
★한달에 영어원서 한 권 읽기 프로젝트 매직북클럽

★매직북클럽 5월의 책 Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan- Day 6(76-89p)

스페니쉬 사전 이용해주세요. 발음을 직접 듣고 따라할 수 있어요. 




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1. Esperanza Rising의 오디오자료를 활용하고,  소리내어 읽어주세요. 

Esperanza Rising Page 81-85p


I sell eggs to feed to my family.(76p)

And you can support your large family that way? asked Hortensia.(76p)

I have my faith and the memories of those who have gone before me. What more is there?(76p)

*large family 대가족 

*blot [blɑːt] 액체를 부드러운 종이나 천으로 빨아들여) 닦아내다, (잉크 등의) 얼룩, 오점, 오명

*stray [streɪ] (자기도 모르게) 제 위치[길]를 벗어나다, 길을 잃은, 빗나간

*stray tears (자기도 모르게) 흐르는 눈물

*caboose [kəˈbuːs] (기차의) 승무원실

*confide [kənˈfaɪd] (비밀을) 털어놓다
*confide in somebody  ~에게 비밀[속마음]을 털어놓다


*plop down 철푸덕 앉다

*plunge into …에 뛰어들다[돌입하다], 빠지다, …에 처넣다

*intimate  [ˈɪntɪmət] 친(밀)한, 사적인[은밀한], 넌지시 알리다, 시사하다 (=make known)

She was amazed at how easily Carmen had plopped herself down and had plunged into intimate conversation. It didn't seem correct somehow. Mama had always been so proper and concerned about what was said and not said.(77p)

*carpeta 까르뻬다= table cover, folder, file

*cripple [ˈkrɪpl] 불구로 만들다 (=disable), 심각한 손상을 주다, 제대로 기능을 못 하게 만들다, 불구자

The rich take care of the rich and the poor take care of those who have less than they have.(79p)

*complexion [kəmˈplekʃn] 안색, 얼굴빛, 양상, 피부색
+) a flawless complexion 잡티 하나 없는 얼굴 (피부)
+) a pale / bad complexion 창백한/좋지 못한 안색=
+) But my father has a very dark complexion.

   저희 아버지께서 피부가 굉장히 까무잡잡하세요.
+) He had a yellow complexion as if he had jaundice. 
   그는 황달이라도 든 것처럼 얼굴색이 누랬다.

Those with Spanish blood, who have the fairest complexions in the land, are the wealthiest.(79p)



*disembark [|dɪsɪm│bɑːrk] (배·비행기에서) 내리다 (↔embark)

*panorama 전경(全景), 파노라마(특정 주제·사건 등을 한 눈에 보여주는 묘사·연구·그림들)

*cactus [ˈkæktəs] 선인장

*herd (특정 방향으로) 이동하다[하게 하다], 떼, 사람들

*immigrate/ immigration <i 안으로 들어오는 이미지>

-(다른 나라로) 이주해[이민을] 오다/ (다른 나라에 살러 오는) 이민, 이민자

+) emigrate/ emigration <e 밖으로 나가는 이미지>

-이민을 가다/(타국으로의) 이주

Esperanza notice that the people in the first cars were escorted to the shortest lines and passed through quickly.(81p)

*stagnant [stæɡnənt] 흐르지 않는, 정체된, 불경기의, 침체된 (=static), (물·공기가) 고여 있는
* be stagnant 침체 상태에 있다

+) Stagnant water is bound to rot.  
    고인 물은 썩기 마련이다
+) The economy is stagnant. 
    경기가 침체 상태에 있다
+) I think that this person is going through a stagnant phase.
    지금 잠깐 정체기가 온 거라고 생각을 해요.

*perspiration [|pɜːrspə│reɪʃn] 땀 (=sweat), 땀 흘리기[내기]
+) perspire [pər|spaɪə(r)] 땀을 흘리다, 땀이 나다 (=sweat)

*wilt (사람이) 지치다[처지다/풀이 죽다] (=flag), 시들다[시들게 하다] (=droop)

*slump 털썩 앉다, 푹 쓰러지다, 급감[급락/폭락]하다, 불황

the closer~, the more~ 

*in order 적법한[유효한] (=valid), 제대로 된, (말·행동 등이 특정 상황에) 알맞은[적절한]

The immigration official seemed angry for no reason.(82p)

Esperanza was afraid to speak.(82p)

*demeanor [dimí:nər] 처신, 거동, 행실, 품행(conduct); 태도, 몸가짐; 표정 (→manner)

Mama's demeanor changed. She stood up stright and tall and deliberately blotted her face with a handkerchief. She looked directly into the official's eyes and spoke calmly as if she were giving simple directions to a servant. "I'm sure you can see that everything is in order. The name of the employer is written there. People are expecting us."(82,83p)


*stand tall (형용사) 자신만만해[당당해] 보이다

Teddy stood tall and brave in the grass.(매직트리하우스 19-8/55p) 

+) walk tall 자부심을 느끼다, 뻐기다, 스스로 긍지를 갖다

+) She walked tall and straight.(매직트리하우스 18-4/24p) 

Standing tall and proud, Mama never took her eyes from his face.(83p)

Why was it taking so long?(83p)

Across the tracks, several groups of people were being prodded onto another train headed back toward Mexico.(83p)

My heart aches for those peope. They came all this way just to be sent back.(83p)

*nothing 아무것도 아닌

*but (전치사) ~외에, ~빼고, ~제외하고 = except

*nothing but A 오직, 그저[단지]...일 뿐인, A빼고는 다 아닌

As far as he could see, there was nothing but buffalo.(매직트리하우스 18-6/39p) 

+) There's nothing but dust. 먼지만 나오거든.

+) I can do nothing but laugh. 웃음 밖에 안 나와요.

+) I hope you will have nothing but joy and happiness in your life. 

    당신의 삶에 기쁨과 행복만 있기를 바랍니다. 

Mama said nothing but Esperanza could see worry in her eyes, too.(84p)

*chug [tʃʌɡ] (엔진이) 통통[칙칙]하는 소리를 내다, (음료를) 단숨에 들이켜다, 통통[칙칙](소리)

*hop on ~에 올라타다= hop in, hop on in, jump in.

+) Hop onto a shuttle bus. 셔틀 버스에 올라타다.

The train slowly started moving as they hopped on.(84p)

Esperanza wanted to be angry at them for making her anxious.(83,84p)

But looking form one to the other, she sat back, limp with relief, happy to have them all together surrouding her, and surprised that she could be so glad to be back on the train.(84p)

*groggily 비틀거리면서, 그로기 상태가 되어

You've beem asleep for hours.(85p)

*campersino = peasant[ˈpeznt] (특히 과거 또는 현대 빈곤 국가의) 소작농[소농]


*plump [plʌmp] 통통한, 포동포동한, 토실토실한, (물건과일 등이) 불룩한[속이 가득 찬], 통통[불룩]하게 하다

Josefina was plump with a round face and a complexion that was fairer than Esperanza's.(86p)

*delicate 섬세한, 민감한, 자세한

*frail (허)약한, 부서지기 쉬운

*get one's way 바라던 것을 얻다, 마음대로 하다

Were you really so very wealthy? Did you always get your way, and have all the dolls and fancy dresses you wanted?(87p)

Esperanza's mouth pressed into an irritated line.(87p)

*lush [lʌʃ] 무성한, 우거진 (=luxuriant), 멋진, 비싸 보이는

*lush palm 무성한 야자나무

*rickety [ˈrɪkəti] (제대로 만들어지지 않아) 곧 무너질[부서질] 듯한

*jalopy [dʒə|lɑːpi] 낡은[구식] 자동차[비행기]

*weave 이리저리 빠져나가다, 누비며 가다

+)weave - wove - woven

*cherub [ˈtʃerəb] 천사(보통 날개가 달린 통통한 남자 아이 모습), 천사 같은 아이

"My Papa says it is the dry air that makes it so hot and sometimes it is even hotter", said Isabel.(88p)


2. 게시물 숙제로 Esperanza Rising를 읽으며 기억하고 싶은 문장 최소 3문장, 단어 5개 골라서 댓글로 올려주세요. 

And you can support your large family that way? asked Hortensia.(76p)

I have my faith and the memories of those who have gone before me. What more is there?(76p)

Standing tall and proud, Mama never took her eyes from his face.(83p)

Why was it taking so long?(83p)

Mama said nothing but Esperanza could see worry in her eyes, too.(84p)

Were you really so very wealthy? Did you always get your way, and have all the dolls and fancy dresses you wanted?(87p)


*blot [blɑːt] 액체를 부드러운 종이나 천으로 빨아들여) 닦아내다, (잉크 등의) 얼룩, 오점, 오명

*stray [streɪ] (자기도 모르게) 제 위치[길]를 벗어나다, 길을 잃은, 빗나간

*stagnant [stæɡnənt] 흐르지 않는, 정체된, 불경기의, 침체된 (=static), (물·공기가) 고여 있는
*be stagnant 침체 상태에 있다

*stand tall (형용사) 자신만만해[당당해] 보이다

*chug  [tʃʌɡ] (엔진이) 통통[칙칙]하는 소리를 내다

*get one's way 바라던 것을 얻다, 마음대로 하다

*lush [lʌʃ] 무성한, 우거진 (=luxuriant), 멋진, 비싸 보이는

*jalopy [dʒə|lɑːpi] 낡은[구식] 자동차[비행기]

*cherub [ˈtʃerəb] 천사(보통 날개가 달린 통통한 남자 아이 모습), 천사 같은 아이



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