
★한달에 영어원서 한 권 읽기 프로젝트 매직북클럽

★매직북클럽 5월의 책 Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan- Day 7(90-99p)


1. Esperanza Rising의 오디오자료를 활용해 듣고 소리내어 읽어주세요. 

Esperanza Rising Page 85-99


*sparse [spɑːrs](흔히 넓은 지역에 분포된 정도가) 드문, (밀도가) 희박한

+) a sparse beard 엉성하게 난 턱수염
+) a sparse population 희박한 인구
+) The information available on the subject is sparse.  
    그 주제에 대한 정보는 드물다.
+) Vegetation becomes sparse higher up the mountains.  
    산맥의 위쪽으로 올라갈수록 식물이 드물어진다.

*weave 이리저리 빠져나가다, 누비며 가다

+)weave - wove - woven

*weave through 누비며 나아가다 

+) He had to weave his way through the milling crowds.

    그는 떼를 지어 돌아다니는 사람들 사이를 이리저리 헤치며 앞으로 나아가야 했다.
+) We can weave through the lies and deception. 
    우리는 거짓말과 속임수를 헤쳐나갈 수 있다.

*sculpt [skʌlpt] 조각하다, 형상[형태]을 만들다

*shade by ...에 의해 그늘이 지다

She was soon asleep.(90p)

*wander[|wɑːndə(r)] (일행들로부터) 떨어져 나가다 (=stray) (이리저리 천천히) 거닐다, 헤매다
*wander from …에서 처지다
+) wander off[away from] the point 요점에서 벗어나다  
+) It's hard for animals that wander away from the herd to survive in the wild.  
    무리에서 떨어진 동물들은 야생에서 살아남기 어렵다
+) After dinner we wander away from camp to look up at the mess of stars. 
    저녁을 먹은 후 우리는 캠프를 벗어나 별들의 향연을 올려다 보았다. 

*swish  휙[쌩] 소리를 내며 움직이다, 휙[쌩] 소리를 내며 휘두르다


With her feet solid on the ground for the first time in many days, Esperanza rememebred what Papa had taught her when she was little: If she lay on the ground, and was very still and quiet, she could hear the heartbeat of the valley.(91p) 

But there was no reassuring thump repeating itself.(91p)

"Let me hear it." Tears burst from her eyes as if someone had squeezed an overripe orange.

*arroyo = stream

She walked to an overlook. Below, canyons plunged to an arroyo, a silver line of water from an unknown river.(91p)

*worm (특히 좁은 공간붐비는 사람들 사이를) 꿈틀거리며 나아가다, 벌레

She rolled on her back, her tears worming down her face into her ears.(92p)

*nothing 아무것도 아닌

*but (전치사) ~외에, ~빼고, ~제외하고 = except

*nothing but A 오직, 그저[단지]...일 뿐인, A빼고는 다 아닌

Seeing nothing but the vast sky in dizzing swirls of blue and white, she began to feel as of she were floating and drifting upward.(92p)

Mama said nothing but Esperanza could see worry in her eyes, too.(84p)

*untether [ʌ̀ntéðər] <동물의> 맨 밧줄[사슬]을 풀다, …을 놓아주다

*anchor 고정시키다, 닻을 내리다, 정박하다

She tried to find the place in her heart where her life was anchored, but she couldn't, so she closed her eyes and pressed the palms of her hands against the earth, making sure it was there.(92p)

*careen [kəˈriːn](위태롭게) 달리다 (=hurtle)

*perspire [pər|spaɪə(r)] 땀을 흘리다, 땀이 나다 (=sweat)

*nauseous [ˈnɔːʃəs] 욕지기나는, 메스꺼운, 역겨운

*go black 눈앞이 캄캄해지다, 의식을 잃다

Suddenly, the world went black.(92p)

*blotchy [|blɑːtʃi] 얼룩덜룩한, 얼룩진
+) her blotchy and swollen face 반점이 돋고 부어 오른 그녀의 얼굴
+) That’s when a red blotchy rash began to spread over her entire body. 
    그것은 빨간 반점의 발진이 그녀의 전체 몸 위로 퍼지기 시작했을 때이다.

She knew her face was red and blotchy.(93p)

I meant nothing by it.(93p) 난 아무 의미 없었어. 


*spacious [ˈspeɪʃəs] 널찍한 (=roomy)

*level out 수평을 유지하다, (한동안 급등·급락하다가) 변동이 없다[잠잠해지다/안정되다]
+) I'll tell you when to level out. 
    같은 수준을 유지할 때, 내가 너에게 말할 것이다.
+) My money market fund is expected to level out over time.  
    시간이 지나면 내 펀드는 안정될 것으로 보인다.

Flat and spacious, it spread out like a blanket of paperwork fields. Esperanza could see no end to the plots of yellow, brown, and shades of green. The road finally leveled out on the valley floor, and she gazed back at the mountains from where they'd come.(94p)

*bulge [bʌldʒ] (~으로) 가득 차다[불룩하다], (동그랗게) 툭 튀어[불거져] 나오다, 불룩한 것

*caravan [ˈkærəvæn] 이동식 주택(승용차에 매달아 끌고 다님), (말이 끄는 주거용) 포장마차

A caravan of trucks passed them, all piled high with the round melons.(94p)

*sea 어떤 것이 넘치도록 많은 것을 표현

 *a sea of 수많은, (바다처럼) 많은 양 또는 수의 

They had landed in a sea of shiny green leaves.(매직트리하우스 6-3/12p)

+) a sea of flame 불바다

+) I think it will become a sea of tears. 눈물바다가 될 것 같아요. 

+) The beach was literally a sea of people. 해변은 말 그대로 인산인해였어. 

On the other side, fields and fields of dark green cotton plants became a sea of milk-white puffs.(94p)

*hillock [ˈhɪlək] 작은 언덕

*dot 여기저기 흩어져 있다, 드문드문 있다, 산재하다

Dark rocks dotted the side of the mountain.(매직트리하우스 5-5/28p)

Dried, rambling vines covered the acre and leftover melons dotted the ground.(95p)

"The field makeres are down. We can take as many as we can carry," he called back to them.(95p)

*somersault  [|sʌmərsɔːlt] 공중제비[재주넘기]를 하다, 공중제비, 재주넘기

*dart 흘깃 쳐다보다, 쏜살같이 [휙] 달리다[움직이다], 날다, 돌진하다

Jack could see their eyes darting around.(매직트리하우스 5-5/29p)

Esperanza, her eyes darting at Miguel whenever she could.(96p)

*work for …에서 일하다, …에 고용되다

*finery [ˈfaɪnəri](특히 특별한 경우에 입는) 화려한 옷과 보석

*silver spoon 금수저, 은수저, [비유] 상속받은 부(富)
+) born with a silver spoon in on  은수저를 입에 물고 태어난, 부잣집에서 태어난
+) I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth. 저는 금수저가 아니에요. 

"What's the matter, silver spoon stuck in your mouth?" Her voice was smart and biting.(97p)

*grit 뒷심 (끈기, 인내력), 모래 
*grit one's teeth 이를 악물다 
+) She gritted her teeth against the pain. 
   그녀는 이를 악물고 통증을 참았다.
+) ‘Stop it!’ he said through gritted teeth.  
    “그만 해!” 그가 이를 악물고 말했다.
+) He gritted his teeth against the humiliation.  
   그는 혀를 깨물고 그 모욕을 견뎠다.

What had she done to desrver this girl's insults? Through gritted teeth,(97p)

*band together (무엇을 달성하기 위해) 함께 뭉치다[무리를 이루다]

"They don't want us banding together for higher wages or better housing," said Marta.(98p)

"The owners think if Mexicans have no hot water, that we won't mind as long as we think no one has any.(98p)

"Not yet, but if they get it, we will strike."(98p)

"You mean you will stop working? Don't you need your job?"(98p)

"Of course I need my job, but if all the workers join together and refuse to work, we might all get better conditions."(98p)

This Saturday is the last for this year because soon it will be too cold.(99p)

*brood  [bruːd](걱정이나 화나는 일을) 되씹다[곱씹다], (새가 알을) 품다, 자녀가 많은 가족
+) You have to allow yourself less time to brood. 
    수심에 잠겨서 시간을 허비하지 마십시오.
+) Don't brood over it. 너무 골똘히 생각하지 마라
+) A mother with a large brood never has a peaceful day. 
    가지 많은 나무에 바람 잘 날 없다.

She brooded as they rode past miles of young tamarisk trees that seemed to be the border of someone's property.(99p)

*phony smile 가짜 미소


2. 게시물 숙제로 Esperanza Rising를 읽으며 기억하고 싶은 문장 최소 3문장, 단어 5개 골라서 댓글로 올려주세요. 

She knew her face was red and blotchy.(93p)

I meant nothing by it.(93p) 난 아무 의미 없었어. 

On the other side, fields and fields of dark green cotton plants became a sea of milk-white puffs.(94p)

"What's the matter, silver spoon stuck in your mouth?" Her voice was smart and biting.(97p)

"Of course I need my job, but if all the workers join together and refuse to work, we might all get better conditions."(98p)


*wander[|wɑːndə(r)] (일행들로부터) 떨어져 나가다, (이리저리 천천히) 거닐다, 헤매다
*wander from …에서 처지다

*untether [ʌ̀ntéðər] <동물의> 맨 밧줄[사슬]을 풀다, …을 놓아주다

*careen [kəˈriːn](위태롭게) 달리다 (=hurtle)

*level out 수평을 유지하다, (한동안 급등·급락하다가) 변동이 없다[잠잠해지다/안정되다]

*bulge [bʌldʒ] (~으로) 가득 차다[불룩하다], (동그랗게) 툭 튀어[불거져] 나오다, 불룩한 것

*sea 어떤 것이 넘치도록 많은 것을 표현

 *a sea of 수많은, (바다처럼) 많은 양 또는 수의 

*somersault  [|sʌmərsɔːlt] 공중제비[재주넘기]를 하다, 공중제비, 재주넘기

*grit one's teeth 이를 악물다 

*band together (무엇을 달성하기 위해) 함께 뭉치다[무리를 이루다]

*brood  [bruːd](걱정이나 화나는 일을) 되씹다[곱씹다], (새가 알을) 품다, 자녀가 많은 가족


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