★한달에 영어원서 한 권 읽기 3월의 책
★매직북클럽 3월의 책 Linda Sue Park(린다 수 박)
A Long Walk to Water: Day 12(70-75 p)
1. A Long Walk to Water의 오디오북을 활용해주세요.
A Long Walk to Water Chapter 12
2. A Long Walk to Water 를 읽으며 알게된 영어표현이나 인상깊은 문장, 공유하고 싶은 내용 등 자유롭게 올려주세요.
An iron giraffe.
A red giraffe that made very loud noises.(70p)
-수도관은 아주 긴 파이프로 이루어져 있어 기린의 목 같다고 비유합니다. 수도관은 철로 만들어지기 때문에 "철 기린"이라고 부르기도 합니다.
*the drilling site 시추현장
*site 현장
*clangor [klǽŋər,klǽŋɡər] 뗑그렁뗑그렁, 뗑뗑, 짤랑짤랑 ((금속성의 연속음)), 뗑그렁뗑그렁 울리다
*mingle with 어우러지다
It was the sound of people working hard together.
But it did not sound at all like water.(71p)
Uncle's words came back to him:(71p)
*come back to somebody (기억이) 되살아나다, 떠올리게 되다
What mattered was that Salva was on his own now.
I am alone now.
I am all that is left of my family.(72p)
*on one's own 혼자, 혼자 힘으로(=independently)
*a ll that is left of ~에서 남은 것 중 모든 것
-살바가 가족 중에 혼자 남은 마지막 생존자임을 나타냄
How can I go on without them?
But how can I not go on? They would want me to survive... to grow up and make something of my life... to honor their memories.(72p)
*go on 살아가다, 계속하다
Uncle had helped him get through the desert that way, bit by bit, one step at a time. Perhaps... perhaps Salva could get through life at the camp in the same way.
I need only to get through the rest of this day, he told himself.
This day and no other.(72, 73p)
*one step at a time 한 걸음씩
*get through 어려운 상황을 버텨내다, 성공적으로 해내다
*get through life 인생을 버티다
*This day and no other 오늘 이 날만(현재 순간에만 집중하겠다는 의미)
폼나는 영어 구동사 get through, go through 완전 정복하기
폼나는 영어 구동사 get through, go through 완전 정복하기
오늘은 원어민은 매일 사용하지만 우리는 잘 사용하지 못하는 필수 구동사인 be through, get through, go through를 배워봅니다. 이 구동사들은 원어민들과 대화시 거의 매일 듣게 되는 구동사들인데요.
If someone had told Salva that he would live in the camp for six years, he would never have believed it. (73p)
Six years later: July 1991
The rumors skittered around the camp. Everyone was uneasy. As the days went by, the uneasiness grew into fear.(73p)
*skitter 빠르게 움직이며 재빠르게 지나가다, 잽싸게[경쾌하게] 달리다[나아가다]
*skitter around 주변을 빠르게 지나가며 퍼지다
*uneasy (마음이) 불안한, 우려되는 (=anxious), 어수선한, 뒤숭숭한, 불편한
*uneasiness 불안, 걱정, 불편함
*go by 지나가다
- uneasy란 단어 기억나시죠. 잠깐 복습해 봅니다.
A few of the people exchanged uneasy glances.(21p)
Nights became uneasy.(31p)
The orders were not just to leave the camp but to leave Ethiopia.
Salva was caught up in the surge. The rain, which was falling in torrents, added to the uproar.(74p)
*surge 강한 흐름, 물결, (강한 감정이) 치밀어 오름[온몸을 휩쌈]
*drive one's onward 앞으로[계속 이어서] 나아가다
*onward 앞으로[계속 이어서] 나아가는
As he dashed ahead, Salva heard snatches of talk.(74p)
*snatches of talk 대화의 일부분
* snatch 와락 붙잡다, 잡아채다, 잡아뺏다, 움켜쥐다
They are driving us back to Sudan, Salva thought. They will force us to cross the river...
It was the rainy season. Swollen by the rains, the Gilo's current would be merciless.
The Gilo was well known for something else, too. Crocodiles.(75p)
*drivie back 돌아가게 하다
*swollen 부풀어 오른
*current 물살
*merciless 무자비한
*something else 뭔가 다른 것
3. 게시물 숙제로 A Long Walk to Water 를 읽으며 배운 단어나 구문을 넣어 자신만의 문장을 하나씩 만들어 보세요.
The news of the celebrity's breakup skittered around the internet within minutes.( skitter around 주변을 빠르게 지나가며 퍼지다)