단수형이라 is 사용
*as ~ as: ~만큼, ~ 듯이
+) as light as ~만큼 가벼운
+) as strong as ~만큼 강한
It was obvious Mama was as confused as she was.(122p)
엄마가 그녀만큼 혼란스러워 하는 것은 분명했다.
Behind the cabin was an old oval washtub with one end cut off.(123p)
*shrine [ʃraɪn] (성인의 유골·유물을 모신) 성당, 사당, 묘(廟), 성지(聖地), 성지(와 같은 곳)
It had been set on its side, forming a little shrine around a plastic statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe 과따루뻬.(123p)
*grotto [ˈɡrɑːtoʊ](특히 정원 같은 곳에 인공적으로 만든) 작은 동굴
▶ 동굴 洞窟 cave
(규모가 큰 동굴) cavern, (작은 동굴) grotto
*blacken 검게 만들다, 검어지다
*graveyard [|ɡreɪvjɑːrd](흔히 교회 근처에 있는) 묘지 (→cemetery, churchyard), 폐기장
Esperanza remembered the rose garden as a blackened graveyard.(123p)
Many were still healthy.(123p)
And that's why we had to keep them wet. In time, we will see how many bloom.(124p)
*mulch [mʌltʃ](식물의) 뿌리 덮개, 뿌리 덮개를 덮어 주다
*stubby [ˈstʌbi] 뭉툭한, 짤막한
+) stubby legs 짧은 다리
+) stubby fingers 짧고 굵은 손가락
+) a stubby[stumpy] pencil 뭉뚝한 연필
+) stub [stʌb](쓰다 남은 물건의) 토막, (담배) 꽁초; 몽당연필
Esperanza bent closer to look at the stems rooted in mulch. They were leafless and stubby, but lovingly planted.(124p)
But she'd never had the chance.(124p)
*makeshift 임시변통, 미봉책; 임시변통의
+) Use this as a makeshift.
아쉬운 대로 이걸 쓰세요
+) But that night, there was a makeshift party.
하지만 그날 밤에는 즉석 파티가 열렸다.
+) She built a makeshift shelter from branches and leaves.
그녀는 나뭇가지와 잎으로 임시막사를 만들었다.
*trellis [ˈtrelɪs] (덩굴나무가 타고 올라가도록 만든) 격자 구조물
He smiled and pointed to the one that was closest to the cabin wall and already had a makeshift trellis propped against it.(124p)
"Didn't I tell you that Papa's heart would find us wherever we go?"(125p)
2. 게시물 숙제로 Esperanza Rising를 읽으며 기억하고 싶은 문장 최소 3문장, 단어 5개 골라서 댓글로 올려주세요.
Besides, she was already too embarrassed about the washing to admit anything else to Isabel.(116p)
It couldn't possibly be that hard.(116p)
"How come you and Tio Alfonso won't let me go behind the cabin with you?"
"Why are you so fulll of secrets?"(122p)
It was obvious Mama was as confused as she was.(122p)
"Didn't I tell you that Papa's heart would find us wherever we go?"(125p)
*gingerly [|dʒɪndʒərli] 조심조심
*wring[rɪŋ] (빨래를) 짜다, (닭 같은 조류를 죽이기 위해 목을) 비틀다
*unrelenting[ˌʌnrɪˈlentɪŋ] 끊임없는, 수그러들 줄 모르는 (=relentless), (사람이) 가차없는
*brittle 부서지기 쉬운, 잘 부러지는,(기분·정서가) 불안정한, 귀에 거슬리는
*titter [ˈtɪtə(r)] 킥킥거리다 (=giggle)
*grotto [ˈɡrɑːtoʊ](특히 정원 같은 곳에 인공적으로 만든) 작은 동굴
*shrine [ʃraɪn] (성인의 유골·유물을 모신) 성당, 사당, 묘(廟), 성지(聖地), 성지(와 같은 곳)
*stubby [ˈstʌbi] 뭉툭한, 짤막한
*makeshift 임시변통, 미봉책; 임시변통의
*trellis [ˈtrelɪs] (덩굴나무가 타고 올라가도록 만든) 격자 구조물